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  1. Ive now had the RED HEADED Letter!!!! So scary!!! NOT... When will these morons learn? I am now ignoring them, i no longer have the time, want or need to reply to them!!! What should i expect next? A doorstep collector may call?
  2. Hi Melbel, im in same boat too.....Gone thru all the CCA requests, account on hold, we are managing your expectations, OFT, Failed to contact us and now Im on the PRE-LITIGATION letter!!!! OOH Sounds scary!!! I have given up even replying to these morons now!!!! Hope all goes well for all.
  3. Thanks for re-assurance, thought it was that!! I love the "You have failed to contact us letters" What they mean is you have contacted us but not what we wanna hear!!! I'm now ignoring these idol threats too....Wasted enough time on these timewasters already!!!!
  4. update well after a reply from ombudsman! Basically saying they can't rule on validity of CCA!! Only a court can!! Had a couple of letters from Apex since, STD you have not contacted us letters, now had a letter saying as I have not contacted them they are going to hand it to their PRE LITIGATION Dept!!! I'm guessing this is horse apples!!! Any one else had these with Apex and advice?
  5. Hi Mel, i have exactly the same letters....3 days apart too Makes you feel real special.....I have complained to The ombudsman about them, and sent them something similar to this http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/246638-egg-cca-enforcable.html#post2777891 with of course bits added and removed. As of yet had no reply, but keep an eye on this thread too http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/249132-egg-apex-ombudsman.html I am going thru the same process as you....I did not default with EGG after the agreed reduced payments, so unsure why Apex would be assigned debt? I am seeing this all the way to court if need be!!! Keep us updated 8-)
  6. WOW your CCA looks so similar to mine its uncanny!!! Except mine is 10 days earlier with different layout? (Guess EGG mustve changed their CCA's over those 10 days? Or did they just create them out of thin air?)
  7. Does your CCA look something similar to mine? I was surprised how quickly the Ombudsman replied and how seriously they are taking it!!! So far at least... Good luck with yours keep us posted too
  8. I dont know either? Why send the supposed un-enforcable cca and a typed out CCA that has no signature and means what? Any ideas/explanation?
  9. Mmmmm interesting, i suspect Egg are too judging by the numerous copies i've seen so far!!!
  10. No one else done/tried this route? Worth a letter i thought?
  11. Have you contacted the Financial ombudsman with your concerns? I have done this and they are very interested in hearing about it, i have enclosed numerous CCA's from here (minus details) including mine. I feel concerned that Egg or Apex can knock up so many variants of CCA's in same era's......I suggest maybe you try that or ignore them as i'm now doing...Awaiting the report/investigation.
  12. Amazing how many different CCA's Egg can produce?!!!! I would suggest not enforceable, but stand to be corrected....I'm currently in the complaint procedure with Ombudsman regarding these very CCA's!!!
  13. Well just a heads up as after my complaint to the Ombudsman they are about to investigate Apex and Possibly Eggs make believe CCA's... For those who are in similar situation may be worth adding fuel to the fire? Financial Ombudsman Service South Quay Plaza 183 Marsh Wall London E14 9SR I have found at least 4 different CCA's on here with varying design, Logo's and Form numbers?!!! With various tell tale cut n paste signs too? Anyone else been down this route, Got anywhere?
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