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Everything posted by agam

  1. My husband had an egg card which was terminated and as far as he was concerned at that time it had become a loan as there was no further credit facility. Yet this loan was being charged at credit card interest. He phoned egg to complain about this and was told he would have to apply for an egg loan if he wanted one. He explained that he probably would not be granted an egg loan due to his poor credit history, but that this seemed to be what they had done, if you consider that there is an outstanding balance and a monthly payment yet no longer a credit facility.
  2. The original loan was for about £17,000 and the charges are about £400
  3. I need to get a few things straight first. The loan agreement stated that payments of £374.67 monthly were to be made with a final payment of £474.67. This then made the total of the loan. I have made all these payments now and all that is left is charges. There is a small comment about charges of £22.50 for late payments but no comment about when these were to be paid as obviously these were not part of the original agreement. I don't want to give them the money for the charges and then claim it back. Where do I stand on refusing to pay these charges, do I still make a claim at court? What about contacting the ombadsman? would this be of any use to me? And do I need to send them a letter stating that I am disputing the charges? At present all they do is phone which is really annoying so I am definately going to send a letter about that.
  4. We started trading as a partnership in Aug 2005, my husband opened the business account with barclays so it is in his name but with myself being a person who can discuss things etc. Everything ran along fine until 2007 when we ran into difficulties with more money going out than coming in so we incurred alot of 'unpaids nout' of £35 a time, some days this was running t0 3 lots of charges. Therefore in order for the account to be able to pay a direct debit I also had to come up with this money. Eventually the account was £2000 over our agreed £3000. I went to talk to our business manager on numerous occasions with a view to sorting this out. All they were interested in me doing was remortgaging so that I could pay them in full. We also had a £13,000 business loan which was being paid monthly. Remortgaging at that time was going to cost us around £10,000 and as I was constantly down to my last £20 I did not see this as a reasonable option. The account was closed and it and the loan were passed to the recovery team, which appears to be a good thing. I no longer have huge bank charges and as far as I know I am no longer paying interest. Whilst in discussion with the bank manager in 2007/08 I did detail all the charges to show the bank that it was because of these charges that I had run into difficulty as they amounted to around £2500 We are still trading and things are a little easier now. As I am a cash business I use my current account and no one seems to be any the wiser.
  5. I started reading this thread at about 9pm it is now 1.30am and am I right in saying that it has become difficult to claim business bank charges. I sent barclays the 1st letter suggested on 'this is money' website I received the letter saying we have done nothing wrong go away. So I sent the second letter, this appears to have been ignored. I am now at the point where I am supposed to be filing a claim. Should I continue with this? Also if I lose in court is it going to cost me money?
  6. I am in a similar situation with BPF. My husband took finance for a car with them in 2005. We fell into some difficulties in 2007 this resulted in eratic payments which caused us to be constantly just under 1 month behind but payments were regular. The loan was due to end 23rd sept 2009 but obviously due to this delay of payments the last one was made 23rd oct. We owe £22.50 for every month we made a late payment which has now added up to around £400. The terms of the loan were based on monthly payment of £374.67 per month with a final payment of 474,67. We have made all of these payment, be it slightly late. I have sent them a letter detailing all the payments we have made and suggesting to them that the loan is now paid in full and that the charges of £22.50 do not reflect the true cost that was incurred etc etc. I have been reading this thread now and am a little scared that I will have to do all this stuff to avoid paying them. They did send me a' sorry you have made a complaint 'letter which also stated I should keep up with my payments whilst they looked into it. I am a little confused as as far as the contract goes I have made all the payments set out by it. Whilst it did refer to the charge for late payments there is nothing detailing when this amount should be paid or by what date. The letters only stated that this £22.50 was being added to the account. Their letter also claimed that the consumer issues I brought up were only relevant to credit cards and as this is a personal loan they do not apply. I have just sent a letter back disputing this fact. They are constantly phoning to speak with my husband and sometimes deliberately trying to mislead myself when I answer the phone by not identifying themselves as BPF. Using tactis such as 'oh can you get him to call Craig back'. I complained also about their telephone operatives as at one point one of the women left this kind of message and if it wasn't for the fact that I deal with all the finances and recognised the phone number, I would have thought he was having an affair
  7. I have just finish paying a car finance loan with barclays partner finance and they are now chasing me for around £400 worth of default charges. I have written to them stating that these charges are unfair and do not reflect the true cost etc etc default charges being £22.50 a time. They have replied and stated that all this only applys to credit cards. I have chanced my arm and sent a letter back stating that I believed that not to be the case and continued to state that therefore I believe the loan to be fully paid off. All that is left is the charges. They continue to phone time and time again sometimes using underhanded tactics to try to get me to call back ' Leaving messages like can she just call carl then a number'. I am wondering whether I should hold out on these charges, (which i haven't paid yet)?
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