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Everything posted by justify

  1. This is brilliant news H especially for you but for also for all of us! CONGRATULATIONS!"!" J
  2. justify

    Credit Issues Ltd

    I'm happy to accept that. From my point of view the matter's closed. My offer (re transparency etc) remains open. If at any time any post I might make (I don't make many) raises any doubts about my integrity another CAGGER just needs to ask and a private exchange of relevant information can take place with the outcome posted. J
  3. justify

    Credit Issues Ltd

    OK - so if I reveal my identity to you privately (obviously I expect you to do the same) and provide you with all the relevant documentary evidence, I can expect a public apology on the CAG Forum for your implied slurs?? I take great exception to your suggestion that I am not being truthful... I'm prepared to be transparent and open with you. Are you prepared to reciprocate? Just to confirm everything I've stated on the forum on this thread has been 100% true and other than paying money to Credit Issues as a customer, I have no direct or indirect connection with Credit Issues, their solicitors... or any bank, DCA, debt management company, solicitors, barristers, court or any other organisation or individual you might accuse me of having an interest in. Although I've been managing my way out of them, I have had debt problems, and I find the behaviour of the banks and DCAs unethical, unprofessional, unfair and unpleasant. That's why I joined this CAG. Over to you dx...and you'd better get your Roger Waters album out. J
  4. justify

    Credit Issues Ltd

    You're getting out of order now dx. Why not just accept that I know my own case and facts - and am not quite as dumb as you might think? Your last assumption's wrong on both counts and yes sometimes it does "get that far". Unless you really know what you're doing (and don't make sweeping statements and false assumptions) it's easy to get egg on your face and worst still, lose. It was the counterclaim (which I saw and didn't have to pay the court fee) that led to the other side backing down. J
  5. justify

    Credit Issues Ltd

    No rip off in my case. Lender sued me after months of dca nonsense. everything from then on handled by Credit Issues solicitors including counterclaim. I had nothing to do no costs no stress no hassle and a court order confirming the lenders agreement to write off. peace of mind and debt written off. worth evry penny!!!
  6. justify

    Credit Issues Ltd

    my experience with Credit Issues has been much better. its taken a long long time but theyve been pretty good and one of my card has been 100% written off. there solicitors have been very good. J
  7. Does anyone know if CMC Credit Issues Ltd is in trouble? A friend of mine's a clients and get hold of them. J
  8. Yes and many cases where the creditor has backed off at the last minutre. J
  9. Eh???! The judge is probably right, but the relevant and important question surely is whether or not the CCA is compliant and the terms being applied are consistent with those in the agreement???! Have I got the wrong end of the stick?? J :idea::idea:
  10. Fantastic news Delphi! Well done to you and more power to HBs elbow! J :lol:8)
  11. From what I've seen - and youve been very open with us CAGGERs - this and the reason for refusing appeal is/are scandalous. Sorry, but I cant find anything else constructive to say. I very much hope your barrister gives you the opinion youre looking for. J
  12. Tried to upload draft unsuccessfully - can someone point to a link on the site please? Final guidance expected on OFT website any time. J
  13. The other point about the Waksman judgement is that he has followed, almost to the letter, the new draft OFT guidance on the CCA submitted to him before the trial as part of the evidence. He certainly hasn't watered it down in any way. Take a look. J :cool:
  14. I agree with this and almost all the other comments. This gives a horrendous insight into the injustices that go on in court. I didn't believe the judge could have been that biased, but there it is, in black and white. Incredible. Were any press there - just a thought? If I were in your shoes and able to afford to do so, there is no doubt I would appeal. J
  15. I may be wrong but I think all they have to prove is that was SENT, not that it was delivered. Well worth checking. BTW I'm up for contributing but cant say how much yet because of current fincial circumstances. So dont want to find i cant pay up what i offer. J
  16. I feel the same way as everyone else - extraordinary process and outcome. Easy to say this, but surely you must appeal. Im so sorry youve been treated so badly by the so called justice system. Also vjohn - youre clearly a special person. J and and
  17. Very best wishes for tomorrow Humbleman. I'll keep evrything crossed 4U ! J
  18. Hear! Hear! The firstr "balanced" article on the banks i've read in a long, long time. Well done and THANKS PW... J
  19. Remember this was not just one judgemet on one case. There were several cases and a number of issues. The banks did win on some points but lost on many others including some that they are very sore about. J
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