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  1. Hey Just had a interesting conversation with someone at the police station, not actually a copper but front desk person. Who said that there would not be a warrent out for my arresst or any other of the rubbish they have said about being pulled over if seen and done for TWOC or handaling stolen goods. He also said the fact that i drove the car through an ANPR check today also confirmed this. With regards to impersanting a high court enforcement officer or saying there is a warrent out for my aresst etc apparantly that is not a criminal matter. But i said does ringing my nan over 15times threating them with the police if they dont say wher i live consitute harassment and apparantly it does SO WATCH OUT MOBILE MONEY MAYBE THE POLICE WILL BE KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR SOON
  2. Hey Just had a interesting conversation with someone at the police station, not actually a copper but front desk person. Who said that there would not be a warrent out for my arresst or any other of the rubbish they have said about being pulled over if seen and done for TWOC or handaling stolen goods. He also said the fact that i drove the car through an ANPR check today also confirmed this. With regards to impersanting a high court enforcement officer or saying there is a warrent out for my aresst etc apparantly that is not a criminal matter. But i said does ringing my nan over 15times threating them with the police if they dont say wher i live consitute harassment and apparantly it does SO WATCH OUT MOBILE MONEY MAYBE THE POLICE WILL BE KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR SOON Record your calls You should not deal with any organisation on the phone without recording the call. Call recorders can be very cheap and you can get them from Maplins. The best one is the Truecall. It is pricey but will record your calls, screen your calls, reject unwanted callers etc. Follow this link to read the review of the Truecall telephone recorder and call manager. This is the Rolls Royce of call recorders. It's a bit pricey but if you buy it with our special offer you will get it at cost: about 20% discount. How much do we make on the deal? - Nothing at all. You can also buy cheaper devices from Maplins. Truecall is the best - but the important thing is to record your calls.
  3. hey, new thread started goin to do as i said in pm now will speak to you soon, thankyou everyone for all of your help
  4. Hey Im new to this site and have posted a few problems ive been having with mobile money. Someone shown me how to start a new thread so here goes. In July 2009 i took a loan out with Mobile Money for £500. I frell out of work and also got kicked out of my flat. I emailed mobile money my situation and nobody replyed. I gave the car to my friend about a month ago by requesting a new log book. Then on wednesday night 9/12 approx 10.30pm 2 men turned up at my friends flat to reposses the car he claimed to be a high court enforcement officer, however did not show my friend any ID, he just said he was ringing the police. My friend rang me and after they had been sitting outside for about an hour i came and snuck into the car and drove it away and hid it,(following things i had read on hear, thankyou). I then rang this court enforcement officer(i had his number as he had rang me couple of days earlier) to ask for his name or registration number to which he would'nt give either. All he said was im in trouble with the police now as the car is basically stolen, after questioning him a little he was tripping himself up and hung up. Then at about midnight he rang me to say a warrent was out for my arrset. The next day i spoke to someone in the Redditch office of Mobile Money and also the area manager for wolverhampton, who finally gave me the name of the court enforcement officer. The area manager said is was true the car is classed as stolen and anyone seen driving it will be done for TWOC, and anyone hiding the car eg in a garage would be done for handaling stolen goods. I sought legal advice on this and was told it isnt true. And today i drove the car through an ANPR police checkpoint and i did'nt get pulled over. I have also been on the phone to the High Court in London who have searched for a registerd BOS and they have told me it is not registerd they have told me this twice as i rang twice today. This company have also harrassed my Nan they rang her over 15times in 24hours and turned up at her house saying if she didnt tell them where i was they would send the police to her, she is in her 60's. The car is well hidden and i dont think they will find it, i believe the next step is to take out an injunction but the car is'nt in my name yet im changing it back (logbook sent today) so i will be able to do this. I had another phone call off the Court enforcement officer today telling me he has read my posts on here and i should be careful he does'nt do me for slander, hahahaha. I quizzed him as i could'nt find him registered anywhere on the certified baliffs list or the high court enforcement officer list to which he replyed he never said he was a court enforcement officer, just an enforcement officer, which is a lie. Just to let you know Mr [edit], i have reported you to the high court for prenteding to be a court offical. Any more advice as to how i can get these people into anymore trouble, or anyfin else i should be doing? Would be appricated
  5. Thanku im jus gunna start a new thread now as someone has been kind enuff to say how its done
  6. hey hope ur ok just had Paul Bishop on the phone telling me that he has read these forums and i should be careful that he does'nt do me for slander. I said surely if there was anything on the site that could have legal implications then the site team would remove it to which he did'nt say much. I said about the BOS not being registered and he said he believes that it is and that he is speaking to the high court on Monday. I told him i had reported him to the high court for pretending to be a high court enforcment officer and apparantly now all that he is is an 'enforcement officer' no mention of court. So Mr Bishop, sorry to have wasted 3 hours of your time on Wednesday night, would have loved to have seen your face to b fair. Hahaha
  7. thankyou for your help, i just rang the court again and they confirm there is no bos registered with them relateing me or the date mobile money said it was registered
  8. Hey hope your ok ive been on the phone to the court today to check the BOS registered correctly and the man searched via the date on bos my surname post code and street name he said 4 came up then but none relating to me he finally checked the ref number mobile money gave me and nothing was showing for anything so any advice to where u go now. The car is in hiding as im going to put it back in my name so i can take the injunction out as i dont work but my friend does is this round 2 to me?
  9. Hey Please could someone advise me as what i should do next, its not logbook loans im having problems with but mobile money. i took a loan out with them in july then lost my job and flat and gave the car to my friend. Yesterday 2 men claiming to be court enforcement officers turned up at my friends house to recover the car my friend went and spoke to them and he did not show any id or give my friend any paperwork. My friend rang me and i come and got in the car and drove away by driving over a grass verge as they had blocked it in with their van. This was at nearly 11pm last night. i have hidden the car now, i spoke to the 'court enforcement officer' after hiding the car late last night (wed) he said i was in trouble with the police now and a warrent will be issued for my arresst. Afetr questioning him a little he was tripping himself up and then hung up, he wouldnt even give me his name he then rang at midnght to say he had spoken to the police and they are looking for me. I have spoken to mobile money today and they confirmed the police will be looking for the car and anyone driving it will be aressted for TWOC and if its found for example in my moms garage they would be aressted. Mobile money have also been to my nans house looking for me and also said if my nan didnt tell them where i was the police would turn up there. After harassing my nan and grandad with over 15 phone calls in 24 hours my nan said she was recording all calls and they havent contacted her since. As far as i can tell from the threads on here the BOS is unenforceable however they gave ma a number 0021091 and said it registerd in the high court in england and wales. Please could someone advise me as what to do next i believ taking an injunction out on the car is the way forward however is this free and which court do i need to go to. Any advice please please please
  10. Hey Please could someone advise me as what i should do next, its not logbook loans im having problems with but mobile money. i took a loan out with them in july then lost my job and flat and gave the car to my friend. Yesterday 2 men claiming to be court enforcement officers turned up at my friends house to recover the car my friend went and spoke to them and he did not show any id or give my friend any paperwork. My friend rang me and i come and got in the car and drove away by driving over a grass verge as they had blocked it in with their van. This was at nearly 11pm last night. i have hidden the car now, i spoke to the 'court enforcement officer' after hiding the car late last night (wed) he said i was in trouble with the police now and a warrent will be issued for my arresst. Afetr questioning him a little he was tripping himself up and then hung up, he wouldnt even give me his name he then rang at midnght to say he had spoken to the police and they are looking for me. I have spoken to mobile money today and they confirmed the police will be looking for the car and anyone driving it will be aressted for TWOC and if its found for example in my moms garage they would be aressted. Mobile money have also been to my nans house looking for me and also said if my nan didnt tell them where i was the police would turn up there. After harassing my nan and grandad with over 15 phone calls in 24 hours my nan said she was recording all calls and they havent contacted her since. As far as i can tell from the threads on here the BOS is unenforceable however they gave ma a number 0021091 and said it registerd in the high court in england and wales. Please could someone advise me as what to do next i believ taking an injunction out on the car is the way forward however is this free and which court do i need to go to. Any advice please please please
  11. hey my car is still where i hid it yesterday after reading many posts on here i believe the Bill of Sale is unenforable, how do i go about checking this any advice please
  12. i made a complaint to the financial obusman and they have said they will send a complaint to mobile money and they will write to me with thier final reply, i explained that thay had been outside my flat till nearly midnight and they thretend my nan with the police i have also been intouch with a legal advice line and he has said it is not true that the police will arrest me if im seen driving th car
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