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  1. thanks for your post reallymadwoman - i've taken a good look around the forums and taken a snippit from here and there ready to mount my 2nd approach - i think i'll give it a couple of weeks of the dust of the oft case to settle first. In the mean time if you notice any sample/template worded letter on a business claim please let me know which posts they are in. many thanks, ;D
  2. Hi All, I had a loan to purchase some hardware from a major bank, the loan went swimmingly until last year when i struggled to pay on time for four monthly payments due to cash flow issues (basically clients taking 60-90 days to pay me rather than 30). This resulted in a total of 8 direct debits being returned at the cost of £35 per DD return. A total of nearly £300. I was under the impression that the HP was a personal loan so I applied under the Consumer Act to reclaim (if not all some) of the charges. Unfortunately I was wrong in this assumption and the HP agreement, although paid out of my personal account was an agreement "in connection to my business" and hense a commercial loan according to two lines of small print on the original contract. I need to respond to this and to do this could do with some advice on how best to restate my case. Although this loan is now paid in full - i'm aggrieved about the £300 in lost fees which i believe to be too high. Is there a sample template letter with the wordings for a commerical or business reclaim which i can use as an example in my responce? many thanks for any help
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