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Everything posted by GRRRATPARKER

  1. Yes, I'm annoyed with the lack of people putting their name down in the original thread as well. I really want to kickstart this marching idea and set it into motion right now! It is ridiculous that we live in a first world democratic country which values the basic human rights of its individuals yet we just ignore the suffering of normal innocent people. I really am shocked by it. We need to be vociferous about this sort of thing but instead we get quieter. It is amazing that some people (not on this forum, or at least I haven't seen them here) actually support the bank charges, are these people so divorced from society that they ignore the plight of others??? No doubt they've never suffered the charges but do they really lack the ability to empathise?? I really don't think we'll feel vindicated when the banks give us back our money as only a permanent change in their practices and ethics will solve the problem. But the problem we seem to be suffering from now is the lack of resolve in people and this lack of resolve seems to be what is hampering us in our marching plans. It is shocking that millions of people have suffered unjust bank charges yet only thousands of pepole speak up about it. What is even more shocking is that the people who actually want to march and solve the issue is not in the thousands or even in the hundreds but in the tens! [End of rant]
  2. I'm in as well. It's about time we the oppressed British public stand up for our rights for once. (Now, I can't afford train tickets as the bank charges have crippled me so if we could make the march somewhere in Dorset and not too far from my house as I can't afford a long trip, thanks in advance)
  3. I don't mean it as though I hate a nation. I only dislike the French when it comes to sporting events. I really do appreciate the values envisaged in the French revolution - and it is this continuation of the French revolutionary spirit which allows them to get things done – that the simple peasant can rise up and fight the aristocracy. Here in Britain we’ve fallen into our stereotype of inane moaning, queuing and little action. I can’t help but think that if any political party came out as being against these charges they would garner huge support from the oppressed masses.
  4. I don’t want to get all Marx and Engels here but somehow I expected the bourgeoisie to favour the banking industry. I suspect that had we not been in a recession or just coming out of one that this would have passed no issue. I know that compared to alot of people here my issues are trifling but damnit if I got these illegal and immoral overdraft charges back my situation would o so much more tenable .
  5. Seriously! Remember when French lorry drivers blockaded roads in the 90s over the high price of fuel. Remember how when the French government tried to introduce speed cameras the French people overnight just said “non!” and began destroyed them overnight. As much as I dislike the French, they know how to take action when things matter to them. We just sit back and watch – That is certainly what I’ve been doing.
  6. I’m currently 105 pounds overdrawn and am planning to have that overdraft paid off in the coming week. I understand that I should be writing a letter to Lloyds reclaiming all the overdraft fees which I’ve incurred (I would prefer suffered) over the past few years. I suffer from depression, so as a result I find being proactive very difficult, when I get into difficulties I tend to let them multiply rather than do anything about them. But recently I’ve been doing very well, so I want harness this new found initiative and sort out my overdraft problem, which is a major factor for my mood. I understand that some people choose to request the interest on their overdrafts returned, should I also be requesting the interest as well as I haven’t been a particularly good customer with them and regularly go into the red? Also, I will no doubt be receiving more overdraft charges at the end of this month, is it worth waiting for this amount to be charged to my account before I make the claim? And is it possible to ask for some sort of amnesty on these charges as currently they really get me down and I would find myself in a much more sustainable situation if I’m able to get some relief? Thanks for any advice, I really do appreciate it.
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