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  1. I have a compliance officer coming out tomorrow so will ask who the BDC is and contact them. No having ever had to do anything like this before, and hopefully won't again, need to know what BDC stands for!!! Appreciate all the kinds comments and advice. Really is lifting my spirits. Thank you all.
  2. I've just written via email to my local MP, Michael Howard, briefly stating what is happening. Lets just hope this is the start of the end eh. Thanks to you all and will keep you posted on what happens. In the meantime, if there is anyone else who has or is going through same thing then please post a message. Be good to hear from you.
  3. Thank you to you all for responding. You've given me some good advice as to what I should do. I will contact my local MP and see where that gets me. The compliance officer is coming out tomorrow so will also tell her that I am going to lodge a complaint as feel that there should be some sort of note on my file so say that if this person calls again, then they will be reported for this if they continue. Definitely right in saying though that they obviously have too much time on their hands and need to get a life instead of poking around in mine. I've got a pretty good idea who it is but obviously as they are so gutless they never leave any detals when reporting. Coward.
  4. I am a single mum of two and am on the usual benefits including I/S, HB and CT. I am now on my sixth time of being reported to the benefit fraud people. The first time it happened i panicked like crazy as couldn't understand what was going on as I knew I wasn't doing any thing wrong. The report was that I was working and not declaring - albeit that the social request my part-time wage slips every 3 months, which I supply with no problem. I had a compliance officer come out who was very nice and just put it down to someone being jealous. Jealous I asked! Who would be jealous of a single mum on benefits. But she assured me that some people are and to not worry about it. That was fine until the second time it happened. This time it was regarding me claiming as a single person but having my partner live with me. Yet again I had the compliance officer come out. I had to prove that my partner did not live with me or contribute in any way to my home. The third time I was apparently bragging about the fact that I was receiving way too much I/S and my ex-hub was giving me £200/wk maint! The compliance officer again came out and we called my ex who confirmed what he paid me. I showed them evidence of this and a statement was taken from me. The next two times repeated earlier allegations but every time I had a compliance officer come out. I told them that these allegations were all of a malicious nature and she confirmed that this seemed to be the case and put a note of my file that any further allegations were to be ignored. Last week I received yet another letter stating that a compliance officer would be visiting me, again. I have been reported again for working and not declaring. I find this all very stressful as I know I am not doing anything wrong and not being deceitful in any way. I'm just not made that way. What gets me is that the spineless person who keeps doing this knows that they can. Surely there must be some way I can turn the tables on them and get them done for victimisation or something as this is getting ridiculous. All of these allegations are false and I have proven beyond all shadow of a doubt that this is the case, yet still I keep getting visits by the compliance officer regarding the lowlife reporting me for things I haven't even done. How can they get away with this? Please, if anyone has had something similar then would be grateful to hear from you and what action was taken.
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