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Everything posted by Madsy

  1. Thanks very much. Should I write back and state the amount I can afford? In 2 years they've never had a statement from me and nothing has happened, but the letter is written in the typical threatening manner.
  2. Hello! Im just trying to find out a bit more about financial statements and if this company has the right to demand one. Long story short, loan since 2001 with egg. Missed one payment and went to debt management early 2007. Regular payments and none missed after. Debt assigned to apex early 2011. Requests for FS previously ignored with no effect. Recently i had cause to complain to Apex regarding the attitude of their staff. 8 wekls for a reply. Reply came with pre printed statement which i duly ignored. Received follow up letter today stating if i didnt fill it in my account would be "returned to collections" for them to conduct a review. They say this is to meet the "obligations" placed on them by OFT. Do I have to do this? I have paid them monthly without fail for 2 years, the pre agreed amount i was paying egg after going into DM. All help gratefully received, thank you!
  3. Oh they do? Gawd, that's sad isn't it! I've experienced my fair share of trolls on different sites but he or she just didn't seem like one I guess and it made the rest of you look a little scary from my point of view! Casper, if he or she is genuine, then they probably thought there was little point in replying.... It didn't seem like much of a debate, from where I'm sitting, more like a defence. I expect you probably think I know him or her now haha, I just don't believe people should be picked on for a difference of opinion and that's what it felt like you were doing, to me
  4. Mrs Ghost? Not me I'm afraid dear I was just reading it and don't really understand why you've all jumped on him or her - they expressed opinions which you all don't seem to agree with, which is cool and can sometimes generate a very good debate, but it seems to have gotten a little personal and I wondered why. Is he or she a troll, or do you just not like him or her? I personally wouldn't have said their comments were crass, and in fact it seems to be the replies from established posters which seem to have gotten a little personal. If they are not a troll and not being offensive then I feel, as an outsider reading this thread, that those of you participating are being a bit mean to be honest, taking it on face value. Perhaps there's more I don't know, but the rest of you come across as a little intimidating, and I'm sure that's not the case at all
  5. Why are you all picking on someone who holds an opinion different to your own?
  6. Good afternoon all! Quick question for you. I'm a bit of a newbie to all of this so please forgive me if the answer is elsewhere. There's so much information in these forums!! I took out a loan way back in 2002 (I think) with Egg. This went on for a few years and I ended up borrowing about 13.5k. In 2007 I was in a particularly sticky domestic situation and was advised to default on my loan for one month by a debt 'management' company, who I got to manage my debt as I couldn't face reality. Didn't think anything of it, kept paying them, had no correspondence from Egg. Unfortunately in 2007 through circumstances I lost a lot of paperwork I had in the house and I do not have any of the official credit agreement information from Egg. Fast forward to 2009, and I was in a much more secure life/financial position so I started managing my own debts again. I contacted Egg to let them know this and set up a direct standing order, as previously payments had been made via the debt management company. No contact from Egg except annual statements, continued paying at the £130 monthly payment agreed by the debt management company, they stopped any interest on the account. Cool beans. In November last year I moved house and forgot to update Egg, I had so little contact with them it wasn't top of my list, I wasn't worried as long as they were getting paid. As luck would have it, 9 days after my moving house they sold my loan on to Apex. I didn't find out until February when one of the tenants in the new house forwarded me a letter. Apex had apparently sent 7 letters previously - I'm not convinced, but that's not the point. The letter said they had verified my old address as my current address and that if I didn't sort out my "arrears" then they would send a field agent round. Apex inform me they now own my debt and that I should pay them, fine. Started doing that, no problem, seemed ok when I spoke to them in a panic when I got the first letter! However, last week they have started calling me. Not excessively, but leaving me messages saying 'you need to call us today' which got me worried. Turns out they're just trying to get more money out of me. The person I spoke to asked if I could release equity on my house (I rent!) or if I could borrow money from elsewhere or somehow get some extra cash to "improve" my credit rating. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul does not strike me as a good idea. He also said that I have to submit a financial statement so that they can judge whether I can pay more or not. What they haven't done is informed me of the process of what happens when they "judge" me to see if I can pay more every month and what happens if we disagree on this matter. They haven't informed me how they will use this information and there is no detail on their website. Whilst I am not skint, I have a comfy lifestyle but I live within my means. I do have a stash of savings put to one side, but this is for the new car I am obliged to buy for work use as they pay me a monthly 'car allowance' etc. I can't not buy the car else I'll lose the allowance, which I currently use to live on. I don't want to declare this to the company as I have no doubt they will attempt to take it all from me and then I would be £400 a month worse off as I would lose the car allowance as I wouldn't be able to afford to buy another car within the specification. Anyway, I have been reading some threads on here and I can see that the debt might not be enforceable if they can't produce a credit agreement and wonder if I might be able to use that in my situation? Their most recent letter said my original agreement date was 01/01/2006 so I can't help feeling they might not have the paperwork... Pretty sure I did it all online. Morally I'm not sure if I agree with trying to get a debt written off, after all I took the money and I spent it, but equally I was earning £13.5k a year and they lent me £13.5k, probably not the best decision on their part. I have always always paid the loan except for the one month when I was advised not to by the debt management people. This default is showing on my credit rating and hasn't been updated since 2007, there is no reflection of the payments I have made since on there and I'm not sure if this is because I've paid, but not the amount they want. Anyway, wondering if there's a way out of this, I owe them just under £6k so I'm getting there. Also wondering if they can demand a financial statement (I guess so?) and what they can do with it if they think I've got more money to give them?! Apex's attitude on the phone is less than helpful, every person I have spoken to so far has treated me like I've just run over their cat, so I don't hold much hope for friendly negotiations. All help will be greatly appreciated, sorry to waffle on, and thank you!
  7. Apologies if this is answered elsewhere and I've been daft and missed it! Just wondering if credit card charge claims can be dated back to, say, 2002? And if anyone has heard of the company offsetting said charges against the outstanding balance - IE can I strike a deal with them?
  8. What's an OP? (Original poster?) Funny enough I did call TS/Consumer Direct for advice and they told me to pay it and then try and claim it back... I'm glad I didn't, I knew I wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting it back! There's not really a lot they can do if they can't prove how I was parked (ie if they didn't take a piccie) and I don't admit it, is there?
  9. Legend!! If I had the guts to do that I would TBH I was surprised to learn that they weren't regulated! It's just a license to print money by intimidating people. They can whistle if they think they'll get any money out of me haha I wouldn't have been confident to ignore it before but everyone's advice has really helped, thank you all
  10. www.petrolprices.comI've been registered over a year and reckon I've saved £££s by always using the cheapest garage!
  11. Thanks.So actually there's not a lot they can do - I guess a lot of their revenue relies on people being scared of the notices/official letters etc they must get.It can't affect things like credit ratings as I understand it - is that correct?What I'm hearing is ignore it and it'll go away.... my favourite approach
  12. Well, even if the clampers ARE registered I shan't be parking my car in contravention of the rules so they will have no reason to clamp me anyway...? Surely it's some kind of offence to just clamp random cars who aren't parked illegally/against the rules?What I need to know really is whether the fine is valid based on the level of signage and what that signage says - I will upload the piccies later.(PS, do I have to use a hosting site or upload to this website?)
  13. Hi TFTYes, sorry to bang on so much - it was winding me up as I was worried my car would be clamped.I have lived there for a year and have a permit, I am aware that it is a patrolled parking zone.EPM aren't SIA registered, no, so I assume their operatives are. They are registered with the BPA but that again is entirely voluntary.I have already taken photos of everything and will upload them tonight! The sign by the particular place where I parked is about 12ft high - I'm 5ft tall and can barely read it from there, but there are others. My main sticking point is that there are no "rules" in their signs - it just says you must comply, it doesn't say with what.So if I have a permit, does that mean I'm not tresspassing and they can't get my details from the DVLA? Thanks (PS, I'm not trying to write in one long paragraph but it's not keeping the paragraphs spaced out when I hit save!!)
  14. I'm not sure if they need an SIA badge to write you a ticket but the individual needs to be SIA registered for wheel clamping specifically to clamp you - otherwise they're breaking the law I believe.The SIA website is pretty helpful
  15. Hi AllI am completely new to this site so please forgive me if this isn't the right place or if I'm asking stupid questions. I'm a bit worried about this so all advice gratefully received. Sorry for such a lengthy post! :)I live on a private road in Brighton, which is "patrolled" every now and again by a company called Ethical Parking Management (hah!). Last Monday I was issued a ticket for being "incorrectly parked". By this, they mean that I had reverse parked into a legitimate space, instead of driving in nose-first.That particular row of parking spaces are pretty close to a building, and there is a sign which is not affiliated to anybody (no company logos etc) saying "please park nose in to avoid exhaust fumes entering buildings". So, whilst I note that the request is there, I feel it's just that - a request. It does not say you MUST park nose in. I would personally view that as more of a "please do this if you can, but if you can't, that's ok as long as you don't do it every time". Anyway - parking is very tight in this particular area. This row of parking bays are so you all park next to eachother, with parking opposite on the side of the road. The last space was open in the bays, which was between a car and a 3ft wall. With the cars parked opposite, it was impossible for me to park nose in, there just is not the room to do so. With the exhaust fumes concern in mind, I reverse parked, as my attempting to drive into the space for several minutes would have created far more emissions than simply backing in, in a matter of seconds.I got to the car seconds after the ticket was issued and was approached by the parking man. He explained that he'd given me a ticket for parking the wrong way around. When I asked what would happen if I didn't pay the ticket, he informed me that they would come back and clamp my car until I paid. Which doesn't seem right?!I called the office when I got to work and asked for a copy of the "terms and conditions" as cited on their information boards. I was told I could not have a copy as that was confidential between them and the managing agents. Their signs say that by parking on the site you agree to the T&Cs, and yet they won't issue a copy on request. Not helpful.The signs themselves do not give any specifc indication as to restrictions other than to say you need a permit (which I have) and that cars must be properly parked. There is nothing on those signs to say that the other signs (with no logos to say who put them there) are instructions which must be obeyed.On further investigation I found a memo to residents on the communal notice board giving the "rules" of parking on site. This was issued by the managing agents and specifically lists it as "rules" and not T&Cs.I'm not entirely sure what to do - having given it some thought, do the "rules" in the hallway qualify as T&Cs and therefore I've broken them?If I'm in the wrong because of that point I will pay it and take it on the chin. If not - how do I fight it? The advice seems to be wait til they approach you (I haven't made contact yet) but I'm worried they will come back and clamp/tow my car even if it's legally parked.I'm really very cross about the whole thing - if I'd have been causing an obstruction or parked somewhere where it blatantly wasn't allowed (ie double yellows etc) then I would have just accepted it and paid there and then, but this feels VERY unfair considering I was parked in a proper space, just facing the wrong way?!All help gratefully received... unless I genuinely have done something wrong I really don't want to pay them but also I wonder if this can have any implications on my tenancy - we've just renewed for a year?!Thank you all very much in advance :DMads
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