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  1. Hi all Have recently received a claim form from Northampton County Court, regarding a loan taken with welcome finance taken in 2007, back then shortly after I took the loan out, I was made redundant at my job and was unable to pay, I asked them about the PPI sold to me and they said that I didn't qualify. As a result I stopped making payments since I was unable to afford them, I subsequently moved back to my parents and never heard from welcome finance or any one regarding this, until last week when the claim form arrived in the post. Welcome finance say that the balance of the loan as of 11/12/2007 was £1969.31 they are seeking/claiming £2930.59, there is a huge difference between the two amounts, I cannot afford to repay the first amount in one go, let alone the escandalous amount that they are claiming now. I don't know where to start or what to do any detailed help would be inmensely apretiated. Many thanks in advance
  2. Thanks old bill You seem to have replied as I was typing .
  3. Hi Tony, You seem to be confused, I have been to court twice on the same issue, first time I attended was when I saw the prosecutor/DVLA bloke, I had a defence and a few docs together at that stage, it was then when DVLA asked to see my docs and I refused, at that same time he tried to convince me into playing guilty and he made me aware of this forum and legal seagulls... (Refer to my first post.) he stated that DVLA reads these forums and that any case won/dismissed/ or otherwise dropped by DVLA was on their own merits and that I pretty much didn't have a leg to stand on. His actual words to me after i refused to show him my defence were " Fine we will sort this in court " Court was adjourned as I played not guilty and was rescheduled 1month later at Reading, that was a few days ago (see post 8) and it was then when DVLA never turned up, hope this clarifies the subject .
  4. Interesting, I was indeed miffed by his request to see my defence docs and was even more surprised when he got offended when I politely refused by saying " you don't need to see that really, that is my defence which I will be sharing/using during the hearing" His behaviour (DVLA prosecutor) was at the very lest unprofessional and could even be classed as bulling as he used scare tactics to try and make plead guilty for something I was not guilty of. I would like to share some advice with the forum readers here.. Guys and Girls ... If you are 100% honest and clear in your mind that you complied as you are required, gather your facts, apply for freedom of information requests and do go to court to defend your selves, DVLA are sadly a bunch of bullies whom will try scare you with court procedures at every opportunity, they couldn't care less if you got a criminal record as a result of their shambollic procedures and ways to operate.
  5. Hi Old Bill Thanks for the comments and info, I believe it was indeed a district judge, my case was put to his court room as the one he was booked for got cancelled, I did indeed mention that is was a total lack of professionalism and at the very least common courtesy on the DVLAs part to not show up or at the very least notify my self or the court as to why they where not turning up, I also made a point of mentioning the the case would have likely gone ahead and against me should it have been my self whom didn't show up at court. All this was heard and agreed/sympathised with. I will fire up the relevant letters, thanks again
  6. Hi Tony, I gave a brief description of my defence, on the grounds that if I had been the one to noshow, they would have proceeded in my absence, it was heard, all be it possibly not needed as the judge was simpathetic to my attending to court in my own time, twice, and that DVLA didn't even have the decency to turn up. I believe that there was only a couple of us up today, as Reading magistrates deal more with crims and council matters, sadly in most DVLA cases people get bullied into, pleading guilty and accepting a fine there and then. I was first in so don't know if the others showed up and or where seen/heard as adjournment was an option too.
  7. Hi all Just a quick note to say thanks for all the invaluable advice! I was at court today for trial, fully prepared with all my facts and defence, after waiting and waiting and waiting, wy beyond the time that I should have been in, I was notified that the prosecutor was no where to be seen, several calls were made to DVLA to no avail, I was called into the court room, my case was being dealt with by a County judge as he was available, my case was read out, I was complemented on having followed all the steps and having attended every time I had been summoned. As a result of my prompt attendance and lack of hesitation towards court proceedings, the judge dropped allegations against me, also asked me how much costs I had incurred by attending court, we agreed on an amount and said costs will be added onto the DVLA's bill. Many thanks for all the support
  8. Thanks for the advice, I am indeed being 100% honest and have absolutely nothing to hide, I'll start gathering evidence of other cases where the DVLA has lost documents
  9. Thanks for that pal, will keep you posted with my progress
  10. Hi all, Recently had a notification of an alledged failure to notify the DVLA about a change of keeper, ( I did 100% post the relevant section of the V5C ) I send them a letter pleading inocent and was still summoned to court, I prepared a basic defence and attended court on the date given, the DVLA bloke called me in before the court was in session and tried to talk to me ( apparently he was trying to help me out or so he claimed ) he asked lots of questions and wanted to see the documents I had taken in for my defence, to which I politely declined. The man proceded to throw a hissy fit, all toys out of the pram, asked me to leave whilst saying "fine we'll sort it in court" I went back to the waiting area, more people came and went a few of them left completely and rather swiftly, I was then called in again to speak to one of the magistrates, whom asked if I was still pleading not guilty, to which I replayed "yes not guilty" she then proceded to explain that I was to be found guilty later it would be worse than admitting to it there and then, as if trying to scare me off maybe? I confirmed that I was still to plead not guilty and she said that in that case I would have to attend another day and to a different court this time, ( still magistrates ) to have a proper trial ?? that is what confused me ... What was the point of me attending in the first place then ?? I was also given anunconditional bail form, stating where and when I'm due to attend next. What I am after is advice on weather this is normal or not? Also could use some help putting together a better defence as mine I feel is not very strong Given the questioning excereted by the DVLA bloke during our first encounter. Help via PM would be great please as the DVLA man made me aware that they read this forum and Legal seagulls, perhaps an attempt to try to put me off? Many thanks in advance Nash
  11. Hi all, I'm after some advice, I too a couple of years ago fell victim of LBL, circumstances changed, missed a couple of payments, attempted to re finance and come to a repayment agreement several times, only to keep getting same answer (they didn't want to know unless the whole amount was paid in one go) Subsequently the car went off the road (sorn) in a secure facility , during this time, 2 or 3 alleged bailiffs from different companies came to my door with threats and abuse, the first one managed to get some money from me (to stop proceedings allegedly ) as no agreement was re drawn. The next two lots of bailiffs where really abusive, I managed to fight them off by stating that they where trespassing private land and that I would get the police involved. Almost a year has gone by since I last heard from anyone on this matter. Now a letter from Hammonds UK (whom had sent the first lot of bailiffs ) has pitched up in the post demanding the full amount in 48hours or else litigation will occur and the car repossed (car still off the road in a safe place) also they are claiming for a new amount which is way higher than the original amount quoted by LBL. Where do I stand with this people? Do they hold a Licence? Can they come and enter the property and force me to take them to / or open the lock up if I where to be followed there? what can I / should I do with regards to the litigation threats? Many thanks in advance
  12. Hi everyone I like many of you fell a victim of logbook loans last year, my payment where always on time, then I fell behind 4 weeks, but have been paying the monthly amount every month with no fail, today I got a very nasty call acusing me of not returning their calls, I can proove they never called as my mobile was disconected for 2 weeks and no answerphone is active on that, so it is not possible to leave a message on my mob. they proceeded to say I was £650 in arrears, my payment this month is due in to days time when I get paid, I said Ill pay as much as I can normally £300 ish. They woulndt have none of that and proceded to threaten me with taking the car away. The lad even had the Audacity to say that I had to surrender my car to them (2003 Impreza STI, book value £6500) as according to him, it was the only option I had left, I must have £1200 left over to pay on the loan. I said again i will pay all I can and said no, you will loose your car etc. I am in the process of seding them a Subject access Request. Is there anything I can do ...? Any adivse hugely appritiated.. Cheers in Advance Nash
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