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Everything posted by Edward72

  1. Hi Erika, Thank you for the your response - I have been offline for various reasons and only just got the chance to get back on-line. My situation hasn't changed - I am receiving 64.30 for benefits, my situation hasn't really altered and I have yet to take any action. I am not sure yet where to turn, but I will certainly visit the CBA.
  2. Nothing I can do... >gulp I have never been in this position before, so am unaware of what help is available, what I can do, so thanks Scott for all the info so far.
  3. The card is about 18 months old, and I don't have any insurance protection on it.
  4. Edward72

    Argos Card help

    Hi. I am new to the forum. Seems like a heck of a lot of info to get through, so I will be as concise as possible - any advice will be gratefully appreiated. Ok, I was self-employed and my business folded last week. I made a claim for JSA on monday. Anyway, the worry I have is that I have quite of debt on an argos card, roughly, £800 and my concern is in my current circumstances, I am not sure how I can meet this. In a worst case scenario, I'll have to pay £45 a month, but I don't think I can afford that... can anybody offer any solutions? Ideas? Thanks.
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