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  1. Hi, I was hoping someone would be able to help me with a dispute I'm currently having regarding deductions from our rental deposit. We vacated the property on the 2nd November (it is now the 17th November) and two days later on the 4th November, we were sent a Check Out Report and Security Deposit Acknowledgement detailing deductions that were to be made from the deposit. We were happy with these and were merely waiting for an issue with the electricity bill to be sorted (by the landlord may I add) before we could provide all our final bills and collect our deposits. However yesterday (16th November) we recieved an email from the letting agent to say that they would now be making further reductions to our rent of an extra £300 as the roof was now leaking and they had reason to believe that was due to damage made by us. Can they do this??? Surely they cannot bill us for damage that may well have been caused by the new tenants since they are only serving this notice 2 weeks after we vacated and also (the main point i think) after they had already provided the check out report with the full list of deductions? Any advice would be much appreciated!
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