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  1. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/dca-legal-successes/86067-getting-statutory-demand-set-4.html#post2596949 This is now a proper NEW thread of the continuation of the above thread... if that makes sense. CapQuest state their client claims I made a payment, therefore not statute barred. I shall reply as stated by 'JonCris' thanks
  2. Hi 42man Did as you say, received a letter back saying their client says I made a payment of £25 in 2005 and therefore not statute barred. I have not made any payments, presume I ask for proof/details? I would start a new thread as requested, but perhaps being stupid I can not find any 'New thread' buttons? I have been all over site and FAQs Thanks for any help
  3. Thank you citizenB, Great links and information - Sorry one last word, I shall await to see their next move or send a CCA letter? I will begin a new thread - when that happens!!
  4. when you say one of the worst - in what way may I ask? Are they all 'noise and threat' "I'm afraid" sounds scary!!
  5. Hi JonCris, Thanks for the quick reply, they are capQuest.
  6. Hi New here! Not sure if I should start another thread? But I have had a number of letters chasing a debt of close to £9k (though they keep making offers of say £5k if paid in installments). I think this is perhaps a debt from 2002 (the original loan was for £5k in 2001). It is the holding bank via debt company that are chasing. Now they are threatening a SD after 12/11 if no response from me. I understand this is not a detailed claim plus now Statute Barred? Should I just ignore it? SD via 2nd post only. I have not made any kind of contact with them. Any advice would be most welcome! Thank you for any help/advice
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