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  1. Agreed, and it is no great pains, the only reason it came to our attention was because of the type of forum this was - not one where we court custom, although I see your point also. Thank you.
  2. You do know that it is illegal to sell OEM software? Especially the software mentioned in this thread.
  3. We would still find it strange, because what our company provides has zero relevance to the core content of this forum. It is not common practise for professional traders to visit a consumer forum looking to research information on starting their own business. We deal with business owners, and not retail buyers. Having any discussion on this forum about references to trade, is similar to going to a green lizard forum, and asking about downhill skis - chalk and cheese, and zero relevance. Unless of course, the 'downhill ski' question, was posted in the 'general chat section' of the 'green lizard forum', and unless I am grossly mistaken, this thread is posted under 'general consumer issues', when it has nothing to do with consumers. The name of this thread "d-pbuk-has anyone had any bother with them", well, why would anybody on this forum have had bother, when we do not deal with consumers?! Going back to the green lizard forum, would somebody asking in the "vivarium's for sale section" ask the following: Has anybody here had bother with this particular make of downhill ski? Of course not - zero relevance - good comment or not, and I think you will find there are good comments in this thread, too. That was the point being made. Thank you.
  4. Nothing patronising about it, it is fact, and has been taken up with the administrators, who chose to ignore it when highlighted. What we offer as a company, is 100% unrelated to this forum, it is not a consumer entity, and carries different terms and clauses, to any consumer transaction; as well as different legal agreements. Yes, and the following is also from that forum: I could show you many more, just as you could find similar, although your quote from 4u4less, I think you failed to see this one: The Dropship Forum .co.uk :: View topic - Dpbuk Limited ( A Must Read) As you can see, we can all find anything we like comments-wise on the internet, and make it look good, or bad, and taking that into consideration, when you remember my point from earlier, about the miniscule amount of comments on the internet, compared to the amounts of customers the company has, considering it has been running over 5+ years, then we are more than satisfied with that, as are the vast majority of our trade customers - most of which would never be found on such a forum. This may be a fantastic forum, but the point being made, is that it is a consumer forum, and we as a company do not deal with consumers, so any reference should not even be on this forum. Best of luck.
  5. Hi, Yet again, it is very easy to post comments onto a forum without hearing both sides to a story. Just to point out though, that dpbuk are a TRADE only website, and not a consumer entity, as is this forum's title. This forum, is a consumer forum. Now, coughed up £110? When similar websites can be purchased on the internet for as much as £4000+, it is an astronomically small amount of money to pay for a website solution, including one year's hosting on our servers, including technical support, free dropship account, free domain name, 5 templates and much, much more. We think you would struggle to find similar value in this industry. Supplier poor range? We deal with some of the most exclusive brands available to the UK, and the UK manufacturer we use is one the largest, and most respected, and we have NEVER had a complaint about lingerie products. Basic Admin panel? You are joking, yes? Our software is one of the most advanced, and controlled on the market, with every application needed to run a website business - unless looking for excuses. You can see a version of our software here: xmlConfig Tried to call dpbuk, and was on hold for 30 minutes? Well, considering right at the top of your website, is a little flashing banner saying "need support" which also details that our phonelines do get extremely busy due to the popularity of our offerings, and to ask you to use our ticket system, how many tickets have you submitted, and what are the reference numbers, so we can investigate? Tickets are completed every single day without failed - all backed up, for reference, in case of disputes such as this. Gave up and called the credit card company? You mean you were trying to steal back the payment for what you have purchased. That is fine, it will be challenged. You have entered into a legal trade agreement with our company, and we would expect you to act and behave like a trader. Singularly unimpressed? So are we, because as a trader, you should know that this is a consumer forum, and you should also, as a trader of our website, who agreed to certain confidentiality clauses, know that your posting containing trade company information, is breaking the terms of the contract - the trade contract, you agreed to, so if that is the case, how can anything you say be believed here? I am sure you would not be happy if we, as a company broke our side of the confidentiality agreement, and started to brand your personal details and details of your account around? So please respect our side of such an agreement. You have a voice, yes, albeit on a consumer forum, when your concern is a trade concern, but dpbuk has literally thousands of customers in the UK, and if you do a basic search, you will find a few negatives, yes, but when compared to the many customers, it is a miniscule amount, and people are also more inclined to leave negative, than seek out such forums, to heap praise. Go and do searches for companies like Sky, British Gas, and the likes, you will find negative comments about ALL of them, but does that mean they are not a company to be used, absolutely not, because all circumstances are individual, and as with any other company, the majority of customers are satisfied, and only negative comments will be highlighted, as is human nature. If you wish to visit an industry forum, which IS a trade forum, to discuss dpbuk, then see here: The Dropship Forum .co.uk :: Forum index The above IS a trade forum, and not a consumer forum like this one. As these are technical products we are dealing with, yes, things do go wrong, as we are dealing with electricity at the end of the day. It happens to even the largest websites on the internet, although most do not seek out a public forum to air their anger, but contact the company, through advertised channels to find the solution. If the phone lines were busy, then we would have expected you to have submitted a ticket to the technical support team, as that is their job. We await confirmation, and tickets numbers, and we would remind you about the contract you entered into with our company before continuing to break any agreements you signed up to - trade agreements, and not consumer ones - such is the basis of this forum. We are always available to help our many customers, and look forward to investigating the tickets you will have known to send, in the event of the need for technical support. Thank you. Just to clarify, that we are a TRADE ONLY company, and this is a consumer forum. This has already been explained to the forum administrators, although they still choose to court traffic by accepting postings and threads from outside of their advertised arena.
  6. Hi Carl, The claims made to you were factual. You have also been apologised to for any inconvenience caused. If you then decide to push a situation, after receiving an apology, then that is your decision. As mentioned above, no company is perfect, or forums such as this would not even exist, but my earlier comment about people not being inclined to heap praise is true. People do not go out of their way to seek out such forums to heap praise, so any company on any forums, would never be given a true appraisal on that basis alone. We have taken over this company, and we do not pretend everything went smoothly. You were communicated to on the phone today, and an apology was made, which was genuine. The result of this situation will be used to improve our services to our customers, so we thank you for that. Best of luck.
  7. Thank you Sara, much appreciated to give a balanced view, because as is human nature, people only tend to seek such forums out when they are experiencing an issue, and not to heap praise. This looks like a good forum, and as mentioned, it is also good to see balanced views, and not just from customers who have intentionally looked for forums, when they had issues. All companies receive negative press from time, to time, as no company is perfect, but it is important to learn from such comments and improve the service where required. What we offer is a business solution, and is NOT a consumer entity, but business-to-business, which by it's very nature tends to mean that customers do not seek out forums for praise as standard, unless it is an industry-based forum. Best of luck
  8. Hi Carl, As discussed with you today, yes we did take the company over, and yes your details were mistakenly left on file, for which we apologise. When a company is taken over, there are usually grey areas, and infrastructures that need to change, and improve, and over the last 8 months since taking over we have done that. The reason for your initial longer response when we first took over, is that we were still dealing with the takover, etc. There was a database issue, that unfortunately meant your details were left on the file, but this is the inetrnet, and tehcnology and sometimes things do happen, again for which you were given an apology. We are sorry to hear that it did not work out for you with dpbuk, albeit the majority with the first company, and we wish you the best of luck in your future.
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