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  1. Hi All, An email to the main man jeremy.darroch@bskyb.com should resolve it. Here is a copy of an email I sent: Dear Jeremy, I would like to express my utter frustration at the service I have received as a paying Sky customer, and have been given your contact details to try and bring some resolve to the issue. I moved house in June and brought Sky with me from my previous address. Since moving into this address however, I have had constant intermittent internet connection and now a crackling noise has began on my line. I have lost count of the amount of times I have called the technical help team, been given a ticket number and then passed to the "escalations" team. This has never rectified the situation and I have been requesting a BT engineer to come out in person to fix this very frustrating problem. I have been told by the "escalations" team that it costs "a lot of money" to send an engineer and that other things have to be looked at first. The question I have is this,.....How Many times does a Customer have to complain about the SAME issue before someone is sent to efficiently deal with it? How many times do I have to continue to pay over £80 per month to a company that will not deal with issues that arise? I have had 2 routers sent out and tried with my computer, I have spent in total, about 3-4 hours on the phone to Sky. Tonight for instance I called back as the "solution" that was proposed last night by one of Sky's advisors failed to rectify the issue. When I called I was greeted by a very abrupt and quite frankly rude individual who first of all tried to get me off the phone by telling me they were going to try "a few things" on the line and call me back in 24 hours He kept banging on about speed of the internet which to be honest has NEVER been an issue when the internet works! After speaking to yet another "escalations" person from a different team, he came back and advised me that he can send an engineer but only mornings or from 1pm but I had to be here. I tried to explain that I can not take any holidays this close to Christmas. I had been off 2 weeks ago where an engineer could have come then. After explaining this he very abruptly advised that BT engineers can't come on a Saturday - and I quote "because sometimes they don't turn up on a Saturday". Is that a suitable response at all to a Customer who is already frustrated? When I advised that this was not an appropriate response (and to be quite frank he sounded like he had no idea what he was talking about) he hung up. Now bearing in mind that I had already spent 40 minutes in the queue to then be hung up on, well you can imagine how I felt. So I called back and spent another 40 minutes in the queue, to be told by another advisor that no weekdays appointments can be booked. Now here I am with a limited internet connection and no way of rectifying this. I have had so much of an issue now that I am completely at my wits end, and would like my Sky contract cancelled with immediate effect. I have not received the service that I was promised, and as way of compensation for the utter farce that is Customer Technical Support, I want all of my services cancelled. I am aware that I am in my contract still, but feel that I can contest this due to the level of service I have received. I feel that Sky have breached their terms of the agreement by not providing an adequate service, and by their constant "passing of the buck" in the technical help team. I, as many other customers feel, can not separate my services and only be happy with one quarter of them. To me a company that is unwilling to help is one that I no longer wish to be part of for any service. I am not requesting this lightly, as I have always, in the past found sky to offer the best in terms of TV packages and HD, but I can not deal with this anymore. If I thought there were a solution to the issue then I would gladly take it, but to be honest there doesn't appear to be. I have been paying for a service that I haven't been able to use properly and that isn't fair. I do hope that you don't take this complaint personally, I am just venting but do appreciate that you personally are not to blame. It may also be an idea to request that the gentleman who hung up on me is retrained on how to deliver an average (at least) level of customer service. If there are any questions at all, I can be contacted on ********** Kind Regards Harry
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