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  1. Thank you for your reply , i am willing to try anything to sort this , i dont want to sue anyone , i just want this nightmare sorted out and over with .
  2. Could i do this even though i admit to owing the £3k and to mucking him around on paying it , i so want to clear this up and to pay it but no way cani pay £3k immed or the £500 a month he wants in place of the £3k . I amit i was wrong but surely he cant threaten to go to all those people and send letters to them saying i owe this money he is even threatning to go to my husbands employers . Thank you for the advice i am grateful never will i get myself in this position again
  3. I have an ex landlord who is chasing me for £3k of rent arrears , he ha s caught up with me and hands up i owe this so i would llike to sort this out and get it paid , he is demandoing i pay the whole of the £3k by the end of this week , impossible i am out of work and my husband is the only bread winner , i am happy to come to a payment plan with him but as he has said he has heard this before. I must admit i have bee a bit naughty and have lied to him before but this time i am willing to be upfront and pay what is owing. He is threatning to go to the newspapers, the church , all recuritment agancies, the various companies i do business with, the police and even my husbands work , Can he do this ????????????? He also is saying that a woman at the estate agency who we did not rent the property off of gave him all of our details like our address etc etc etc Can she do this , isnt there something about the data protection act that she may have broken . ALL I WANT TO DO IS NOW GET THIS SORTED AND PAID , I CANT AFFORD THE £500 HE IS ASKING ME TO PAY BACK EACH MONTHA BUT IF I DONT HE IS THREATNING TO SEND OUT LETTERS TO ALL THE PEOPEL I DO BUSINESS WITH INCLUDING MY BANK . FORGODS SAKE WILL SOMEONE JUST ADVISE ME I AM IN TEARS HERE AND THINKING LIF EISNT WORTH LIVING . I KNOW I HAVE BEEN IN THE WRONG WITH THIS BUT I AM NOW WILLING TO MAKE ADMENDS AND PAY THIS BACK AND GET IT FINISHED . PLEASE PLEASE WOULD SOMEONE JUST ADVISE ME ON THIS Thanks
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