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  1. I am writing on behalf of my father he was diagnosed in 2008 as having Complex Post Traumatic Stress disorder and a unspecified Borderline Personality Disorder. In 2009 April he was assessed as needing Eye Movement therapy and put on a waiting list for that treatment, he has still not had any treatment to date 22/12/2010. He has now been called for an atos medical, but he is abusive and in face very aggressive and dangerous when stressed. In september he tried to commit suicide and we called a Doctor as he asked to section himself after we fought a battle over medication drugs that he was preparing to take.When he broke down he lost control of his bladder and was completely hysterical. The reasons for his illness are complex but basically he witnessed fires at home when he was 13/14 was abused as a child sexually and physically and in 1965 on his second day of work was involved in a fire in which three people died. Since that time my father has suffered flashbacks, has become abusive to people in authority has been convicted of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and is abusive and aggressive to the point of receiving a warning letter from his CMHT stating that he left a Sirs Worker in fear for his personal safety. We also have trouble getting treatment and also trying to get through the jobs worths of the DWP. What we need is help but where do we get it?
  2. I would like some urgent help to my dilemma. on the 3rd of september I closed my claim for Income support due to my age 60 and having claimed pension credit prior to 14 th may thought everything would go smoothly however things have not. it's the 23rd today and so far I have not received a penny of PC. Now I am told that I will receive £132.60p I asked why I will not get the carers premium of £30.05 added as an additional amount as stated on the direct gov website. They said because your carer receives it. My carer who is actually my 21 year old son receives £53.90p Carers Allowance and income support of £28.00p. When we phoned today they told him that he gets carers premium as well, which he said surely I have never received that, as I never knew I could claim it, they said it is added as you can't get income support or carers allowance without it, then they said that they add it all up and deduct it all from what the law says he needs to live on meaning that he only gets £81.90 per week and that is his entitlement. When he said that he wishes to cease receiveing the carers premium they told him then that he wouldnt get anything at all as it was the carers premium that qualified him for the income support payment. This also means I can not get the £30.05 carers premium either is this right? As it seems the £30.05p carers premium has not been paid to him since march 2008 when he first claimed carers allowance. My son now thinks he should be given the payments he has not received as a solicitor has suggested that he was entitled to receive the £30.05p carers allowance on top of his £81.90p that the law says he is allowed to live on, he is now almost certain they have cheated him out of over £3800 pounds in carers premium. What can we do about this? Can someone offer some realistic and factual advice. So far the benefits system has been hell for me in fact my carer, estranged wife and youngest son found me trying to commit suicide last friday and obviously prevented it, My GP wanted to hospitalise me but my CMHT said that was not appropriate. Surely disabled people should be treated better than this. I still do not have a date when I will receive any money and now only have my DLA of £267 pounds per month to provide for myself and the council has stopped my council tax and housing benefit.
  3. Hell I just received my Equifax report and there are several entiries that show that they will not be removed util may 2012 which is after my bankruptcy date of feb 2012. Entry: Max recovery Current debt £+4202 Default £4202 Start 10/11/1998 default 04/01/2006 end 04/01/2006 insight last updated 05/02/2010. monthly status D. Will this entry be reoved on 05/02/2012? Or what should I do with entries showing default. I thought these changed when you made yourself bankrupt or could these people come back and chase me for the debt all over again? I was bankrupted through ill mental health problems for which my health insurances did not cover. I am now in receipt of pension credit and DLA.
  4. I suggest you look at the forums on the internet that are against PayPal as a rogue company with illegal terms and conditions and whi harass and demand with utter arrogance. Complain to FSA, Trading standards and anyone else who might help. They limited my account on PayPal I was selling on ebay locked £14,000 in could not send any itesm have left me owing £3600 pounds and £415 to ebay . I had 1488 feedbacks and 99.8% feedback before this. Now I am totally trashed. I am suing both e bay for defamation, they would not remove feedback that contained the wrod [EDIT]. I am also suing Paypal for losses including the £3600 and the £415 owed to ebay The £14,000 worth of lost business for which I had to refund every penny and the negatives feedbacks accrued due to this. If anyone uses PayPal they must need a serious amount of help. The internet is full of stories about, bankruptcies, chargebacks, locked and limited accounts, arrogance and difficulties in suing them, due to the numerous addresses given for them. Start researching and you will see PayPal for what they are, the European Union and the FSA are investigating them and the TOS are meaningless because they basically remove all of your rights.
  5. I actually have not had any change in circumstances in fact the only change is that I Now OWE £3600 to PayPal as I have negative funds and have two camera bodies. I am actually worse off than ever and can actually earn £95 per week before it affects my benefits as I am disabled. I never thought of this idea until the 23rd November 2009 and all the items sold on the 5 and 6 December so where exactly have my circumstances changed? PayPal froze the account and then I refunded for all the goods as I had no money to buy them with. Had I been able to supply the goods and actually make any earnings then of course I would have notified the DWP but as it is I couldn't make any earnings could I. Now the PayPal account is frozen so that is the end of that business idea. Business and earnings? Man have you understood one word I have said. Perhaps I should tell them I have just made my self two cameras wiser and £3600 pounds poorer. WTF!
  6. I apologise for the length of this email but I hope you will view it with an open mind. As a subscriber to your magazine I have always found your articles of interest and no doubt you have pushed forward consumer protection. Firstly I wish to apologise for any bad English and any difficulties you may have in understanding what I wish to write about. I am 59 years of age and disabled I have quite a severe level of mental incapacity or disability, including worsening problems due to heart failure and it is not always possible for me to get across my argument or point of view easily. I am disabled and my Income is Income Support and Disability Living Allowance. I have always been a socialist at heart and know that we now live in a world and society that large corporations have attained much power and in some cases power that means they believe themselves to be above the law. I know from reading your magazine for many years that you have never covered the problem I am going to write about and it may be that you yourself may not believe my story. Very often a company has power beyond belief and despite complaints they can beat down criticism and arguments against them purely by their size or because of their in culpability. I am hoping that fear will not prevent you from looking into the company, it’s terms and conditions, misuse of power and it’s flagrant disregard for the law, [European law, Regional law or National law] perhaps it is time a warning was given concerning the dangers in dealing with this company. PayPal Since July 2003, I have sold personal items on eBay.co.uk and purchased items from around the world. I have had a PayPal account linked to my eBay account since that time, obviously I agreed to the PayPal terms and conditions without really paying too much attention to them, after all it was back then a well known and seemingly reliable brand name. Because of my financial position I also rely on Pay as you go Credit Cards to shop on the internet and with eBay. I have a PayPal top up card which currently has a balance of £495.31p. Since 2003 I have sold MY entire CD collection, Unwanted Computers and Computers Parts, Electric Guitars, by Fender, Tokai, G & L and Crafter, I was in a band in my earlier years and in fact had made a Vinyl Album and 2 Singles. The guitars were all originals and were sold for a fair amount of money. Also due to my deteriorating health, I sold all of my coarse fishing tackle via eBay. For all these transactions I used PayPal and eBay. My eBay account on the 23rd November 2009 had 1488 feedbacks and a rating of 99.8% positives. Over all I would imagine my PayPal account ran without hiccup or any problems whatsoever whilst never having more than £500 in balance that is until the 6th December 2009. Due to my disability and the fact that the winter and Christmas was looming I had the idea that because I can earn £95 per week without it affecting my income that I would sell a few items using eBay to help me as living on a very low income leaves me basically in poverty unable to afford anything without using Provident Loans at an interest rate of 254% or selling some personal item from my past. On the 23rd November 2009 I listed some items for drop shipping, the idea basically that you may or may not disagree with was simply known as scalping, this is where a seller finds and lists a good that is available on the high street or internet retail for an inflated price which takes into account any Vat, Duty (should you need to import the item) and eBay fees and PayPal charges. Because I was selling these as a Business and clearly having an income of £95 per week as my target! I listed 35 items on eBay and upgraded my account to a Business seller on eBay. My PayPal account was a fully Verified Premier account without limitations as far as cash flow was concerned as all limitations had been lifted over the years. I had moved to my current home on 28th November 2004 as a result of not being able to maintain my former home due to my illnesses, I had previously during the early 2000’s been earning a good wage until I developed heart problems and witnessed 3 men burn to death, I have since developed severe PTSD anxiety and depression and suffer very prominent panic attacks. The items I listed were Canon and Nikon Cameras, Mobile Phones and Model Aeroplane Engines. As the prices were inflated I did not expect to sell many items. However to make my idea viable I did not feel I had to. I researched prices and availability of items from the USA, UK, Hong Kong and listed them as stated, clearly mentioning that I would pay any Customs Duty or Vat and stating 10 business days before dispatch. Where possible I would have the goods shipped directly to the customers home address (drop shipped). I had searched both PayPal and eBay’s web sites for rules regarding drop shipping and neither site had any mention whatsoever of that term. The only term that was mentioned was an American term PRESALE which basically means selling an item that is not yet available to the general public, such as listing a PC game before its release date for example. Many drop shipping sites on the internet mention using eBay for this purpose so clearly it is within the rules. Scalping is also within the rules, However I can see that some people may view it as amoral, but living in poverty because of a disability, my total income is £612 per month, it does not leave much room for moral judgement. I had only recently been awarded benefits at all after becoming separated from my wife after 22 years of marriage, prior to that she had been expected to look after me financially even though she only was earning £5.63p per hour and working a 35 hour week. On Saturday the 5th December 2009 I sold three cameras and transferred £XXXX pounds from my PayPal account to my Bank Account, I then ordered the cameras from a legitimate business in Hong Kong to be delivered to my home address and then to be forwarded onwards to the customer via Special Next Delivery on the Sunday the 6th of December 2009, the sales continued until they had reached a sum of £XX,000 pounds. One customer alone purchased 12 mobile phones his Payment was verified by PayPal and I ordered the phones at a cost of £XXXX pounds, I later managed to cancel this order and have the monies refunded to my PayPal account. That night PayPal put a limitation on my account meaning that whilst I could pay money into my account or sell items for which the customer could make payments, I could not use or access any monies. They requested countless items of proof of identity, including, photographic proof by driving licence, passport, bank account statements, utility bills, proof of invoices, proof of delivery, credit card statements and .jpgs of credit cards, tenancy agreements etc. I photo copied these items via my scanner and sent them with my sons help to PayPal. The limitation still stayed in place which meant I could not order any goods that had been sold. I phoned PayPal and was basically accused of fraud without evidence or trial, they demanded basically everything about me to prove where I was living, my identity, my means. At this I telephoned the Police and they told me NOT to send anymore items as what PayPal were demanding was tantamount to identity theft. The Police said they were demanding more than is required to open a Bank Account and way more than what was adequate to prove identity. Remember they already had this information including my address, bank, credit card, phone number, mobile, number. Next I had discussions with my family and made the decision to delist all of the items I had listed on eBay and to refund all customers from my PayPal account as although I could not remove funds I could refund payments, This I did apart of course for the £XXXX pounds that I had transferred earlier, this had purchased two camera bodies, 2 mobile phones both delivered and then money refunded by PayPal to buyers and they still have the phones. Also a model aeroplane, which as yet I have not received probably due to PayPal withholding the payment. Actually these goods cost considerably more than the £XXXX I had transferred, but I felt that since I had been buying and selling privately with PayPal since 2003 my limitation would be removed within 72 hours. It soon became apparent that PayPal had no intention whatsoever of removing the limitation of my account, this left me with no choice but to inform customers the reason for me refunding them and I refunded monies to every customer. I could not refund the withdrawn money nor cancel the goods ordered, namely 2 Canon cameras. PayPal informed me that this was the risk I took with drop shipping, although they do not mention drop shipping on their site or search facility. Now things moved forward on eBay, the fact that I had delisted my for sale items had created consternation among my customers, I gained one feedback calling me a [EDIT] and then other negatives for refunding payments, my 99.8% became 99.5%, Next the cameras that I had sold and purchased were also cancelled. Now I had no money, I have 2 cameras and nil mobile phones and no model aeroplane, my eBay fees are £452 and I have negative equity in my PayPal account to the tune of £3600+. But worse was to come! I also had set up a personal PayPal account so that my business eBay payments would be kept separate from my personal purchases. I had used both my MasterCard and PayPal pre payment card to make purchases. On the 17th December 2009 my PayPal Visa credit card was BLOCKED with £495.31p credit on it. Also yesterday 20th December my personal PayPal account has been blocked or in PayPal jargon been limited. I now find that PayPal have tried to extract money from my estranged wife’s bank account, but Lloyds TSB viewed this attempt as fraud and flagged it as such. She has now withdrawn all information from her PayPal account and has closed her eBay account which is something that I cannot do. Although I actually do not have any Bank Account or Credit Cards linked to either account. During a very heated discussion last evening with both PayPal and PayPal top up card customer services it appears that the agreement under terms and conditions allows them to claim money from just about anyone if you have a negative balance, stop credit cards, raid bank accounts, hold money without good cause etc. Pay special attention to clause 15 and 17, which go against our own Law. Last night I read forums concerning PayPal which are all over the internet. Limited accounts complaints are everywhere. It appears the European commission is investigating them, your magazine seems unaware or have ignored this matter, if my case is the first case notified to you then you should bring this matter into the public domain. Thousands of people have had limitations placed on their accounts the worst I found 1.2 million usd countless limitations for millions of dollars, and do you get your money back after 180 days? No you don’t. My Details: It's all right to rob the disabled.
  7. Hi Are you saying if the CCA is not provided you are going to pay what you "morally owe" or are you going to stick to the letter of the law and say without a signed cca the debt is unenforcable and fight any attempts to put a CCJ on you. You only sound half committed.
  8. Received this this morning from Connaught Collections Limited Dear Madam We have Been instructed by 1st credit limited, in respect of the account. Please direct all future communication to us rather than 1st credit limited or their in house solicitors, LCS solicitors. We refer to the above stated matter and your letter dated september 25th received today. We have noted your request for information to be supplied under the Consuner Credit Act. We write to confirm we have requested this information from our client and shall provide it to you as soon as we are in receipt of the same. We must at the point advise you that due to the fact the outstanding debt has been assigned from the original creditor to our client, it may take longer than the 12 days stipulated within the Credit Consumer Act. We confirm no enforcement action shall be considered by Connaught Collections until this information has been supplied to you. Should you wish to discuss the matter in the mean time please do not hesitate to contact us. ____________________________________________________________ I sent the first request with the £1 fee on the 24/06/2008 reminder sent 08/07/2008 and the request expired on 08/08/2008 at which time I believe the then criminal offence was committed. _____________________________________________________________ The CCJ expires on 22nd January 2010. It is a new order that I wish to challenge as I believe they committed perjury to obtain the CCJ in the first place as I doubt they have ever had proof of a debt. Without any paperwork except the CCJ and an order of variation (which was refused) I have no way of knowing if the claim nmber and case number relate to this alleged debt. I phoned the Court yesterday and was informed that all case papers have been destroyed. Although they are willing to do a search, which I have requested. I have also sent a subject access request this AM. _____________________________________________________________ Thank you for the reply.
  9. In 2003 My wife started to receive calls from 1C (You work that out) and was told that she had to pay the alleged debt, I was very ill having suffered a nervous breakdown from seeing three people burn to death and I am now suffering from PTSD anyway with me out of it and my wife dyslexic she did not have this advice to hand (no computer) and was lost as to what to do. She recieved a summons(I believe from TWM Solicitors) and they went to court in 2004 and obtained a CCJ against her for roughly three thousand pounds which she has always said she never owed. Anyway I went into recovery last year and started dealing with things I had not dealt with for years, i have no recollection of the years 2002 to 2005 at all. Because my income of £26,000 had been replaced with sick pay of about £70 per week we were in a lot of financial trouble and I guess she thought 1C was just another debt. last year I wrote to them wirh a CCA request, they write back saying they do not have this and they have reffered it cback to the original creditor for the CCA and would we like to arrange a settlement. Well to cut a long story shortish, I have written to them requesting removal of the defaults as the debt is unenforcable without the CCA and asking them to remove the CCJ so today guess what 1C sent me the self same standard letter that I received 18 months ago saying they had referred my CCA request back to the original lender. The letter that they keep sending me for my CCA Request for a signed copy of the agreement keeps saying that they have referred it to the client who holds the CCA and then adds a paragraph about the LOP act. They went into default and committed an offence in 07 August 2008. My wife who is sadly dyslexic and as a result illiterate did not know how to respond to the summons and apparently did not file a defence and do anything at all to defend the CCJ they had also harrased her near to breaking point from 2003 onwards. I was seriously ill and in the care of the Health Authority so only now can I try to formualate a plan to stop them enforcing or renewing the CCJ. Now I have written for a full document and information list via the data protection act. Contacted the court who have told me they have destroyed all papers as it was nearly six years ago, but if I write in they will do a search, they also said without the original summons I can not apply to have the CCJ set aside. The CCJ expires on 22nd january 2010. Where am I, well if 1C try to renew the CCJ they will meet a wall as they have not provided a CCA or any documents to prove the debt. But I have asked them to remove the CCJ and the defaults etc but they won't comply. Question what do I do now. It just all seems like they are just messing about and time wasting. Have they committed perjury to get the CCJ in the first place? Should I put in a claim for damages below £50,000 I can do in the county court can't I? Advice would be appreciated. Sorry for the state of my head I have flashbacks frequently and have anxiety and panic attacks most days as well. County Court guidebook by Judge Patricia Pearl Follow this link to read the review of this excellent Small Claims Guidebook. This comprehensive and very accessible guide will take you through the process of suing or defending a claim. This guide will help you take control of your litigation and make you more confident about doing it yourself. Applies to England and Wales
  10. Really enjoyed if that is the word reading this advice. In 2003 My wife started to receive calls from 1C (You work that out) and was told that she had to pay the alleged debt, I was very ill having suffered a nervous breakdown from seeing three people burn to death and I am now suffering from PTSD anyway with me out of it and my wife dyslexic she did not have this advice to hand (no computer) and was lost as to what to do. She recieved a summons(I believe from TWM Solicitors) and they went to court in 2004 and obtained a CCJ against her for roughly three thousand pounds which she has always said she never owed. Anyway I went into recovery last year and started dealing with things I had not dealt with for years. Because my income of £86,000 had been replaced with sick pay of about £70 per week we were in a lot of financial trouble and I guess she thought 1C was just another debt. last year I wrote to them wirh a CCA request, they write back saying they do not have this and they have reffered it cback to the original creditor for the CCA and would we like to arrange a settlement. Well to cut a long story shortish, I have written to them requesting removal of the defaults as the debt is unenforcable without the CCA and asking them to remove the CCJ so today guess what 1C sent me the self same standard letter that I received 18 months ago saying they had reffered my CCA request back to the original lender. Now I have written for a full document and information list via the data protection act. Contacted the court who have told me they have destroyed all papers as it was nearly six years ago, but if I write in they will do a search, they also said without the original summons I can not apply to have the CCJ set aside. Where am I well if 1C try to renew the CCJ they will meet a wall as they have not provided a CCA or any documents to prove the debt. But I have asked them to remove the CCJ and the defaults etc but they won't comply. Question what do I do now. It just all seems like they are just messing about and time wasting. Have they committed perjury to get the CCJ in the first place? Should I put in a claim for damages below £50,000 I can do in the county court can't I? Advice would be appreciated. Sorry for the state of my head I have flashbacks frequently and have anxiety and panic attacks most days as well.
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