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  1. thankyou, your information and guidance is very helpful. i will get a letter typed and sent out to them and keep you updated with there feedback. if you have any more tips please to feed them back to me. thanks again B
  2. they didnt actually give me a credit agreement copy!!! i could ask audi for a copy?? what should i do with regards to the 7k that they are asking for within 7 days....is there anything i can say to them in the mean time before i get more info as where i stand?????
  3. so where do i go from here??? what can i do now..as audi are asking for 7k within 7 days. is there anyone i can speak to for advise???? thanks B
  4. i took out a finance package with audi called Personal Contract Purchase (PCP). It will allows me to purchase the Audi car with a fixed monthly payment. it was taken out over a 3 year term. at the end of the 3 year term i have the option of handing the car back or buying it for the residual value. i had the car for more then 1/3 of the term before they repossesed it. I did recieve a default notice but never any termination notice. there was no payment protection cover on this finance. The finance was taken out in March 2008. With regards to the finance, the car was purchased for £31k but they have tryed to make me liable for 41k as this is the interest/profit they would have made if i kept the car for a 3 year term. This was NEVER shown or documented to me when purchasing the car as this would have been a major issue. Please help me as to what to do now B
  5. Hi I could really do with some help with regards to my situation with Audi finance. I took out a new finance with Audi in March 2008. I made payments without any problems for 14 months but due to unforeseen circumstances I began to struggle with the payments. I spoke to Audi and explained my predicament, they said i could make half payments for 3 months, which i did. After the 3 months they wanted the normal contracted payments plus any arrears. I spoke to them again and explained that in 2 weeks I will have the money in full to clear all arrear. They accepted this offer but due to misfortune the money had not cleared in my account for 2 weeks and 2 days. However as soon as the 2 weeks had cleared they sent agents to reposses the vehicle in the early hours. No notice was given with regards to them coming. I offered to pay the agents immeditley in full but they explained they do not accept cash and that i would have to speak to Audi finance. I rang audi immediatly and offered the full cash which they rejected and said the car will be sold at an auction and i will be liable for the remaining balance. I have now received a letter from Audi asking for a full settlement within 7 days for 7k. This is money I dont have and more to the point I feel I shouldnt pay. When purchasing the vehicle I was not informed of or given any documentation with regards to complaints procedure, the financial ombundsman or what happens if I dont keep up with payments. Audi have been very very harsh and extremely rude in this whole process. I need to know what can i do with regards to the 7k outstanding finance???????? Any help will be most appreciated B
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