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Everything posted by vickiejane

  1. Thanks very much he shall complete this form ASAP. The letter from Lowell said they were going to apply for a warrant but I believe that was suspending pending him completing the forms they sent him. Shall he just tick suspend warrant box any way just in case?
  2. Thank you for your reply, I will work on what you have suggested. As the debt has already been bought by Lowell and a CCJ issued back in 2017 what would I be looking for in regard to the SAR to Vanquis? Sorry if I sound dim it’s all new to me
  3. Hi, Thank you for your response, would not supplying this information then hinder his chances at a suitable payment arrangement? When completing the I&E surely Lowell would comment on the fact that the household outgoings are more than his careers allowance? How would be best to proceed with the I &E in this case?
  4. Hello, I was hoping somebody may be able to offer advice. My partner received a letter out of the blue from Lowell Solicitors stating that they were applying for a warrant of control for non payment of CCJ from 2017 (news to us) my partner went online and checked his credit file and sure enough there is a CCJ there from 2017. My partner then contacted Lowell to explain that he is currently being treated for depression and has not worked since 2014 and he receives carer allowance for caring for our daughter whom has additional needs. Lowell said they would send a letter as the payment plan should be £50 per month. We received the letter and they are requesting income and expenditure including mine! The debt has nothing to do with me, do we have to supply that information? They also asked for a letter from his GP to confirm illness. Our GP charges for such letters and it’s rather embarrassing having to request one. Would a copy of his prescription suffice? Also can anyone clarify, do we need to disclose our daughters disability allowance as income? After all this is her money that is used for activities, travel and crafts ect. I don’t know if it makes a difference but the initial debt was with Vanquis (credit card) which Lowell purchased. I would be great full of advice on the best way to deal with this and any draft letters anyone may be able to help with. Thank you in advance
  5. WOW thanks Jasper that is fantastic!!!! Would i be ok sending this by email or should it really be sent in writing?
  6. Hi, and the pusuit in ongoing........ TBh im getting rather weary now, i have recieved yet another email from MIB saying the debt remains. Does anybody have a link to a statute barred draft letter that has been edited for use in this case. i would be very greatfull. x
  7. Thanks Jasper, i shall quote something similar when i reply to them! If im honest i too thought this reply was very poor but i guess i was just glad they had acknowledged my complaint!
  8. Hi Bazooka, here is my reply from consumer direct..... Thank you for your enquiry to Consumer Direct dated 22/03/2011. Your reference number for this case is ************** and should be quoted in all further correspondence regarding this case. We understand that you are being pursued for a debt you incurred in 2004. Based on the information you have provided the key legal points in response to your enquiry are as follows: A debt is considered Statute Barred if a creditor has not contacted a debtor for a period of 6 years and no action has been taken on the account. Although the debt is still legally acknowledged as being owed, the creditor is not able to take any legal action against the debtor in order to recover the debt. It is considered unfair if a creditor or debt collector misleads the debtor into believing the debt is still legally recoverable. It is also considered an unfair practice if the creditor or debt collector press for payment after the debtor has stated they will not be paying the money owed. This could amount to harassment contrary to Section 40(1) of the Administration of Justice Act 1970. For debt advice, you should contact National Debtline on 0808 808 4000. This is a national telephone helpline for people with debt problems in England, Wales and Scotland. The specialist advice is given over the telephone. The service is free, confidential and independent. Alternatively, you may want to contact the Consumer Credit Counselling Service as they also offer independent advice on debt. You can contact them on 0800 If you require any further advice or information about this case, please do not hesitate to contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 quoting the case reference number. Thank you for your enquiry.
  9. Thanks a lot Jasper thats great!! I was a little worried that the date of the debt would be from when they paid out to the "claimant" so the 3 year info is very greatfully recieved I have never signed or acknowledged anything to do with this claim!
  10. Sorry missed a few words out of my last post..... Here is what i sent back in full.... " Ms *******, i would be greatfull if you could send me a copy of the report which you claim to have, as i have NEVER spoken with one of your "agents". Also i have never recieved any form of correspondence from the MIB until the recent correspondence referred to in my previous email. Therefore i feel i have not had the chance to defend myself over this matter! I also feel that to leave this issue over 6 years before attempting to make contact whilst all the time this alledged amount owed has been incurring interestis diabolical! I will be seeking futher advice on this matter from the relevent legal bodies and i will be looking at making compliants to the relevent bodies also. This issue has been handled in a most unprofessional manner! Thank you ********* **********
  11. Hi, just thought i would update you on my claim, I have today recieved a email back from MIB who say they are still pursuing me and passed the debt back to CCM!!! They claim i have spoken to a agent in 2007 which they have a report! I HAVE NEVER SPOKEN TO AN AGENT!!! So i replied with this..................................... " Ms *******, i would be greatfull if you could send me a copy of the report which you claim to have, as i have NEVER spoken with one of your "agents". Also i have never recieved any form of correspondence from the MIB until the recent correspondence referred to in my previous email. Therefore i feel i have not had the chance to defend myself over this matter! I also feel that to leave this issue over 6 years before attempting to make contact whilst all the time this alledged amount owed has been incurring interest! I will be seeking futher advice on this matter from the relevent legal bodies and i will be looking at making compliants to the relevent bodies also. This issue has been handled in a most unprofessional manner! Thank you ********* ********** I am complianing to the relevent bodies would you suggest that my best course of action now would be the Statute Debt letter?? Thanks x
  12. Hi Bazooka, thanks for the advice i will get onto those complaints ASAP!!! Hi Ash, im no expert but i was under the impression that for a debt to become statute barred there has to be no correspondence from you to the creditor within the 6 year time frame. If you have contacted the company in writing within the 6 years then as far as im aware the debt is not statute barred
  13. Hi Everyone, i had read all through this thread and i must say it has been a big help Today i too recieved these two letters in the same envolope from MIB and CCM! Stating that i owe almost £4200 from Sept 2004! I have sent an email along the same lines as Wotsy and i will let you know of the outcome. If it proves to be unsucessfull and MIB continue to pursue me i will go down the SB route just one thing confuses me.... Do the stat barred 6 vyears apply from date of accident or the day the MIB paid out? Thanks in advance
  14. Thanks z4r4l3a thats just what i was looking for i hope you manage to sort everything out. Did you check the witness signature on your bos as ive had dealings with MM before and there was only one guy in the office and therefore no independant witness to sign the bos, this is what im pinning my hopes on.
  15. I didnt really want to arrouse the suspicions of the loan co, by getting them involved must i have the bos number will all other details not be enough, also do you know how much it would cost cant find on google.
  16. Omg this is awful i cant believe the level these vultures will stoop to, im a nervous wreck, im just about to check out the bill of sale can anyone tell me the exact way in which to go about this i have lost my copy but i know the date of bos and obviously the other party. thankyou.
  17. Yes we are behind they have agreed to call off any action if we pay what was agreed £200 per month and we already paid £100 to call off recovery agents. Are the company we are dealing with Loans $ Logbooks the same company as log book loans do you know??
  18. Hi my partner took out a loan with loans 4 logbooks it was all sorted out over the phone and then signed for and money collected in a moneyshop. we have never been sent a right of cancellation letter nor did he supply and income and expenditure statement, hope this helps.
  19. oh ok then worth a try i suppose, its just that when we took out our recent lbl one of the conditions was that we had to provide proof of comprehensive insurance. Will follow your advice thanks trooper
  20. oh sorry yes we signed some paperwork at the moneyshop but with reguards to the new payment arrangements no paperwork. i have just been reading the above posts re. bos there was only one lady by herself at the moneyshop when the agreement was taken out does this mean there was no witness. also i dont know if it matters she didnt even look at the car. Thanks Trooper your a big help.
  21. Hi i dont have anything in writing it was arranged over the phone and we were asked to submitt a new payment proposal by email. The company we used was loans 4 logbooks, have they been known to go back on thier word????
  22. Hi i wonder if anyone could help me, approx 7 years ago my partner took out a log book loan with a firm called Loans 2 Go shortly after he crashed the car and was a total write off i must mention that the insurance was not valid nor was it valid at the time the loan was taken out, the insurance certificate he produced in order to obtain the loan was also invalid as the date had expired. (not by very long but expired non the less) My partner paid them in small weekly instalments for a while and then stopped paying when he was out of work he never reinstated the direct debit and therefore has not paid them anything for a number of years. Loans 2 go have just very recently started writing to us demanding payment, i was wondering whether us not providing a valid insurance certificate and the time of taking out the loan may affect the contract in the sense that the car has been i assume crushed a long time ago so there is nothing for them to recover, also would it have been their responsibility as the lender to check that the vehicle (the security) had adequate insurance. I suppose the question im getting at is do i still need to pay and can they send bailiffs to recover items from my home or my current vehicle????????
  23. Thankyou im affraid ive had to come to an arrangement with them to keep my car, im now paying a fortune every month for the sake of £500 NEVER AGAIN
  24. I have a loan with mobile money (stupid but at the time i was desparate) I have been looking at the Terms & Conditions on the credit agreement and in the small print it says that They have the right to break into garages and out buildings on my property that they think the car might be in. Is this legal and can the ageement be chalenged on this point. Hi as far as i am aware only certified baillifs can enter your property, they can enter without your authorisation by gaining peacfull entry for example through am open window or unlooked door, to break in however they would need to apply to the courts for a warrant of execution. im sorry i cant help you on the point of challenging your contract. Hope this helps.
  25. Hi my partner took out a log book loan on our car this was done mainly over the telephone and concluded in a Money Shop. He took out the loan as he was layed off from his job but with the promise of returning to work which unfortunately did not happen he has been out of work for sometime now and as a consequence was unfortunatley unable to pay off any of the repayments. I am now living in fear as we have had letters with threats of taking possesion (THIER) vehicle and bailiffs card shoved through the letter box the car is the only thing we own of any value when i sat that its only worth around £1300 but that to me is everything. The loan was only £500 i am petrefied is thier any loopholes i could look into or does anybody know of anything at all i could do. Also as the loan was secured on the car is there now outstanding finance on the car, Thankyou for taking the time to read this.
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