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Everything posted by DCam

  1. Here is an image, after doing a bit more digging on the net, I think what I was looking at is the drop link (red circle), and the shocker is there to the lefjt (blue circle) ? Not 100% certain, doesn't help that this left side was supposed to be the side getting replaced, but they have replaced the right side instead. He said they replaced the drop link also, I'll need to check that tomorrow on the other side. DSC_0072.pdf
  2. I took my car in to have the tracking looked at, and it was also making a drumming kind of sound at low speed that I wanted checked (the noise sped up at higher speeds so you couldn't hear it). Came back to me and said the left side shocker needed replaced. Just got the car back, and after having a look, it seems the right side shocker has been replaced, and the left side has also been removed, and replaced with a metal rod? I'm not a mechanic, but is this right? Doesn't seem safe to me, if anyone can help me out with this, it would be great, thanks.
  3. Okay then, I looked up JDW on ico and the address is the exact same
  4. Would you mind explaining why? According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N_Brown_Group Fashion World and JDW are both brands of N Brown Group
  5. Okay so we are going to try this, but I'm not 100% sure where to send the letter, the court letter says "a debt to Fashion World", and I looked up their address on the ico website: Fashion World Limited Griffin House 40 Lever Street Manchester M60 6ES Is that correct? or do I sent the letter to JD Williams? I'm not sure.
  6. The letter says: "At a hearing on 15th July 2016"
  7. I realise we haven't done enough to deal with this, but this debt has been passed around a number of times, we got sick of dealing with it, and I've been kinda busy setting up my business. We did get a letter about a court date, that's when we sent the letter. A bit late I know. What is "amiss" anyway? I can assure you we have been completely honest. Anyway, sorry you couldn't help us, the plan is to wait and see if they turn up at the door, and then arrange a payment plan if they do. Not very good I know, but its the best solution we have atm!
  8. I did tell my partner that if we didn't go to court they would probably rule in their favour, but she really did not want to go, so there was not much to be done about it I'm afraid. Believe me when those debt letters landed on out door mat it was a complete surprise, as we most definitely did not know anything about cat debts. I think they just went on a fishing expedition to see what they could catch, its just a pity they didn't drop all 5 debts, only 4 of them. We don't know what you did What do you want to know? Aos wise..did you defend all can you explain this please Send the claimant a new CCA request? They didn't bother to reply to the last letter I sent them, but I could try it if you think its worthwhile. Follow it up by filing a relevant defend in time? What is this? re: benefits we aren't on any qualifying benefits, but might get court costs because of low income. £100 costs was added to the debt, might we be able to get this took off?
  9. I didn't say we have proof, isn't the onus on the claimant to prove that we do owe the debt, anyway? I would have thought that 2 something years of asking for statements with nothing forthcoming, the fact that we don't use catalogues any more, and haven't for a long time, and no recollection of this account would be enough for you. I think it would be hard to prove you don't owe a debt anyway, how would you do that? But I'm no lawyer.
  10. Its not so much paying it, its that we don't owe the debt in the first place. We don't bother with debt, tic, catalogues, credit cards, whatever, any more, we used them years ago but I've managed to pay it all off and its cheaper to just save up and buy stuff. Its a bit annoying, we paid all this debt off, don't use it any more, and some Umar Zahid guy says we own him money when we don't, and gets the court to agree with him. This happened with my partners Dad next door neighbour, (she did owe the money), she paid back £10 a week, maybe we could just do that. My partner said she didn't want to end up with a CCJ, but as we don't use credit, hopefully it will not effect us too much. My credit file doesn't seem to be linked to hers or anyone elses, so if I want to get a car on credit, hopefully it will not matter . That's just about the only thing I would want to use credit for now.
  11. No, my partner didn't like the idea of going to court So thats it? No appeal? no, show us the proof? Just pay the debt?
  12. Like I said, we filled in a form on the webpage a while ago and can't remember what we said, I might be able to log back in to the page to check? If its still active. we didn't think they would be able to prove their case, but somehow the judge believed them?
  13. We sent that letter to Lowell, we hoped that with no accounts to send us proving the debt, they would just pass the debt on, like all the others did.
  14. We sent them this letter: You have contacted me regarding the account with the above reference number, which you claim is owed by myself. I would point out that I have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to JD Williams I am familiar with the Consumer Credit sourcebook of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) which states the following rules. "A firm must not ignore or disregard a customer's claim that a debt has been settled or is disputed and must not continue to make demands for payment without providing clear justification and/or evidence as to why the customer's claim is not valid." 7.5.3 "A firm must suspend any steps it takes or its agent takes in the recovery of a debt from a customer where the customer disputes the debt on valid grounds or what may be valid grounds." 7.14.1 "Where a customer disputes a debt on valid grounds or what may be valid grounds, the firm must investigate the dispute and provide details of the debt to the customer in a timely manner." 7.14.3 "Where there is a dispute as to the identity of the borrower or hirer or as to the amount of the debt, it is for the firm (and not the customer) to establish, as the case may be, that the customer is the correct person in relation to the debt or that the amount is the correct amount owed under the agreement." 7.14.4 "A firm must provide a customer with information on the outcome of its investigations into a debt which the customer disputed on valid grounds." 7.14.5 "Where a customer disputes a debt and the firm seeking to recover the debt is not the lender or the owner, the firm must: (1) pass the information provided by the customer to the lender or the owner; or (2) if the firm has authority from the lender or owner to investigate a dispute, it must notify the lender or owner of the outcome of the investigation." 7.14.6 In not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt you are using deceptive/and or unfair methods. Furthermore, ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment amounts to physical/psychological harassment. I would ask that no further contact be made concerning the above accounts unless you can provide evidence as to my liability for the debt in question. I await your written confirmation that this matter is now closed. Otherwise I will have no option but to make a complaint to the trading standards department and consider informing the FCA of your actions. If appropriate I will also take this matter forward as a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service and Information Commissioner's Office. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully I think we might have filled in some forms on the web page to do with the court case a while ago, but I can't remember what we put down in them, probably saying we have no knowledge of this debt, sent us statements, but like I said, can't remember.
  15. These debts got dropped down to just the one debt, the JD Williams debt. After years of the debt being passed around to various different DCAs, (after we requested proof of debt, it just kept getting passed on) it ended up with Lowell Portfolio Ltd who threatened court action. We thought it was the same empty threats, we did eventually send them a letter requesting proof of the debt, to which there was no reply, they went to court and the court ruled in their favour. The court did not seem impressed with the "cut and paste defence freely available via the 'internet' (sic)". The evidence provided by the claimant was "both reliable and credible", we would very much like to see what this "evidence" is. The court has decided we now need to pay £293.31 by 29th July 2016, even though the letter was dated 5 August 2016, and we got the letter after this date. Any suggestions on what can be done about this? Do we now need to pay this before they turn up at the door and start removing our possessions?
  16. Tried noddle it said couldn't verify details to create the account. Quick update my partner said she got a letter the other day saying most of the accounts are being dropped, but she can't find the letter now, typical I know. Got a letter today (dated 19/09/14) for the Fashion World account, saying thank you for agreeing a repayment plan. ? We haven't agreed anything, only asked them to provide account statements. Also got a letter dated 18/09/14 saying they are getting on to home collections division and may send a local rep to the door. How can they do this when we have CCA them asking for the account information?
  17. Ok thank you I think I'm getting my head around this now. they can't enforce the 2 debts I've CCA in the courts because they haven't replied within the 12+2 days, I think what I should do is CCA the other 3 debts as well, see if they respond to those. Somehow can't see it, as we have no idea what these debts are at all. They have been ringing every day, but just got a new phone that can bar numbers so thats what I did .
  18. A quick google search I found this: They have to produce the CCA within 12+2 working days of your request, if not they are in default, if after a further 30 CALENDAR days they still haven't produced it then they have committed an offence under the consumer crediticon Act 1974. ..If they do find it eventually , then you would have to see if it is enforceable. But once they produce it it is unlikely that you could show them the stick, as they probably would pursue you... from this thread: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?145396-Is%20there%20a%20time%20limit%20for%20CCA%20requests? Although I not sure how it would help our case, if at all?
  19. If I SAR JDW will that stop Moorcroft chasing us for these supposed debts? I'm not sure if I should spend approx £11 on a SAR to JDW, or send 3 CCAs to Moorcroft that will cost about £6. The 2 CCAs I already sent to Moorcroft, it looks like they are just ignoring them, I can ask them to drop the debts after a month right, as they haven't responded?
  20. I'll try and answer all the questions as best I can We have lived at present address about 11 years, re: credit file, is this to prove no account exists, when the accounts don't show up on the credit file? 12 days yes for CCA requests, and I think it will be 14 days by now. Yes I think they have took the £1 (it was postal order) off the debt which they should not have done. Here is the letter I sent: a template letter to send requesting CCA. I think I will just have to CCA the other accounts but it will have to wait until I get some money together as it will be getting on for nearly £10 what with postal orders and signed for postage, not to mention the time involved as well.
  21. My partner has received multiple debts from Moorcroft from 4 companies, Ambrose Wilson, Premier Man, Fashion World and JD Williams. JD Williams has 2 accounts, both the Moorcroft ref no and the client ref no are different, and the amounts owing are also different, £266.31 & £164.68, although my partner's name is exactly the same on both accounts. I'm not sure how it is even possible for her to have 2 accounts with the same company? We received the letters from Fashion World and JD Williams first and CCA them, they replied back (16/07/14) that we needed to send £1 which we did. They replied back with a Fashion World debt letter (21/08/14), the balance had gone from £180 to £179! It has been over the 12 day limit for them to send the accounts. The other day we got another 3 letters all at once (dated 26/08/14) for the Ambrose Wilson, Premier Man, and the JD Williams new account. We haven't even heard of Ambrose Wilson or JD Williams. This is getting a bit silly, I don't really want to be CCA on all these different accounts, what should I do?
  22. Like the title says, to claim working tax credits as sole trader, do I need to record the hours worked? I will be working 30 hours a week, will they need/ask for prove of this, so will I need to keep a record? I looked around the web for a couple of hours for the answer, but Google is not working well for me today
  23. Well I've been putting a bit aside towards the bank overdraft with my local credit union, and they have come through for me and given me a loan to pay off the overdraft. Think I will add a notice of correction to my credit file, are there any good template letters available?
  24. Sorry to bump my post but I would appreciate help with this. It looks like Amex has put a default on my account even though I am disputing the debt. I think this may make it difficult for me to get credit, I want a loan to pay off my overdraft, and might want another loan to get a car as well. This might even effect my chances of getting a job? Any suggestions for getting this default removed?
  25. I've just applied for a loan to pay off my bank overdraft with the Halifax, seeing as they are charging me £1 a day for an agreed overdraft, I want to try and get it cleared asp. I already have a bit of money saved up, and wanted to get a loan for the rest. After getting turned down I checked my credit record on the Equifax website and American Express (Amex Group) have put on my file that I have defaulted on this credit card. The letter I sent to the DCA included the lines: "you are not entitled to register any information on this account with any credit reference agency. To register information with a credit reference agency, you must have written consent from the customer to collate and share such information. This consent is given in the form of a signed credit agreement, so until you produce such an agreement, you may not do this." so I had hoped that they hadn't blackisted me, but it seems they have anyway. Any suggestions on what I can do about this?
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