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  1. thank you slqsue i will get the letter sent to the baliffs tomorrow do i send the payment to them or take it to the council when i take a copy to them
  2. ambervalley council said i could pay 120 a mth to pay my arrears plus my council tax i rang them with the payment but they said because i was a week late they put me with the baliffs.i rang the baliffs they said i had to 360per mth,which is stupid how can i afford that,i paid that day the 120 that i was paying the council they then reduced it down to 253 71per mth which i still cant afford they reckon i owe 761.13 will i be in my rights to send them a copy of the letter you have written for others stating i am willing to pay £40permth over 18mths plus send £40 with the letter that will cover the outstanding amount
  3. Can anybody help my son and girlfriend? Over the past few months my sons girlfriends benefits have been changing she was origianaly on Employment and support allowance, and then changed to carers allowance to look after my son. Because it has taken so long for the jobcenter to process these claims every time my sons girlfriend filled in a housing benefit and council tax form she had to keep withdrawing them to change the title of what benefits she was on. All the while, her housing association was charging her rent {full rent} and the council was charging her full council tax. As the weeks went by the council and housing association started charging her for letters and the fact it was being taken to court so this was £150 each time it was taken to court. At present she owes over a thousand pounds in rent to the Housing association and nearly £800.00p to the local council, this is not her fault as it is taking so long for the job centre to process her claims it has taken 4-5 weeks to process her claim for income support. A few days ago she received a letter from the housing association saying her house was going to be repossesed and she was going to be homeless. The council have told her she has got to pay £105.00p in seven days otherwise she will lose her entitlement to pay by installments, but untill she gets the relevant benefits she cannot pay them anything we have been to the council offices numerouse times to sort this out and we are just being sent away each time. it is rerally upsetting her and causing health problems but the council dont care about this can anyone help us and give us some advice on where we stand and what rights we have please.
  4. hi everyone i am so fed up with these flaming bank charges halifax this morning as took another 210 in charges its as though i am working just to give them my money how do they expect me to live ,i am in arrears with all my bills cause everytime i go to pay i have no money cause of charges.this is really getting me down it seems the more i earn the more they take. sorry for the moaning just so fed up and its getting me down i cant see any way out of this
  5. hi i would but dont know how waiting for my sons girlfriend to come and show me i am new to computers and dont really understand what to do .
  6. i have fixed sum agreement,statement of price-payment breakdown,payment protection policy,and life insurance policy.i havent been in touch with welcome .i did ring nat west and asked for a copy of my loan agreement they said they would sent it out to me but that was a week ago nothing as arrived yet
  7. thank you postggi as i was saying i have all my paperwork from welcome finance still they told me i had to have ppi and life insurance can i claim these back and if so how do i do it. i had a phone call from a company telling me i could but if i was inarearrs with welcome they would take the money of what i owed which i surpose is fair but then they said they would still want 25% of what ever i got that is unfair as that would put me further in debt. i also had ppi with nat west on a loan which i was in arrears with plus an overdraft ,that just got bigger and bigger with bank charges so they consolidated the loan and overdraft can i still claim the ppi for the first loan i am in such a mess i relly need some help
  8. thank you for your fast reply but i know you will think i am a right wolly but i dont know how to open a thread:confused:
  9. i have had a loan with welcome since 2006 i still have my paperwork they told me i had to have ppi plus life insurancecan i claim all these back and if so how do i go about it:(
  10. thank you andrew i will try this i have got myself in a right mess this last year it all started with bank charges which led to direct debits not being paid in arrears with everything thank god i have been told about this site its so helpful
  11. how do i do this as i am in arrears with my mortage had loads of charges i have to pay an extra 100 amonth to get the arrears down i have also been to court this is my last chance be repossion
  12. hi have sent a letter to nat west asking for my charges back as i thought they was unfair this was well over a year ago i had i letter from them saying they thought the charges was fair will anything be happening or should i apply again
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