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  1. dont know bout that mrs... but it would help if you could the trace the person
  2. thanks geezer... is there anyway the court can force him to answer letters from the court ?
  3. this is for my friend who doesnt own a pc... she is trying to get a divorce been seperated from her ex husband for around 5 years..... he wont give her his address only his parents, who keep sending papers back to court. she has used solicitors before and it cost her two grand for nothing.. any ideas please.. thank you if in wrong place please move x
  4. hiya, sorry to hear this... a friend of mine had this problem and she saw someone at the welfare rights people, they helped her with everything.. hope you get something sorted x
  5. hiya. well i've sent off letters to council and bailiff.. here's hoping they see am willing to pay and call off the bailiff's i have also paid what i said i would so fingers crossed they will leave me alone
  6. Me again..... where can i find a template of a letter to the council... i have a letter to the bailiff.. help
  7. i havent got any letters with a barcode on it... so how do i pay this... i try to pay on the online page but i dont have an account number... any ideas thanks
  8. thats daylight robbery !!! no wonder people just give up and let the bailiff in...
  9. Why would they ask for £ 10 cheque ? sorry am new to all this....
  10. echowitch.. i didnt speak to a debt company ( thankgod) ... am gonna sort this out... is the ref number on these horriable letters the same as you would use for making payments to the council?
  11. Thankyou happy... iam going to write to the council and ask them for a run down of the outstanding poll tax amount... also write to the bailiffs asking them the same.. i intend to send payments to the council and not bailiff... i have told my kids to keep doors and windows locked just in case...
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