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Everything posted by greigster

  1. MD of my local Toyota dealer has spoken to Toyota and they have agreed to allow me to have the withdrawn deal. Went down this afternoon and signed up. Should go through tomorrow. Odd thing is the Auris in the showroom is still emblazoned with the no longer available "offer" Thanks for everyone's help and advice.
  2. I asked the question above on the Toyota UK Facebook page and I received a reply asking me to contact their customer relations department but strangely, the question was removed from Facebook within 24 hours.
  3. At the time of the test drive, the offer was in force and I was quoted on that basis. The quotation set out the details of the offer and states that the quotation including the Toyota contribution of £2000 towards finance was valid for 14 days. After 7 days, we decided to go ahead with the purchase but was informed that Toyota had withdrawn the £2000 offer the day before, i.e. 6 days into the 14 day valid period. So the dealer, understandably, cannot offer that deal due to the fact that Toyota will not subsidise with the £2000 towards the finance. I have spoken to the MD of the dealer, who happens to have a meeting with Toyota later today (not due to my problems) and has said he will discuss my case with them and get back to me.
  4. Will do. My post has now been allowed over on the Toyota Owners Club. The reply over there has been that, Quote:- "Terms and conditions apply. Other finance offers are available but cannot be used in conjunction with this offer. Indemnities may be required. Finance subject to status to over 18s only. Subject to availability. Prices correct at time of going to press & include VAT, delivery charge, number plates, 1 years road fund licence and £55 registration fee. Toyota Centres are independent of Toyota Financial Services." Although the above is not on my written quotation.
  5. Thanks rebel11. I have been dealing with the sales manager of my local Toyota dealer and as I said his hands could well be tied, but it is a family run dealer and when I have purchased Toyota`s in the past, the MD of the dealer has always written to me to make sure I have been satisfied with the service. I will contact him on Tuesday (due to bank hols) and see if he is able to override the system. Failing that, I will take your advice and complain direct to MD Toyota.
  6. I posted the above question on the Toyota Owners Club website where I have been a member since 2008 and it seems to have disappeared....reposted and again it looks like it has been removed
  7. Hi rebel11, thanks for that advice. I have just posed the question on my daughters facebook as I do not have a FB account, being an old bloke:lol:
  8. Thank you for that. Just to add that I have not signed anything at this stage, the quote says it is valid for 14 days. I was under the impression that the deal was available for 14 days for me to decide whether or not to buy the car. I can see that Toyota can change deals but surely they still have to honour quotes in the pipeline and any changes to their offers should not apply to those that have been given a quotation.
  9. Last week I went to my local Toyota dealer for a test drive of a new car. I was given a written quote that included a Toyota (not dealer) contribution of £2000 towards the finance, on which it states the quote is valid for 14 days. I have decided to go ahead with the deal but now the dealer has informed me that the Toyota contribution has been withdrawn nationwide, even though I am only 7 days into the 14 day "valid" period. I appreciate that the dealers hands are tied if Toyota has withdrawn the offer, but surely Toyota have some sort of obligation to honour the offer whilst still within the 14 day valid period? Thanks for any advice.
  10. No thanks Conniff, but I will remember for the next time. Thank you for your help.
  11. Thanks Conniff, do you mean that I should have named them in the subject line when I first posted? If so, am I able to edit the subject line at this late stage?
  12. I did not know that was what they are called. In this day and age when we are being ripped off left right and centre by people who want our personal details for hacking into our bank accounts or any other illegal activity, by using identity theft, these charities authorise agencies to employ what appear to be kids knocking on doors with the sole aim of gaining access those that may be more vulnerable than most with the intention of extracting a signature that will authorise money to be taken from their accounts, which was exactly what was being attempted as stated in my original post, in that case to an 87 year old lady. But hey, at least those at the top of the pecking order, those authorising such tactics will still be taking a very large salary. By the time these "Chuggers",The agency employing them, Heads of collection departments, PA`s and the chief executives at the top of these Charities have all had their cut, I bet the amount of our hard earned money that finally reaches those that need the help, is minuscule. It would be interesting to know the salary of the chap in charge of Scope along with his expense account. I wonder if he does any voluntary work?
  13. I don't know that the suspension part was truthful because when I had to call this Brendan Delaney chap back due to him not taking my number down correctly, his suggestion was that the two teenagers did not tell the same story as me and he certainly gave me the impression after talking to the agency who in turn had talked to the two boys, that they believed them and disbelieved me in which case why would they suspend them.
  14. I donate to my local church by monthly standing order but there is no way I will be donating to any charity by direct debit whilst the top executives are creaming off excessive emoluments right down to the teenage agency workers who receive a large chunk of the first years direct debit payment, using whatever false claims to gain entry to people especially the more vulnerable members of the public. From now on I will only give to those that can prove that the majority of the funds get to the point where they are best used to directly help, which wont include the CEO`s in their ivory towers or kids trying to increase their beer and weed funds Thank you all for your informative replies.
  15. He doesn't seem overly upset by it, a bit of an 'oh well' attitude. We don't give to charity except our local hospice and the air ambulance, we are of the opinion the majority of so called charities are set up to make someone a nice living and the work they do comes second. Exactly my thoughts, He seems to dismiss what seems to be quite a serious episode as if my concerns were just a bit of a nuisance to him and although he pays the minimum attention to some facts that I outlined to him, it looks as though he has more important things to do than address genuine facts made in my complaint. His reply was a bit of a non event and he comes across a not really caring too much about what goes on under the guise of Scope fund raising.
  16. Here is a reply to the Email I sent to the CEO of Scope, Richard Hawkes. He mentions that as discussed previously with colleagues, the two teenagers had been suspended where as in my phone conversation with his colleague it was suggested that they believed the two teenagers and not me. There was no mention of the two being suspended. :- Dear Mr greigster, Thank you for contacting me. I am very sorry to hear about your experience. The behaviour you describe is completely unacceptable. As my colleagues have discussed with you, the fundraisers were immediately suspended from the field after we spoke with you whilst we investigate. We closely monitor our agencies and expect them to adhere to the highest possible standards in line with the code of conduct as set out by the Institute of Fundraising. This kind of fundraising is an extremely important way of engaging with our supporters and recruiting new donors to raise vital funds for our work with disabled people and their families. Thank you for getting in touch. We will use your complaint as an opportunity to learn and to improve how we fundraise. I have discussed this with our Director of Fundraising and he will ensure that this is taken forward. Best wishes, Richard
  17. I have had a reply from the Scope CEO Richard Hawkes to my Email. Am I allowed to reproduce it here?
  18. I live in a block of flats which are mostly elderly people. 2 weeks ago somebody pressed the intercom button and said " Hi I am from skype, buzz me in". I never let anybody into the block without first checking out who it is, so I went down to the door to find that he was in fact a charity worker from Scope. I declined to give him my bank details and closed the door. As I started to walk back up the stairs, the bottom door was opened as he had used the same false tactics to gain entry on an 87 year old single lady in one of the other flats. there where two young chaps about 18 years old trying to make there way upstairs, I asked them to leave at which point one said he did not have to leave as he has been invited in by the elderly lady (using the same false Skype terminology to gain false entry). I put my arm out to block their way to the staircase at which point he informed me that if I touch him he would call the police and report me of assault. So I thought I would play him at his own game and blocked the staircase with my body and told him that if he touched me I would report him for assault. At this point, he pushed me in the chest and was verbally abusive. Fortunately my wife came out after hearing the altercation and I told her to phone the police which she did.......sadly I would have been better off calling the local infants school, they would have been more help. The operator had to try 3 different numbers to get anyone to answer( this was a 999 call), and when the police finally answered they said they would send someone out, well they must have got lost as 2 weeks on and we have still heard nothing. I made a complaint to the Scope head office and spoke to a chap called Brendan Delaney who said he would check with the agency that they use to get these collectors "re-trained" and would phone me back later that day or the next day at which point I left him with my phone number. After 2 days and no contact from Scope, I decided to phone them again and when I spoke to Mr. Delaney he said he had tried to phone me back but he must have taken my phone number down wrong . He informed me that the agency had talked to the 2 collectors who has given a totally different story to me, well two 18 year old mates wouldn't tell porkies would they? I don't agree with the bullying or the lying to gain entry to vulnerable people with the intention of extracting bank details and because of this appalling behaviour by so called charity workers who get a rather good percentage of the first years contributions of the Direct Debit details they sign up, we are now not allowing any door to door sellers or Charity collectors on our property.
  19. This is quite normal and there will be no charge. Yes it maybe true that you own your own house but you do not own the gas meter.
  20. I had a fault on my BT phone line which resulted in me having no phone and no broadband. I reported the fault on Thursday 14th June and fault was fixed on Monday 18th June, during which time all incoming calls were diverted to my mobile The problem was due to a "worn wire" at the exchange. This morning I phoned BT to ask for a refund for the days that I was without my phone and broadband but was informed that as they had repaired my line within 3 working days, there is no refund due, (they do not count weekends even though they seem to count them when they make their monthly charges) The member of BT customer services had to keep going of the line to ask another member of staff each time I asked a question. I found this on the BT site:- Failure to repair your service on time Day fault was reported Call Allowance or Daily Rate Rental Credit begins: Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Thursday Saturday Friday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Sunday Tuesday I know its not a lot of money but why should I pay for a service that I did not have for 5 days? Any advice please
  21. Were you able to record the call from retentions?, and if not, can you call then to confirm the cheap prices using a recording app on your mobile. I have an app on my Samsung Galaxy Note and I just hit the record button on every call.
  22. You need to give a few more details like how long have you had the phone, did you hand it in for repair and for what, is the phone on contract and of so with whom. Then people will be able to advise you.
  23. No I cannot be sure that the speed is not restricted but the thread is about the amount of data required not the speed
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