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Mister A

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  1. Right, thanks. But CAN a bailiff even do a DVLA check to see who owns what? Surely these details are protected under the Data Protection Act? The hand delivered letter doesn't give a breakdown of fees, just a total amount which is exactly £124 more than the council tax debt. Who should I complain to about the fees, the council, the bailiff himself, or the bailiff company who appointed him? Are there any template letters that are specifically about this? I will follow your advice about contacting the council to see if they'll take back the debt, but I don't expect they'll reply very quickly so how do I keep this bailiff off my back for now? I can offer a payment on Monday, but who do I offer it to, council or bailiff? I promised the bailiff I would contact him this Friday, but I don't know what to say to him.
  2. Oh, and I checked the link you gave me. There is only one bailiff with his surname within 100 miles of me, and he's less than 30 miles away. But no employer name shows on the list, so I guess that means he's self-employed? And should that affect any of this?
  3. Thank you for your reply, Hallowitch. Unfortunately I only have private insurance on my car, not business. So I assume that means I can't prevent him taking it based on my business use of the car? Also, would the bailiff be able to contact DVLA and find out IF I own a car, and what reg no, etc? What I mean is, if I park it 100 yards from my house but still visible, could he identify it as mine? What should I do about the exhorbitant fees he's charging? How do I dispute them?
  4. Hi, I very much hope that someone here can help me. When I qualified for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit earlier this year, I was advised by my local council that these benefits cannot be backdated, and my council tax arrears from last year must still be paid. I successfully arranged to pay the arrears at £5 a week, but when my business started suffering even further due to the recession, unfortunately I defaulted on these payments. I then received a letter in the post from Rundle & Co Ltd (Certificated Bailiffs) dated 18th Sept 2009 (but delivered 21st Sept), the main points of which are (directly quoted from the letter): "I have been trying to contact you regarding the Liability Order obtained against you by Ipswich Borough Council, which has been passed to me for enforcement". The next couple of paragraphs seem pretty standard, but then this follows: "If you do not deal with this matter urgently, I will be left with no alternative but to call at your premises to seize your goods. I may have to remove goods whether you are present or not, with the police in attendance if necessary". However, on Monday of this week (28th September), I came home to find a hand delivered letter from a "Certificated Bailiff", saying "I called today with transportation to remove your goods". Now, from the wording of the first letter, it seems that when that was sent they hadn't YET visited me, suggesting that the hand delivered letter was left on the bailiff's FIRST visit. However, the hand delivered letter has had a fee of £124 added to the outstanding council tax. I rang the bailiff who signed the hand delivered letter to query his fee (having read on the internet that his fee for a first visit may be no more than £24.50), to which he replied that he had visited me several times before, and I hadn't been in. Therefore, these fees had supposedly accumulated over several unsuccessful visits. I suggested to him that if this was true, wouldn't he have left a hand delivered letter every time? He replied that he was under no legal obligation to do so, nor to prove that he had made any previous visits. Effectively, he was saying that I have no choice but to take his word for it that all these previous visits had occurred. He said he couldn't remember the dates, and anyway (quote): "I don't have to get into this with you. The fees are there, and have to be paid, along with the original debt". What I would like to know is, surely he can't just claim to have been several times and charge for these visits, without proof? And if he calls again while I'm in, and I refuse to let him in (as I understand I'm within my rights to do), can he just keep coming back every day out of spite, just to impose additional charges? Having spoken to him, I really do NOT want to deal with this man. I am willing to pay my council tax arrears, but would rather pay them to the council. Although, they have told me that while they will accept payments, they will simply inform Rundle & Co when each payment has been made, but the case will remain with the bailiffs. Also, my old, battered, high mileage (but working and legal) car is kept parked outside my house. It would be lucky to fetch a fiver at auction, but would this bailiff take it anyway if I just refuse to let him in? I desperately need it to keep running my business. As you can see, I really need some advice. Sorry this has been so long and rambling, but please help me. Thank you.
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