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Everything posted by Shazzer64

  1. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me. My daughters boyfriend has just received a letter telling him that he has to attend a meeting due to his sickness levels. Now before I go any further I should explain that he ruptured his ankle ligament 7 months ago and was initially signed off sick and then returned to work but with difficulties. He works for xxxx and obviously has to wear safety boots which he found difficult and painful at times but nonetheless he did so. So alterations were made for him despite asking for them and so he just struggled on, probably doing more damage. At the beginning of February he had an operation on his ankle and is now on strict non weight bearing instruction from his consultant for at least 6 weeks. He informed his employer as soon as he knew about his operation date and has kept them informed overstep of the way. He has today received a letter telling him that he has to attend a meeting, at his work place, on Tuesday to discuss his sickness record. Naturally he is very upset at receiving this letter. I should point out that he has also had other issues with the company i.e. not being paid correct and when he has questioned this he has been told that there is nothing that can be done for that month and that it will be sorted in the following months pay and that he will have to pay basic rate tax on that amount even though he doesn't earn enough to pay tax. He has read the letter to me and I found it very threatening. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you
  2. Hello everyone have just joined on here after reading this thread. Last week my hubby received a letter from Fredrickson Int informing him that I had died and that they wanted to see a copy of the death certificate. Came as a bit of a shock to him as I was on holiday at the time, but after a quick call to me he was reassured that I was still alive and kicking. The letter stated that I owed money to I think it's a catalogue company, but I've never bought anything from them and only know about them because it was one my Nan used to use years ago and she's been dead nearly 30 years. Then today I receive a phone call, well actually it was a very gabbled answer phone message from a firm called SRJ asking for someone (who as far as I know never lived here, we've lived here nearly 20 years) to give them a and they left a ref no. I was going to ring them back and tell them that they didn't live here, but thought I'd google the SRJ first and low and behold 1000's of site appeared with complaints etc etc about them. So I read some of the frums about these firms and found out hat they were connected. I then decided to contact Consumer Direct and spoke to a very helpful person who has put my mind at ease. One thing they did say though was to not give these companie any more information then they already have about you. i.e. if letters are sent to Mr/Mrs x x Person then don't tell them what the x's stand for. Basically if it's not on their letter to you then don't divulge it. And what ever you do don't ring them as you have no way of accuratly recording your actions etc. And they did confirm that they are [problem] companies
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