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  1. I dont know if i have posted this in the correct place but didnt know where else to put it. I gave my house up for voluntary repossession on 1st march 2010, i sent the keys back to them recorded delivery and they were signed for and recieved by them on 2nd March, But i did not give a forwarding address as i did not want them to try to make me sign any forms that made me liable for any shortfall, as i'm saving to go bankrupt so any shortfall will be added in to the bankrupty. Now i dont know whether they have took my surrender of the property or they will just wait for possession from the court. Does anyone have any idea what happens now? The company is Northern Rock. how can i find out what is happening or do i just wait until i am bankrupt then ask the OR some advice would be much appreciated
  2. what is happening on the 17th dec regarding cattles and what does it mean for welcome finance
  3. do you think this sounds wrong then postggj cause i dont really know what i am looking for in the bundle but did notice that didnt seem right
  4. i will get up the library tomorrow and do that will put it on then did you understand my aggreement what i posted up
  5. well i recieved a bundle of crap today from them but need to question a couple of things on the statement of price page it says 163.20 per month for credit cash, 1.78 for acceptance fee per month, total 164.99 per month, obviously meant to be 164.98 so that wrong and then it says rate of interest 0.65% but on aggreement it says rate of interest 8.2% pa or 8.09% monthly what does this mean also if i pay 1.78 per month for 300 months that equals to 534 without any interest another thing is on the statement of price sheet it says this quote is valid as at 10/03/2008 09.49.04 yet this was not signed by us until 14/10/08 am so confused
  6. they are very bad copies will some how try to get beter copies
  7. i managed to go into internet cafe but only got a few items scanned they were a bit thick in there will go library instead but what i have got i put on here welcome pictures by kerry710 - Photobucket
  8. i did check and everything was recieved on the 13th november the aggreement says fixed-sum aggreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 so this must be my cca request i will try to get to an internet cafe 2moro then post everything up and if you could then advise me on how to proceed and whether to make payment i will much appreciate that
  9. it was all recieved on 13th november but when they replied to say they had recieved my sra they never mentioned recieving my cca if they have sent me a copy of my aggreement in with the info they sent me for the subject access request does this mean they have complied with the cca sorry for being a pain but do i also have to do a cca for the aggreement before it was rewritten
  10. i sent them both off at the same time with 11 they acknowledged reciept of the subject access request and the 11 but never mentioned recieving my cca if they have sent me a copy of my aggreement in with the info they sent me does this mean they have complied with he cca next payment due the 21st dec
  11. once i have posted all copies of all the letters on here after going to the library can you advise me whether i should pay this month or not
  12. no it just says if you would like to stop recieving this notice you will need to clear the arrears, the default sums and he default interest as indicated. no date to pay this by it says i am in arrears of 284.90
  13. i have just been through my statements the one they sent me in october and the one they sent me with my subject access request and then my default notice which was recieved yesterday all show diffrenet figures none of them match up whats going on
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