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  1. Hi This is their error completely. This letter was a response to a request for breakdown of charges and it starts re: council tax - then it progresses to talk about paying the ticket. I also have the paperwork for it being a PCN but it is just this error on their behalf stating it is for council tax then progressing to talk about 'the ticket!!!' - Must have been a standard letter - they didn't alter???
  2. Hi I just need some advise on this situation. I have been seriously ill and unable to persue this matter with great haste but I will not have these con men walking off with my money!! Here is the story - I parked my car on a main road and purchased a ticket. The ticket machine firstly issued a free ticket then my paid for ticket. I put both on my dashboard and went to do my jobs. Can back to the car and had a parking ticket on the window!! The ticket clearly stated time of expiry at 11.48 and the 'observation time' 11.40 to 11.43. Therefore a valid ticket was purchased. So I wrote to the council and disputed it. Matter closed?? - I think not. The council failed to respond, so again I sent a letter asking for a response - no response again. Mistakenly I presumed as I had proved I had a ticket and they had a photocopy of my evidence that this matter had been resolved. Role on 6 months later. I woke up to find (6am) baliffs had clamped my car on my own drive - with no pre-warning and demanded £316.25. I phoned them and told them that I had a ticket and am sure I could sort this out with the council at 9am when they opened. I was told my car would be removed by then!! I did not have the money as I had been off work seriously ill - so I had to beg my mum to pay it as I have three young children and because of my health relied on my car to get them to school. I have written 5 letters to the council demanding they pay my money back with evidence - all ignored. I have also written to the baliffs for a breakdown of charge saying I will take further action if they are fraudulent - which are allegedly: Debt: £80.00 (although the original documanetation says £50 ticket initial letter fee: £11.20 Levy fee: £28.00 attendance fee: £160.00 VAT: £37.05 Total: £316.25 I phone the police for advice because I was really scared and they said let them take the car and claim it back or pay it - thanks for the help!! Where should I go next to get the money back - I still have my ticket and any other documentation given. Oh and to top it all their letter stated re: council tax !!! idiots surely they must know what they are collecting for. Could you advise me what to do next. I want to complain about the council, about the baliffs and most of all I want my money back!!! Thanks
  3. Just a quick update. Letter sent to court (with their copy that they would not pay), so phoned up to check progress. Told that it was up with the DJ & to phone back in a couple of days - which I did! Only to be told they had my letter - but did not have the photocopy of their letter stating dispute and refusal to pay. I am a little confused as these were stapled together?? The DJ had therefore sent the letter back down saying that he had already made an order on this. I spoke to a very helpful lady and when I explained she asked me to photocopy the letter again and bring it down - which I did and hand delivered it to the CC and directly to this lady. It has again gone back up to the DJ and I am still awaiting a response. Nothing is easy is it???
  4. Hi, thanks for that. I suppose the anger of this ever been started is the driving force!!! However, when speaking to the court they told me if they failed to agree payment write back to them and they would refer it back to the DJ for action. I will now have to add more hours on to my costs however because of further letter writing etc. I kept my costs realistic, at £9.25 per hour and detailed each stage - so I hope this is right. They seem to feel by their correspondance that just because I was not at the stage of allowing a solicitor to act that I can not claim these costs - well we will see what the DJ says and keep you updated!! if I don't hear from my letter how would I apply for a costs hearing? They are literally round the corner from the court so travel is not an issue - but knowing their history so far I do not think they would turn up anyway. But this would mean time out of my day, paying for someone to look after the kids etc, travel for me! They just seem to think they are above the law and can do what the hell they feel like!!!
  5. Hi all I submitted a detailed assessment to the claimant, taking into account litigants in person costs etc and have structured it as per suggested in other threads on the site. I asked the claimant to respond within 7 days. Today (day 7) i received the following letter. We are now in receipt of your schedule of costs relating to the above. Please be informed we dispute the entire amount you are claiming on the grounds that it includes no chargeable costs (court fees, experts' fees and soliciotrs costs). We are therefore referring the matter to the court Your sincerely xxxxxxxx So are they suggesting I can not claim litigants in person charges - so can I not represent myself??? Also, the other charges related to the following: litigant in person costs - itemised at each stage of the process - £9.25 per hour - detailed by activity an estimated realistic time taken Postage by recorded delivery costs Photocopying costs Stationary and ink costs Phone calls (including legal advice) costs Any help much appreciated NJ
  6. Hi, I have no recollection of a liabilty order I believe it may have been in 2009 when I was seriously ill with mental health issues. I have attempted to contact the council and offer reasonable payment (which is affordable of £50 per month) and they would not accept it they wanted £250 per month - which I just can not afford. They have been absolutely awful! Both my hubby and myself have disabilities and I have a serious medical condition which I had to have part of my bowel removed recently. I sent proof the the council and they have just ignored this I also sent proof of my husbands condition. Are we classed as vulnerable??? I have really tried to pay but they won't let me set up a standing order nor will accept payments I can afford. I feel so scared that they will come round tomorrow when I am at a hospital check up and my young son comes home from school! Please advise!!
  7. Had a note through my door saying I had 24 hours to pay £700 council tax debt - total to pay £1395!!!!! OMG what do I do. I can't afford to pay - but how can they add this debt and how do I stop them calling again. I am classed as a vulnerable person and this is making me really ill and I am in a major panic!!
  8. I will send a copy of the bill I sent to the court - then see the outcome. I would like to know what the difference between dismissed and struck out is though??? How long do you think I should give them to pay? What is a realistic time? Thanks
  9. Just received the order and it reads: 'Before District Judge XXX sitting at XXX county Court xxxxx(address) Upon reading a letter from the 1st defendant and 2nd defendant IT IS ORDERED THAT Upon the Claimant's claim having been dismissed for failure by the claimant to comply with direction of the Court the Claimant shall pay the Defendant's costs incurred in defending this action to be the subject of a detailed assessment if not agreed. Dated 26th October 2010 What do you think??? Dismissed- they told me struck out??? Does it sound a little wishy washy??? Any advice on this and what to do next appreciated Thanks
  10. Hi, the conversation went something like this... 'oh yes I will just check... I can see the DJ has made an order it just has not been typed up yet... but it says that the claimant must pay the defendant costs which must be negotiated by both parties. The order will be in the post in the next couple of days. But make sure you do your research on what to do next.' (court secretary????) So as soon as the order comes through I will put it up and hope someone can advise me Thanks again
  11. Hi, Gave them a quick pestering call today to be told the DJ has made and order! Drum roll........ he (or indeed she) has decided that the claimant has to pay the defendant full costs to be negotiated between parties!! What does this mean? Could anyone suggest the format of a letter to send to the claimant? The nice lady in the court told me to write to the claimant with my costs and to come back to the court if this is not done (cop out???) I have my costs worked out but am unsure what to put in a letter - give me my money just doesn't seem right does it!! Thanks in advance for your advice NJ4
  12. Well not heard anything for ages - then a very rude lady phones me and says why am I not answering their correspondance!! And threatens that in a court of law the judge will see me as not complying and many other threats. They said that my account does not come under the statute barred rules and they require full payment! They do not listen to anything I say in my letters! There a date inserted next to my name which was clearly not my writing - I also question the validity of my signature (signed 1995/1996/1997) The photocopies of the contract were not readable and almost black The account they claim I hold has no detail for the period from 1997 - 2005 (they are claiming I deferred payment - which I know I did not) and they show no evidence of this I made payment to BCW in 2008 because I was so scared of the letter context, had 3 young children I really don't know what to do next - should I write to them again? - I cant stand the way they speak to you on the phone and they seemed to indicate that court proceedings are imminent to I want to ensure I have done all I can to defend myself. They also seem to ignore my letters NJ484
  13. Just a quick update. I sent me letter and costs and phoned the court last week to be told they had not received it!! Why is nothing simple??? I then sent a copy and phoned them today. They are currently waiting for information from the DJ and said I should hear early next week! I will keep you updated
  14. Ok, I have sent my letter and costs off today. How long do you think before I will hear anything? And as it is struck out could the other side restart this action because they have been asked for money? Are costs usually awarded? Waiting with bated breath!
  15. Thanks that's great I will make a start!
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