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Everything posted by spuzzcake

  1. I have spoken to them again today regarding point (3) and they have said that no new contract was signed and no attempt was made to make me aware of the changes regarding the sub 60 second phone call charging but when I upgraded my plan in May 2008 I agreed to these changes. I asked how I agreed to them if I wasn't made aware of them to which they couldn't answer. It is clear I am getting nowhere with this and thinking it might be easier to cancel the direct debit and fight whatever action they take against that.
  2. (1) I am a long term 3 customer, been with them 2 years+. Contract came up for renewal and agreed to 300 texts or minutes "Mix and Match" at £12 a month plus a new phone. Got my bill and the plan they have put me on is 50 text + 150 minutes. First month I used 130 texts and 48 minutes so was charged accordingly. I rang them up to dispute the plan they have put me on and they have point blank refused to help in any way whatsoever. (2) The phone I got when I went onto the new plan was a Nokia 6500 slide. It is AWFUL, I get no reception at home or work and only few places inbetween do get reception. It also freezes regularly and needs the battery removing to get it into life again. I phone 3 who said to restore factory settings and again offered no help beyond this. (3) A few weeks ago they sent a letter to say they were changing the contract, any call lasting less then a minute will be charged 1 minute and per second thereafter. I used this as an escape clause to cancel the contract under their terms and conditions within the contract. They responded in writing to say that I had already agreed to this change when I got the new phone but NO paperwork was ever sent out and nothing was signed. No mention was made of these changes on the phone. SUMMARY! I absolutely despise 3 and their customer service team. I want to get away from 3 even if it means going onto another, more expensive plan. I have 3 fronts to attack on but not sure how to attack. If point (3) is successful there is no point in wasting my time on (1) and (2). Please help!
  3. can you copy what you wrote here? ive sent two letters and made countless phonecalls and they are insisting a fee is to be paid. i musnt be wording it right. my 30 days are nearing their end!
  4. I am starting to wish I had just ignored these two hats. Once I entered into communication they are phoning and writing at least once a week. They have yet to prove to me that it was my car that was in the car park and that it was me who parked it there. They have sent me a doctored ticket 4 times in the post. Threatened court action within the next 7 days for the past 6 weeks and sent two letters threatening a door stop call to arrange collection. I have told them that I will not be paying a penny and that I want them to take me to court and still nothing. Lying, cheating scumbags. Don't pay these crooks a penny! Should someone attempt a home visit am I within my rights to remove them from my property interpreting their actions as threatening?
  5. To anyone who is receiving these letters please don't stress or worry about them they clearly are a novice outfit. If you don't know what to do reply here and a letter will be drafted for you. If anyone does actually get taken to court by them I will be absolutely astonished. Whatever you do, don't phone them and don't give them any money! Their letters could as easily go ignored but you are better to do your best to resolve it and keep yourself in the clear. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best!
  6. I have now fired off 3 letters to these losers trying to initiate some sort of attempt to resolve this and they are just sending off template letter time and again. I doubt if they actually have any staff or a computer spitting out sobby grovelling letters every 60 days. My last letter to them basically says I have done my utmost to get to the bottom of this and you failed to enter into meaningfull communication, please take me to court and i shall countersue for for undue stress and damages, reported to oft, any further communication considered harrassment. Up yours, Spuzzcake
  7. That is disgusting! If anybody else reads this - DO NOT PHONE THEM! EVERYTHING is in writing. There is absolutely nothing to gain from phoning them only adding to your phone bill. The ticket in question was issued unlawfully, it has then been bought by a DCA who are now trying to collect the debt unlawfully. Send them this letter: Dear Sirs, Re: Your letter dated [dd/mmmm/yyyy] Reference[#] Unless you provide evidence to substantiate your claim against me I shall be unable to assist you further in this matter. In the meantime I absolutely deny your claim that the amount claimed, or any amount at all, is due to you from me. Yours faithfully
  8. I am going to be sending a letter saying I am unable to help unless they substantiate their claim with evidence. I wouldn't phone them again it was probably a quid a minute!
  9. I really do not think ignoring it is the right thing to do. I need to dispute this and get it resolved but need to know the correct course of action and who to correspond with.
  10. Hello all, I received a letter today from Credit Resource Solutions acting on behalf of BPM Ground Services Ltd collecting a debt of £75.00 relating to a parking charge. This is the first communication I have received relating to the incident with no initial letter from BPM Ground Services. I have not been given a chance to deny the alleged charge and it's gone straight to a debt collection agency?! Do I state that the debt is in dispute, refer to client? State my case to the DCA? It's a very templatey looking letter with an 08707 number to call with your credit card ready threatening further action if I fail to comply.
  11. Probably just as effective but doesn't leave much of a paper trail should it go to court!
  12. Hello Darren, I was in a similar situation with PayPal. Someone used PayPal to pay for goods and fraudullently claimed back the money. PayPal ignored my comments on the dispute and awarded in the buyers favour. This left me with a negative balance of close to £300 which was shortly past on to Robinson, Way and Company. Now starts the onslaught of telephone calls and letters. To stop the phone calls use this letter, Your address Robinson, Way & Company Limited London Scottish House Quays Reach Carolina way Salford M50 2ZY todays date Account Number: xxx Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in relation to the quantity and frequency of telephone calls that I have received from your company, which I deem to be personally harassing. I now require all further correspondence from your company to be made in writing only. I am of the view that your continued harassment of me by telephone puts you in breach of Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. If you continue to harass me by telephone, you will also be in breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Act (1949) and I will report you to both Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading, meaning that you will be liable to a substantial fine. Be advised that any further telephone calls from your company will be recorded. Yours truly, xxx With regards to the actual debt, I sent them a letter requesting the original credit agreement with PayPal, a copy of the deed of assignment allowing Robinson to collect the debt and a statement of the account. Your address Robinson Way & Company Limited London Scottish House Quays Reach Carolina way Salford M50 2ZY date Dear Sir or Madam Account number - xxx This letter in no way acknowledges that I hold a debt with your organisation or any other. With reference to the above account, I would like the following information provided to me at your earliest convenience. 1. A true copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.77 (1) for fixed sum credit). Your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account. I enclose a £1 postal order in payment of the statutory fee, PO Serial Number 11245806. 2. The deed of assignment allowing you to collect this debt 3. A statement of account I would request that this data is provided to myself within the next 28 days, if you are unable to provide this data then I must insist that you cease chasing this unsubstantiated debt. Your faithfully xxx They replied a few days later saying that all their client's terms and conditions were on their website and I was still due to pay to prevent court action. I replied with the following letter, address Robinson Way & Company Limited London Scottish House Quays Reach Carolina way Salford M50 2ZY date Dear Sir or Madam Account number – xxx This letter in no way acknowledges that I hold a debt with your organisation or any other. I refer to your recent letter dated xx/xx/xxxx in which you fail to provide me with any of the information I requested, particularly; a true copy of the original credit agreement, a deed of assignment allowing you to collect the alleged debt and a statement of said account. As you have failed to comply I would now ask that you cease communication in relation to chasing this unsubstantiated debt. Any further communication to the contrary will lead to a letter to the Trading Standards Agency reporting you for harassment. Your faithfully xxx They replied a few days later saying that they had passed the account back to their client saying any outstanding money owed should be paid to them. I fully expect PayPal to pass it on to someone else. At some point along the line I am going to invite them to take me to court and counterclaim for compensation. Good luck!
  13. I am doing all I can to contact the person but in the meantime I want to find out how they can let me access the funds and then a day later take them back! I have read through all the T & C's but there is nothing about reclaiming a cheque like this...
  14. I have been told it's not being represented but will be sent to my home address "REFER TO DRAWER" Is there anything I can do at all with RBOS. Surely they are in the wrong letting me access the money then taking it back!
  15. The cheque was a personal cheque. I don't know the person who sent it. I paid it in on Monday at 9am. It was sent from an HBOS customer. The bank did not tell me why it had not cleared but can only presume insufficient funds. They won't put him £500 over his limit but they will do it to me! I have written a letter to HBOS to pass on to the person who sent me the cheque.
  16. Of course it had cleared or I wouldn't have been able to withdraw it! I withdrew it from a cash machine. The day before it said Balance £500.00 Available £0.00. Then just before I withdrew the money it said Balance £500.00 Available £500.00. Then the next working say they are saying it hadn't actually cleared and has now bounced. Why would I be able to withdraw the money if the cheque hadn't cleared in the first place?! My problem is with the bank just now as I will struggle to get hold of the person who send the cheque.
  17. I went to the branch who have basically said that I will have to pay back the £500! They are (kindly!) waving the charges for going overdrawn but I will still be charged interest. I have lodged a complaint and they are going to get back to me.... Anybody come across this before?!
  18. Hello All, I paid a cheque in at my RBOS Account which cleared yesterday. It was for £500, last night at 11.50 pm I withdrew £300 and at 12.10 I withdrew the last £200. This morning my internet banking is showing the cash withdrawals along with the £500 leaving my account for the cheque not clearing! So my balance now sits at MINUS £500! It's like RBOS have uncleared a cheque that I've taken all the funds out for. I am on my way to the branch this afternoon to see what's going on. Has anyone come across this before? Does anyone know why this may have happened? Am I entitled to the £500 from the cheque or will I be expected to bring the account back to £0 myself? I have Incapacity benefit going into that account tomorrow which I won't be able to access if it's overdrawn as I have no overdraft facility! Mark.
  19. spuzzcake

    Scrambled Egg

    Hi Juli99, Seems you have been taken for a ride by Egg! If they aren't doing what you have asked them to do, report them! You can take them to court for not complying with your request for documents that you are entitled to! If you've made any threats in any of the letters you sent that they haven't complied with, follow through! Take the threats and act on them! Write your own letters, tweak the templates, ANYTHING to make your letter different as they are fed up of receiving the same old letters. If yours looks different they may actually read it and you may get some sense out of them! Maxine989, If you are reclaimaing any charges with EGG, do it for ALL your accounts with them. As long as it doesn't go over the £5,000 small claims limit. If you are claiming on a closed account and have an open account, they will ask for it to be repaid in full. The legalities of this are unclear to me. If this does happen then as long as you keep paying the agreed amount as good will then they will struggle to get the whole whack back! It would have to be taken to court....
  20. I am still weighing up how to do this and which way to attack from! The default is settled, I am currently debt free after negotiating full and final settlements with all of my creditors so I think I am in quite a good position. They have also charged me THOUSANDS in unlawful fees which I will also be claiming back. Biggest thing I am trying to find out at the moment is if the CRA's are data controllers or data processors. If I could get a straight forward answer from ANY of them as to which they are then my plan of attack would be decided for me... Thanks for getting back to me dayglo. I spent a night reading your entire thread a few days ago before I started this thread! It covered pretty much every emotion!
  21. I am not too sure what the Flexiplan is or how it works! Have you sent them a request for all your statements? Send them a preliminary approach for repayment letter estimating the charges they have taken from you and state that it will be updated once you aware of the true amount. Send a seperate letter with a copy of the preliminary approach for repayment saying the account is in dispute and as such you are not prepared to pay them anymore money. As for the default and court proceedings, have you received a default notice or just found out from your credit record? Phone them up and ask for an explanation and don't let them hang up till you are happy. YOU ask the questions! Then ask for it all to be sent to you in writing!
  22. I am not happy about them processing/holding any information as the whole thing is a mess! The defaults are a particular pain though. They can't even tell me if it's a default or a default notice and keep giving me answers like "it's because of the data protection act - we have to!" I've got most of what I want in writing and worded how I want so it's just a case of presenting it to them and threatening court action! The defaults have only been on for around a year so I can't just wait for them to drop off. Thanks for your input!
  23. Even if they were allowed to share or hold my information by law, as per the terms and conditions, would that be during the time of the contract or during the time the law states (which it may or may not?)
  24. Got 2 of 3 reports from the CRA's. Seems that the credit companies are just doing what they please, telling me one thing and actually doing something else. I have a letter from Egg telling me that the account is closed as of 22/08/2006 yet CallCredit and EquiFax are still being told it's open and I am missing payments! Can log on to Egg Money manager which shows I am 8 months behind on payments! I spoke to Egg who have confirmed the account is closed and sent me a letter confirming but was told that things are how they are because they need to keep it that way for in house audits. Egg terms and conditions state they can hold and share my information with CRA's under their terms and conditions, relevant ones below: 8.3 e> with my consent (Which they no longer have) f) if we are required or permitted to do so by law without needing my consent. So I need to find out which law entitles them to share my information without my consent and then prove to them it's wrong! I think they will be relying on Data Protection Act...
  25. Anybody at all? Looking through all the posts in this area a lot seem to go unanswered or ignored? Some help really would be appreciated - I am being told one thing by the CRA's, another thing by Egg and yet another thing by Capital One!
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