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Everything posted by irishboy

  1. Hi I am currently in a trust deed which finishes in February 2015. I have separated from my partner and moved out of the house which she will be keeping. I am getting no payment for this. She is trying to get the mortgage transferred into her name only but has been advised that this is not possible because of my trust deed. Can anyone offer advice.
  2. UnclebulgariaThanks for your reply. I'll certainly contact the Daily Mail.The underwriters are the same for both policies.
  3. HiThe other party were certainly aware of his conditions. They visited him in hospital in February.He was admitted for a day to be cardioverted. (an application of electric shocks in order to resolve fast atrial fibrillation)I think my plan is going to be to write to the ombudsman, although i agree I dont not think they will find in her favour.I am also thinking of writing to Virgins Chief Executive and asking for their comments as I have been in contact with the BBC's Watchdog program who are interested in highlighting the case.Just how many of the general public are aware that they need to disclose medical information of other people travelling with them even if they have their own insurance!!Maybe to avoid adverse publicity they will reconsider. It might be worth the £150 to them.Dont think i'll hold my breath though.
  4. Hi All My mum is 61 years old. She is a widow and stays by herself in a housing association property which she pays rent for. 2 years ago she had to stop work as she had developed a medical problem that stopped her from doing her job. She applied for benefit but because she had savings, she was'nt entitled to anything. She reapplied in May this year and as her savings were by then down to £10000 she was awarded £31 per week and had her rent paid. She recently had a review of her circumstances and as a result she had to send copies of her bank statements and a means test form. She received a letter today stating that from May 2013 she was not entitled to any benefits due to an additional income of £500 per month as shown on her bank statements. However this is actually money that is transferred from her savings account to her current account every month that she uses for living. This was confirmed by the expenditure form she had to complete. She telephoned them to explain this and also confirmed that her savings were now at £8000. She was told that she was only allowed to withdraw £33 per week as the government said she needed £74 per week to live on. It was also suggested that she was withdrawing her savings in order to get more benefit as the less you have saved the more benefit you get. This is absolutely absurd. She is due to get her state pension on the 6th November. She is sick with worry that she will next receive a letter telling her that she has to repay everything she has had since May. Can anyone offer some advice. Many Thanks Neil
  5. Hi All Just an update I would welcome your opinions/advice on. There were 4 people going on this trip, (my mum, her partner, his brother and wife) My mum was insured with Virgin, her partner with Staysure (i think) and his brother and wife with Insure & Go. The claim for all four was handled as "one" by the travel claims direct. Everyone has been paid out apart from my mother. Virgin rejected her claim on the grounds that her partner had a medical history. I have written to Virgin and asked them to reconsider stating that everyone else in the claim had been paid. They responded stating that the other people had different insurers stating that their policy wording would have been different so this does not set a precedent. I looked at both the policy documents for Virgin and Insure & Go and they have identical wording. I replied to virgin enclosing the two policy documents and again asked them to reconsider also stating that although her partner had a medical history, that he died from a sudden cardiac arrest, the cause of which was not determined. I received a letter from them again rejecting her claim on the grounds of his medical history. There was no mention of the policy documents I sent in. This was a finanl response and should I wish to complain further I was directed to the financial ombudsman. I have since found out that Virgin travel insurance and Insure & go are the same company. To me (and i know im biased) this is not fair. How can the other parties be paid on the same claim from essentially the same company. Any suggestions? Many Thanks Neil
  6. Hi Everyone. Thanks for your advice. My mum made a claim on her policy for her part of the trip. However her claim was denied quoting general exclusion 1 - a. The claim relates to a medical condition or an illness related to a medical condition which you or any person who your trip depends on (this would include a relative or a close business associate) knew about before you bought this insurance. You must make sure you tell us about any change in the state of health of yourself, anyone travelling with you, a relative or close business associate occurring after you have bought this policy but before you travel. Please refer to the Health conditions section on page 2 of this policy wording for further details. I admit she probably didnt read all the T&C's but she thought that this only related to her as her partner had his own policy. I've had a look at the virgin website and at the T&C's. There is a section with regards to cancellation of the holiday that states she can make a claim in the case of - 2. The death, serious illness or injury of a relative, close business associate, a person who you have booked to travel with or a relative or friend living abroad who you had planned to stay with. The incident giving rise to the claim must have been unexpected and not something you were aware of when you took out this insurance. Please see General exclusion number 1d and 1e for further details Exclusions 1d & 1e state - d. You, a relative, business associate, a person who you have booked to travel with or a relative or friend living abroad who you had planned to stay with, are receiving or waiting for hospital investigation or treatment for any undiagnosed condition or set of symptoms at the time of purchasing this insurance and/or at the time of commencing travel. e. You, a relative, business associate, a person who you have booked to travel with or a relative or friend living abroad who you had planned to stay with, have been given a terminal prognosis at the time of purchasing this insurance and/or before commencing travel. Admittedly her partner did have medical problems. He was diabetic, suffered with angina and had a heart bypass 12 years ago. He had two previous heart attacks hence the reason for the bypass but had none in the last 12 years. He was not teminally ill and he died suddenly. It was certailnly not expected as they were waiting for the taxi to take them to the airport. He was not undergoing any hospital treatment at the time. What doe she do now? I cant believe that if you take out insurance for yourself you have to provide details of the party you are travelling with. PLEASE HELP. Many Thanks Neil
  7. Hi AllThanks for your replies so far.This is where it gets a wee bit complicated.They were living together for the last year or so however he was still technically married (separated but not divorced).He did leave a will stating that all his estate went to his wife. His brother is the executor.He contacted my mum saying that in order for his insurance compnay to pay out they require a grant of probate.His estate was worth over £10000 so this would cost £250 if she wanted to claim.I just wondered, since she paid for the holiday that she would be able to claim it back either through her insurance or her credit card.Neil
  8. Hi I wonder if anyone can help with this. Ill try and keep it to the point. My mum and her partner were due to go on holiday. Whilst waiting for a taxi to take them to the airport he collapsed and died. They both had different insurance companies. My mum had paid the holiday in full using her credit card. The holiday wasnt that expensive (approx £450 in total) She is under the impression that she needs to submit a claim to each of the insurers to cover her half and his half. His insurance company have stated that they need a grant of probate before they will consider paying out. This will cost £250. (not worth it to get £225 minus the excess) Can my mum claim for the full amount through her travel insurance company as she paid for the holiday herself? Many Thanks
  9. Hi All Currently at my work there are 16 people who work 12 hour shifts and 4 people who work 8 hour shifts. We work 24/7 and receive an unsocial hour allowance when working between 20:00 and 08:00. The people that work 12 hour shifts do nightshifts (20:00 - 08:00) and the people that do the 8 hour shifts work from (18:00 - 02:00). Currently this means that the people that work the 12 hour shifts get around £300 per month more and have an extra 90 rest days per year than the people that do the 8 hour shifts. This is the way it has been for years, however now the organisation is having a national shift review and reducing our working week to 37.5 hours. This means that the staff have been asked to provide a new shift pattern to incorporate this. The shift pattern that has been proposed involves the 16 people that are working 12 hour shifts getting an extra rest day and increasing their unsocial hours (in effect giving them an extra £50 per month). The people that are working the 8 hour shifts have had their unsocial hours cut (in effect reducing their monthly wage by £150) The implementation of a shift pattern will be done by a majority vote. None of the people that do the 8 hour shifts want to work the new shift pattern but we have been told that as long as 11 people overall vote for it, it will go ahead. Is it right that the people that will never work the 8 hour shifts get a vote on implementing them? Do the people that currently work the 8 hour shifts have a right to do the same as their colleagues and work 12 hour shifts? We all do the same job and will all work 37.5 hours a week. Surely its not right that the person standing next to me (hypothetically) gets £400 per month more and an extra 90 days off a year? Any advice would be appreciated.
  10. Hi AllI submitted a PPI claim for my mortgage to the Leeds & Holbeck however they responded today saying they were'nt liable as I apparantly used a broker. This broker is now no longer around. Is there anything I can do Thanks
  11. Thanks for the reply. Is it the car dealer or the finance company that I should complain to?
  12. Hi AllI bought a car in 1999. Unfortunately it was repossessed a couple of years later. The company (some years later) then got an inhibition notice served against me which prevented me from selling my house until they were paid the outstanding balance.I sold my house and they recieved the money owed in 2010.I was wondering if it would be possible for me to claim a refund on the PPI insurance that was taken when I got the car. At that time I was self employed but was told that if I didnt take the insurance, I wouldnt get the finance.I know its a while ago, but if I am able to get a copy of the finance agreement is a claim likely to be successful or is it time barred.Thanks for reading.
  13. Surely she shouldnt be liable for any shortfall as she went from one benfit to another.
  14. Hi There Wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction .My mum has recently applied for ESA but has been told that she cant get it as she hasnt paid enough NI contributions. They sent her a statement which showed that she has a shortfall of £88 which ocurred between the 5th April 08 and 02 June 08. Up until then she was receiving carers allowance after looking after my father. When he died she received bereavement allowance. The last payment of that was on the 19th May 2008. (which covered to 26th May) She then was awarded incapacity benefit on the 02 June 08 and was on this for approx 3 months. After that she was on Job seekers allowance until she started work in February 2009. Does this seem correct? How did she qualify for Incapacity benefit in June 08 but yet doesnt qualify for ESA now when there has been no further shortfall of Ni contributions? If she repaid the shortfall of £88 will she then be eligible for benefits? Many Thanks
  15. Hi All Just got a copy of my credit score from Equifax and experian. My Equifax score is regarded as "Excellent" (although it is the bottom part of the excellent bracket), however my Experian score is poor at 716. The experian score states that the following has a positive effect- Factors that are having a positive effect on your score You make all your repayments on time and in full - no accounts have been paid late in the past six months You are on the electoral roll (registered to vote) at your current address You have made two or fewer applications for credit in the last six months You don't have any county court judgments and you have not been declared bankrupt in the last six years The following has a negative effect - Factors that are having a negative effect on your score You have several credit agreements (excluding mortgages), and the outstanding balance is high However if you look at my experian score from previously. It was higher at 839 which put me in the good category although I had a CCJ at that time. Positive effcets - Factors that are having a positive effect on your score You make all your repayments on time and in full - no accounts have been paid late in the past six months You are on the electoral roll (registered to vote) at your current address You have made two or fewer applications for credit in the last six months Negative effects FNegatssactors that are having a negative effect on your score You have county court judgments or have been made bankrupt in the last six years You have several credit agreements (excluding mortgages), and the outstanding balance is high My Equifax report states - You have a score of 511. Your score is highly predictive that you would be a strong candidate for credit. You are well above the average for UK borrowers. Most credit grantors would consider this score excellent. While many factors other than your score influence the decision to grant credit, you will probably not be turned down for loans based on your score alone. Many credit grantors may also offer you preferential terms such as higher credit limits or lower rates. There is no difference as to what information is held by both companies. Can anyone explain this and which would be the most accurate. Sorry its so long winded. Many Thanks
  16. Hi All Apologies if this is in the wrong place. A relative of mine has just had to give up the lease on her business as she was going under. In all likelyhood she is going to be made bankrupt as she owes the inland revenue and other agencies a substantial amount of money. My question is - Is there any way that she can keep her house as she has a young child. This is her only asset. The house is in her name only. Any advice would be appreciated.
  17. I have sent an email to equifax asking them to look into the account and explain the entries. Is there anything else I can do in the meantime?
  18. Hi Palomino. Yes. I am in scotland. I have just requested a search via the land registry to confirm if there is an order in place. This will take a few days before I get the answer. I received a Schedule of Inhibition notice in Feb this year from Sheriff Officers stating that I am not allowed to sell or dispose of my property to the prejudice of Proton Finance. Attatched is a copy of the application stating that a decree was granted on 29/08/2002. This is the first time I was aware of a decree.
  19. Hi Palomino. Yes. I am in scotland. I have just requested a search via the land registry to confirm if there is an order in place. This will take a few days before I get the answer. I received a Schedule of Inhibition notice in Feb this year from Sheriff Officers stating that I am not allowed to sell or dispose of my property to the prejudice of Proton Finance. Attatched is a copy of the application stating that a decree was granted on 29/08/2002. This is the first time I was aware of a decree.
  20. I will check with the land registry but think there probably is an inhibition order registered as sheriff officers presented me with a copy in January this year. I might be wrong but what I was thinking was - although the CCJ is now no longer recorded, if the original agreement was unenforcable then I could try and get the CCJ set aside and subsequently the inhibition notice. I didnt defend the CCJ because I had moved address and the CCJ must have been served at my old address as I knew nothing about it. To be honest, I couldnt have defended it anyway as I was not in a position to clear the debt. Any thoughts?
  21. I bought a car on finance in 1997 but couldnt maintain the payments and the car was repossessed in 1998. The company concerned ended up getting a decree (CCJ) in 2002 ( although I wasnt aware that it had gone to court until this year )and there is currently an inhibition order attached to my property. The thing is, I am in the process of selling my house which is due to complete at the start of Feb. As far as I am aware they are supposed to get their £6K out of the proceeds but my solicitor has already done the land registry checks and hasnt mentioned that i will need to pay this debt. I have read some of the comments regarding unenforcable agreements. Do you think that I should request some paperwork to see if this is enforcable or does it not matter because a decree (CCJ) has already been awarded. Many Thanks
  22. Hi Got a letter today from a company called Nolans Solicitors (inc Nolan Macleod). It says - Our Clients - Hillesden Securities Ltd We confirm as agents for our cliens that we are prepared to consider accepting payment by instalments of the above account provided that we have full details of your means as undernoted. If we do not receive a reply within 4 days we will proceed further against you. Attached is an income/expenditure form and a standing order mandate. However nowhere does it mention what the debt is for or any amount owed. I have no knowledge of any debt in relation to this company. There is nothining on my credit files to suggest any account history and/or default. Any suggestions?
  23. Hi All Just received a letter today from a company called meritforce. They say that they have been instructed by Mackenzie Hall to collect a debt relating to the first credit card mentioned and that they will be calling at my house within 10 days. What do I do or tell them when/if they come? If I speak to them does that mean the debt can be reinstated if it is time barred?
  24. Many thanks for all your help. Any ideas who i contact and what i say to get this removed?
  25. No surprisingly? As far as I am aware there is no DCA involved. The debt it with a company called Proton finance which is a car finance company. I havent received any word from them or anyone else in years so Im presuming the debt is still with them. Some told me that they can add a default after a CCJ if not paid as it is the CCJ that is now being defaulted on????
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