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Everything posted by thfctimmo

  1. thanks for that. Banks are terrible they charge you all the time if its a business account and when you ask for help like i have done on numerous occassions they slam the door in your face!!!
  2. i have a business account with natwest they want to turn my overdraft into a loan at their advice but want to charge me £400 approx for setting this up and the interest is 12.2%. is this right? also my business partner has a good creit score so we are planning for him to get a loan out at 6.0% and pay nothing to set it up why is it so different from business to personal accounts and can i claim this back as im thinking of doing the personal loan option then chasing them for all the money they have taken off of us. help required please????
  3. i have just shut my business (not bankrupt etc) but i have a cctv contract that has approximately 3 to 4 years to run does anyone know how i can get out of this? i feel we were duped as we used a company that appears to be a front for a national bank any help appreciated as it might be ripped off the wall and put on there doorstep
  4. do you have to do a spread sheet for the small claims or can you say " proof of costs are availabe on request" please give me your opinion? regards thfctimmo
  5. am i being really thick as i cant make head nor tail of the moneyclaim site????
  6. reload i have had all 3 of these letters now so what do i do is it the small claims court? need help
  7. i am running a small clothing shop which have rates valued at £4500. i am trying to contest these as they seem unfair for the work the council do i.e. strret cleanind,lighting,police,dustmen etc , there is none of this and i feel that they are charging for basically nothing in return SO DO YOU THINK I CAN CONTEST IT? hope you can help
  8. thankyou for that its a great help
  9. i have recieved this aswell and have added up my charges but now i cant seem to find a template for sending the second letter am i being dumb?
  10. thfctimmo

    Global Vantedge

    i changed my mobile number the other week and its absolutely foxed them i now get letters which ijust chuck in the bin
  11. the letter template looks good lets get at them what a headline in a paper this would be " MBNA goes bust after customer complaints" oh id love to see that day
  12. surrey scouse count me in anything tomake the card companies squirm, im going to try it with halifax credit cards as they act like dick turpin
  13. no when i rang them up about this they said it was because i used a cheque and its a percentage charge of the amount i wrote the cheque out for,and as you can never tell on a statement wether i have paid any of the cheque amount off they seem to charge me every month,so add the interest and my overall bill increses and doesnt go down at all. EVEN DICK TURPIN WORE A MASK!!!!!
  14. i have just had a leeter back from Halifax Card Services and it says this Dear Mr T**** thankyou for your recent communication regarding the above account,and am sorry to hear that you have found cause for complaint. i am sure you will appreciate that like other organisations we incur costs for adminestering your account for late /unpaid payments of overlimit situations. The bank believes it is fair to pass these costs on to the accounts affected,rather than absorb them into other areas of our organisation,penalising all our customers as a result. HBOS clearly outlines our charging policy in the terms and conditions that apply to your account.In addition we are committed to complying with the banking code,which sets out standards of good banking practise for banks and building societies to follow when dealing with personal customers To demonstrate our commitment to you as a valued customer i am prepared to offer you a refund of charges to the value of £88.00 representing half the amount applied to your account in the last year. if this is agreeable to you sign and return the enclosed acceptance form to allow us to complete the refund to your account. As a gesture of goodwill i have refunded the interest charge of£45.29 this will show on your next statement. Should any of your concerns remain unresolved please let me know what you'd like me to do to put matters right. Yours Sincerely Lindsey Morris I find this very amusing as they charge me the interest and a rough paynment of £50.00 a month for using one of their credit card cheques . please help need advise
  15. i have a halifax credit card that came with a small amount of cheques which i stupidly used. i pay the minimum payment every month but i still get charged £50 per month for using a cheque related to the card. is this the norm? can i claim it back? help!!!!!!
  16. i have sent off the first letter to all of the banks asking them for a list of all my penalties and MBNA have just replied from a woman called rachel claridge i think its on behalf of gareth tunnicliffe saying that i will get a full written response within 28 days, (i sent my letter and cheque on 09/06/06) is this the norm? i need help as im not to good at this type of thing
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