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Everything posted by bobinky

  1. I had several loans from LS and repaid them, in the end I had 3 for about 300 each and became ill, self employed stopped paying and ignored them. Asset collections and investigations Ltd sent me a letter eventually saying they'd bought the loan for amount of 1475-00. They made me several offers to pay a reduced amount but I didn't have that either so ignored them. They said they'd take me to court which they did to CC Business Center who found in their favour and wants 1544-00 paid to Asset collections ect. I dont remember ever receiving a 'claim form' but the court said I didn't reply to it. Is it too late to do anything do I just have to pay asset collections or the court sends in the bailiffs
  2. Sky are denying they received a cancellation order but not paying for 20 months should have been a clue,also I didn't have a contract as I never paid IMO. They cant affect my credit rating so Im happy to go to court,should I write a FU letter to Wescots or just ignor them?
  3. I went bankrupt in Oct 09. All bank accounts were closed.All were joint Letters sent to everyone telling them of bankruptcy Wife went bankrupt Feb 2010. Sold sky box as couldn't afford sky Oct 09. June 2011 get letter from sky saying my bank hadn't paid monthly bill of 30ish quid. Ignored it. July 2011 get letter from sky saying my bank hadnt paid monthly bill of 75ish quid. I phoned them. They said the bill had been paid every month from a account ending in 053 until from Oct 09 to June 2011.I said this wasnt possible as Id cancelled the contract by letter in Oct 09 and the direct debit was stopped when the account was closed in Oct 09.They asked me to talk to another dept and cancel the account,I refused saying Id already cancelled in Oct 09,I had no account with them,had no sky since Oct 09 and didnt owe them anything. August 1st 2011 I get a demand from sky for 875-00. August 9th 2011 I get a letter from Wescots saying I owe them 875-00 or court baillifs shoot my dog ect. Now Ive been bankrupt,I had a year of hell,they dont scare me at all,their letters dont bother me at all. Ive sent sky basically a copy of what I've written above(recorded) and saying take me to court. How would the more experienced members proceed from here?
  4. Then he cant stop whoever you want living with you.Move her back in and let him do what he wants,even if he went to court and somehow won it'd still take till later than Sept. You dont have to tell him shes living there,your not sub letting in any way. if your not needing references from him then sadly even if the relationship turns sour it doesnt matter. Personally Id just ignore him and get on with life.If he thinks he has grounds for her not living there then he has to state them to get you evicted otherwise he cant do anything except talk. get on with life and dont worry about it. If he comes up with a reason for his actions based on law then pop back on here otherwise he may as well talk to a brick wall. And do remember,if anything in life relating to laws and regs starts happening make it always in writing right from the start.
  5. Then unless hes rented it for sole occupation in the contract he cant stop anyone living there with you. Id still try the reasonable route first and have a talk to see what his objections are to her coming back,were arguments upsetting the neighbours before you split ect. In the end if she moves in he has to evct you both and he cant do that without good reason. As in all these cases its better to try and be reasoable but if they wont play ball then put everything in writing and send everything recorded and stick to your rights.
  6. Start at the beginning again.They will use the 'refused repairs' response and the 'called but wasn't in' to drag it out. Report repair and ask for a copy of complaints procedure/protocol. Follow it to the letter. If they want to stick chewing gum in the gaps let them and then complain again as a extension of the first complaint. FOLLOW THE COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE. Always be in when they say they are calling,always let them do whatever they want however stupid it seems and follow the procedure. They haven't the money to do it and have loads of complaints like this,nothing will be done but bodges until it hits higher level and starts to affect figures for the boss. I work in this industry,don't fret and stress out just pin the complaints procedure on the fridge door and whatever letter they send follow what the procedure says until it says that you can contact the ombudsman.
  7. The envelope had no markings to show first or second class. they have now written saying theyve looked into my complaint(I never made one)and they think they arnt to blame but give a ombudsman leaflet with it and say my CCA request will be dealt with in due course(they are in default by 30 days and have had a default letter.Also that they will not deal with me any more as they have given me many chances and all correspondence should be with the debt collection agency.The DCA has sent another threatening letter even though they have had a letter informing them the account is in dispute. They really are arrogant twits 'in due course' would be in the legal 12 days which they just chose to ignore unimpeded by the financial bodies who are supposed to keep them in check.
  8. Received a similar one from HSBC today.Basically says that the courts ruled the charges were not unfair and they wont be paying anything.Wrong and misleading and very patronising especially as I never asked for charges to be returned,what I did ask for was a CCA.Bunch of ******s.
  9. My wifes had the same letter,I didnt think they were supposed to encourage you to get into more debt and its carefully worded so they can deny they are but considering in my case they have ignored a CCA and a SAR and passed the debt to a DDA to collect whilst under dispute it seems they can just ignore all laws.
  10. Had another one from a DCA today offering massive discounts if I phone them now and pay something.They will be sent a account indispute letter tomorrow.
  11. I requested they collected in writing. I had neither a default nor a termination. They took the car at my request, They sent a 5700 liability letter. They sent a reduced for 10 days 4600 liability letter 10 days later. I sent a CCA and SAR request at the same time. 12 days ago it was delivered(registered).
  12. Weve not paid since about May,on about 6k.Still only at the default stage.At this rate itll be another year.
  13. Had nothing but 'we are dealing with your complaint and will answer by xmas' replies until today when weve had a DN on one of the accounts(the other was DN'd weeks ago). Its dated the 4th/12 which is well past me putting both accounts into dispute,can they do this? Is it about time I asked for a SAR?
  14. CCA and SAR were delivered to them on the 29th Nov 09. Still no reply but they have today sent another demand for payment as a MANDATORY ARREARS NOTICE SERVED UNDER SECTION 96B OF THE CCA ACT 1974.This was dated the 7th. If I have no reply to the CCA by the 15th/12/09 its over the 12+2 days,should I then put the account into dispute? They have a while yet on the SAR.
  15. I'm hopeful of something like this.I don't give a rats ass what they put on my credit file,I have no money to pay what I owe never mind more credit. Well done you.
  16. Ive now had a letter telling me 'my complaint' ie my cca request and the follow on 'account in dispute' letter will be answered by xmas. Ive had a letter from 'Debt Free recoveries and Investigations' saying they the account has been passed to them for recovery and they have been appointed agents for the debt. As the account is in dispute can MBNA do this? Who are these people,anyone had dealings with them? Should I send a SAR request to MBNA as they will be 2 months late on the CCA request cut off date by xmas?
  17. Not unless they've moved it.
  18. No mention at all of giving information not publicly known to help people.No mention of anything illegal going off so whats with the vitriol? They dont want Joe public knowing the law,we are not educated enough to understand the complexities,better leave it to them. You have to ask why they are so against people using the law to their advantage,the banks do it every day.
  19. MBNA have had the account indispute letter,they have sent two letters apologising for not answering my 'complaint' but will do so by the end of year.I really dont care as far as Im concerned its in dispute and they cant do sod all,although I noticed we got the DN after they received the CCA request.
  20. You could be right mate,theres a 12k loan thats dropped all on her shoulders now Im bankrupt and a 3k overdraft the same. Theres no way Im getting anything like a managed loan,the bankruptcy papers are sat online waiting if things look really bad re CCa SRA,Ive been waiting for the debts to be sold or some kind of activity but besides Metropolitan chasing the CC shes heard nothing for 2 months now. Trying to lure me into a false sense of security are they??
  21. Surprised to get a letter recently re the missis CC. I've recently gone bankrupt and have CCA and SAR'd MBNA on the missis behalf,wrote to HSBC re her CC when they demanded repayment of full CC amount(shes not payed for 4 months) expecting a bogof reply but they have written back saying they will accept 1 a month and halt all charges and interest for the immediate future. Waiting to see what they do about the loan and overdraft though they have refunded 500 quid as I sent a hardship letter a few months ago. So TBH HSBC are not being too bad contrary to what most on here are experiencing. More than made up for by MBNA who are answering my CCA and dispute letters with a apology for not answering my 'complaints' but will before the end of the year.
  22. I left the UK in 1992 with a 1k overdraft and 2.5k on a visa card.I came back in 2001 applied for a joint bank account with my new wife and they opened a account and gave(didnt ask) me a visa card with 2k limit.I had a credit rating of 97 and got a mortgage 10 months after coming back and have no bad ratings against my name Ive no idea what happened to the old debts and no-one has ever asked. Finding myself in the same state 17 yrs later is a bad reflection on my financial acumen but shows that recently at least debts at 10yrs old just disappeared.
  23. I had the friendly 'is jack in' call several times.When asked who it was theyd say 'its Carol'(or some such). I asked what they wanted and theyd admit it was MBNA,then Id give them a bollocking along the lines of 'since when has it been OK to use a business customers first name','when you call me you address me as Mr brown not bloody Jack who the hell do you think you are using my first name your not a friend you are a bank,who the hell told you it was OK to use first names you cheeky bastard never ever call me again if this is your attitude etc etc. This was until they said they would keep calling me against my verbal and written requests until I spoke to them at which point I said if they kept calling then I would tell them to FO,and put the phone down.She called 1 second later so I told her to FO and put the phone down. 1 second later she called and said 'do you not know how to talk to people on the phone Mr Brown,Yes I said,FO and again put down the phone. Never called again,then I changed phone number a week later,best move I made.
  24. I was like many of the opinion that you pay what you owe,if it takes a lifetime then thats your fault..until I had problems and just asked for a little leeway from people Ive paid thousands in interest over the years,who penalties Ive paid however extortionate thinking it was my fault for going over etc. They would give no leeway,nothing. If you can figure a way to not pay using the law then dont pay. Ive gone bankrupt and the missis was going to but now Im fighting them tooth and nail to court and beyond(if there is one),they are getting nothing.
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