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  1. It is a landlords responsibility to provide you with services such as heating. If you have moved in and they have not provided you with a card, i would argue your point, go direct to your landlord rather than the agents, they may be unhappy to know that the agents misinformed you.
  2. Hopefully your deposit is registered...legally it should be. Contact the deposit scheme directly and ask for it to be passed onto an adjudicator. Provide them with all of the evidence you have, and let them deal with it. With regards to the garden, if a landlord expects you to maintain a garden, he has to provide you with the tools to do so. Again....never sign an inventory without inspecting the property....no matter how under pressure you feel. It is not right for an agent to ask you to do so.
  3. Hello, As an agent i can understand the Landladys issues with regards to the rent not being paid in/on time. However two wrongs dont make a right. There is a procedure to follow in order to remove you from the property. She first has to serve you a section 21 notice, with two months notice as required by law. This notice must be served on or prior to the contracts anniversary date. E.g. if the contract start date is the 2nd of the month, she has to serve the section 21 on or before the 2nd of the month in order for the notice to be valid. You have to have a minimum of two full months notice. Should your mother not vacate by this date, the landlady will then have to go to court in order to obtain a order of possesion. This will set a date that your mother must vacate the property. Should your mother not vacate by this date, the landlady will have to go back to court and the court will instruct baliffs to have your mother physically removed from the property. So best to try and avoid this last stage if you can as it will be stressful. As difficult as it may be, i would ignore any calls and respond to any text message by saying "please send me a correspondance in writing, i cannot reply to text messages." She can also not instruct a debt collector without going to court. The landlady also cannot chase you or your brother for payment, as you are not tenants, she can also not serve any notices or actions against you or your brother as you are not tenants at the property and have no obligation to it. I hope that helps.
  4. I am an agent myself and any fees should be made clear at the original application for the tenancy, we do charge an admin fee but tenants are pointed this out before they hand over any deposits including holding deposits. a note on the tenancy agreement halfway down the line is just no good and its agents like this that give the few honest ones a bad rep. We make these fees very clear from the outset and then if the tenant is unhappy it is completely there option whether or not they want to proceed. This way they will not loose any holding deposits if they choose not to proceed.
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