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  1. Hi again, The flight is the 15th of December and yes, we are in Gaborone. The plane tickets are to visit our family in Montreal we haven't seen in 2 years. I do not want to mess it up my taking the chance of being refused on my flight because on the name on the ticket!
  2. Hi, Good question... It is in fact our mistake because in every day life I only use Malboeuf and not Malboeuf-Saint-Cyr... it is just to long. We are ready to pay administrative fees since it is our mistake ... but we cant believe they can not amend the name ?! We have been booking ticket online so many time and it is the first time this kind of situation happens.
  3. Hi, I bought 4 flight tickets in Jully for my family (husband and children of 2 and 5 years old). The ticket was bought online, and involve 4 different airline. A mistake was made in my surname when I booked the ticket which was issued with the mistake (my surname is shorter). I have called the travel agency and I have been told that the name on my ticket can not be amended and that I should either cancel my ticket with no refund (I have no insurance), and buy a now one, or take the chance to travel with a mistake on my name on my ticket (It says Malboeuf instead of Malboeuf-Saint-Cyr) If I cancel my ticket I will loose a lot of money (full price of the ticket) and they will not be able to book me a new ticket with the same flight as the rest of my family!! My husband will than have to travel with our two young child from Gaborone (Botswana) to Montreal (Canada)... On each carrier website, it is mentioned that it is possible to amend name for a small fee. But the Travel Agency have to make the change and charge me... I would have no problem with that. But the travel agency refuse to amend the name because it involve 4 different airlines... What can I do? Please, your help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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