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  1. Hi thank you for the responses. ok i promise no more calls.. not sure about the PPI - where would i find that info out? my debts are as follows: bank loans x2 credit card x1 other lender loan x1 overdrafts x2 i use a debt management company that do charge each month. no interest or charges have been added to any of the debts for several years. so you think i shoudl continue to pay for now and then stop if they are unable to produce a CCA? again thank you all so much for your help .
  2. Thanks DX100UK yes i have been very niave, kind of stuck my head in the sand and hoped it would solve itself! if i CCA all the DCA's should i cancel / stop paying my debt management company? and if i stop paying will they update the defaults on my account (as some are due to end their 6 year reign soon) i read that i should only offer via letter, never sign my name and for the CCA request, i need to send £1 charge - can i do this by cheque or is postal order the best? also what happens if they produce a CCA - how will i know if its correct? what do i do if they never produce one? just ignore them in future? sorry for all the questions, the more i know the less mistakes i can continue to make. thanks again for any and all help.
  3. Hi I wondered if anyone could give me a little help or advise please. For the past 6/7 years I have been paying my debts via a debt management company I recently offered one of the companies a full and final settlement ( the same amount they wrote and offered me a year ago) the amount is about 25% of what is outstanding. However they declined and said they would accept a much higher amount one I could not possibly pay! Even after this time and offereing the f and f would I still be able to send them a cca request - I read that this sometimes encourages them To accept the offer? the original debt was a loan with a major bank and is now with a dca Lowell. Thanks any advice would be appreciated
  4. hi thanks for your thoughts, ill try one at a time and see how i get on.
  5. Hi All i hope someone can give me a little bit of advice. i have been reading loads of threads and posts on here on and off for a few days now and well info overload! Myself and my mum are in a bit of debt.. (£57K..) a few years ago we joined a debt management plan, and have since been making payments to them without fail. (to be honest we handed it over and put our head in the sand!) most of the debts have been passed on to DCA's i dont know whether brought or just acting on behalf of. however 1st credit who have my barcleycard debt send through offers of F&F about twice a year and Lowells who has my mums Littlewoods loan done the same quite good offers too i must say! when we spoke to the management company they advised we should try and save money to make this offers and also to make offers to the other creditors as they tend to accept them if they are reasonable - they say offer 50-80% - if we go through them they expect 5% of whatever we save. but also advised we could do ourselves without their involvement. so i know i am being sneaky and very underhand - but at least im honest?! well kind of. if we send a request for the CCA's to the other creditors, or DCA's and they dont have copies can we lower the amount we plan to offer as F&F settlement - as said i know sneaky but 80% on a £15k loan well it will take forever to save enough to make an offer i may aswell just pay the rest too.. so long and short of it really is can i still send a request for CCA if we have been paying these companies for the last few years?? should add, we dont get any hassle from any of them and since joining the DMC all interest frozen etc. thoughts please. thanks in advance
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