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  1. Hi all, At present I'm out of work, and claiming JSA. I've been out of work for just over a year, during which time I went back to college and studied to become a Personal Trainer. Having gained my REPS 3 qualification, I have been putting the feelers out for a job in a gym, and struck lucky recently.... ...I've been offered a job in a local gym (plenty of facilities).....the start date will be 2 weeks Today The only thing that's 'niggling' me is that it's self-employed. The reason it's niggling me is because I've never been self-employed before, and so was looking for advice. The thing is, as the job will be paid on the consultations and sessions that you can get from clients, there will be no initial base for any income. The first 3 months at the gym will be rent free, allowing me to concentrate on building my client base, without any overheads (in the business). So, as I'm gonna be earning nothing at the beginning, I was wondering if any of you could help me/advise me as to whether I'd be entitled to any particular benefits. Thanks in advance, Dave
  2. Thanks everyone for the advice. Looks like I'll steer clear from the bank card thing, and start contacting the ones you have recommended. I didn't think it was gonna be this much of a pain in the ar$e, but it turns out it's because we're going to Greece, and with their financial difficulties it costs big money if somebody was needing treatment over there.
  3. We're having problems at the moment trying to get Holiday Insurance for my Dad, as he has prostate cancer (affecting his bones too). I was speaking to a Nurse this morning who asked me if he had a Platinum Card from a bank, as he should be able to either use it for insurance, or get insurance on it (I'm not too sure about that part to be honest). Anybody understand what the Nurse was referring too, or know a way around this ? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, We've recently had the digital switchover in Bristol, so a couple of days ago I done a re-tune to our HD ready telly, and all appeared ok. I got home tonight to find that I've lost ITV1, Channel 4, Channel 5, and ITV2 to list the ones I noticed. I scrolled down the list to see if they'd been placed elsewhere in the sequence, but nope....nothing! Has anybody else had this, and how did you correct it (if so) Thanks
  5. Hi, Thanks for that - the phone is in the same condition as when I received it.....I boxed it all back up last night, all neat and tidy, and put it back in the postal bag. Some off my friends have been saying to keep hold of it, and if they don't claim it within a month then it's mine....but my honest side just keeps saying 'ring them'. I think I should do the RIGHT thing. Thanks for your help
  6. Hi all, I bought a Sony W995 with an onestopphoneshop.co.uk, and basically it hadn't been delivered as promised (next day) due to the bad weather we've been having. Well, I rang Carphone Warehouse, as osps ^ are part of CW's umbrella organisation, and pleaded if they could chase DHL for me, as I simply cannot get through to them, and what with the roads being clear, I see no excuse for my phone not being delivered. The following day I had a W995 delivered - it was black (I ordered silver). To be honest, I was 50/50 about the colours anyway, so opened the box, put in the sim card and switched on......only to find out it was a different phone number (Orange had already billed me as I had placed the order back on the 6th Jan). So panicking a little, I went into town Yesterday and tried getting information as to what I need to do, as MY phone could by in someone elses hands being text'd away and costing ME a fortune. They confirmed the line was dead, so nothing to worry about there. However, they still passed the buck on who's responsibility it was to sort out my phone. Eventually I just drove back home ! This morning I had a knock on the door, and there's a man from DHL with my SILVER phone. So I now have two phones. What should I do next ?
  7. Oh, how I can sympathise with you. I've been waiting for a phone (mobile) from them since 6th Jan. Same ole story - undelivered, adverse weather. Just as you put, my street has been perfectly clear too, and if people living here can get in and out no problem (a short distance to a bus route too - in and out of town, making it easy to access), I don't understand why DHL can't I'm sure there's just somebody sitting there typing out "Undelivered : Adverse Weather" as a feeble excuse
  8. Hi Erika, Thanks again for your help. I rang my future employer, as you suggested, and they were able to help me fill in the boxes with the company information, as requested on the form. Phew....that was lucky, cuz if I hadn't have asked, and had your reply, I'd have sent the form back incomplete, as I couldn't understand why I had to fill out that particular section. Thanks again Erika - you're a star
  9. Thanks for the reply Erika. It does say that you can claim if you are to start work within 7 days. So, I was just trying to get a little 'ahead' off things by filling out the form, but not sending it off until next week.
  10. Okay, basically I'm starting back to work on the 30th November, and as per the advice of other's on here (thankyou very much) I rang the office and asked if I would be eligible for WTC's - to which they replied yes, and sent me the form. On Page 6 it's asking me about work details, and I'm confused/stuck on parts 4.6 to 5 : It's the part titled 'You - Employed'. It asks me 'How many paid jobs as an employee do you have'. Would I be right in saying that I have fill this in with a zero, as at present I am still unemployed ? I'm presuming I do as the following questions are relating to my Employer's name, PAYE tax reference, and payroll number etc., all off which I will not have as I'm unemployed until I start my new job. Am I right, or completely wrong ?
  11. Aha.....that's great. Thanks for your help Erika. I'm really not switched on with all this stuff, as you can probably tell
  12. Hello again, I thought I'd put two questions as one thread : 1. How do Working Tax Credits get paid ? Are they weekly, monthly, over a period of say 3 months, or just as a lump sum ? 2. Following on from my last thread, I've now been looking into 'Job Grant'. It says that it depends on your circumstances - in my case being single, I'd be entitled to £100, as I'll be going back into full-time work at the end of this month. The question is, do I pay this back ? The reason I ask is because it has the word 'grant', which I usually associate with something you have to give back. All input appreciated
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