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  1. Alternatively your friend may find some info on this subject by entering the following 'Derivative right of residency for children born in the UK to non-EEA nationality parents' on the www.gov.uk website. Hope that helps
  2. Thank you for the advice Brigadier - I will do that.regards,mollie
  3. Hello Brigadier and Catquest, thank you for your replies. My concern is that despite it being repeated often enough by the CRA's that permission must have been obtained before someone can check your file, it seems that any company can go in and look at your file whether you like it not. You are only made aware of it after the fact when you request your credit report. For an individual already trying to manage their debts to find other DCA's looking over your file is extremely worrying and on my part has caused sleepness nights. Prosearch a company that deals in asset reunification can also access your credit file. I do not have any assets that I have misplaced that they could possibly be trying to reunite me with. However on closer expection on their website they also are involved in the debt collectiing business! The fact that the search is only seen by the individual is not enough in my eyes. CRA's should be checking with the individual that permission has been given before a company can search your file and state a reason for the search. When applying for any form of credit you are made aware that searches will be made against your credit file and you agree for this to be done as part of the process. Why does debt collecting, asset reuinification, ID checking and God nows what else seem to be able to sit outside this? Catquest has commented that Lowells also looked at his/her file but did not go ahead with their debt purchase. So I wonder do they then delete the information viewed from their files or is it stored for future use? Previously I thought I had control over who sees my credit report however that does not seem to be the case. Kind regards,mollie
  4. Hello Brigadier,Could you please clarify who (other than lenders of credit) can make these searches and on what basis?I have recent unrecorded enquiries made by 2 DCA's who I have no association with and who I did not give permission to access my data. many thanks in advance,mollie
  5. Thanks for the advise Bentley - I have continued payments to BH and will do so until I receive confirmation from BH that the debt has been assigned. My credit file still shows BH as the creditor.Regards,mollie
  6. Hello dx Have sent off a request for a copy of my credit file so will let you know what it says.
  7. Hi Guys,Thanks for the responses. Firstly last time I checked Black Horse were the ones registered on the CCJ on my credit file.I will send them a letter on Monday asking for a statement of the account. I have never received one since the judgment. As advised will keep the money to one side as the money that I paid in September has not been deducted from the balance that DCL are quoting although their letter is dated 16th September and so it should have been received. Not sure if BH have it or it has been forwarded on. Will keep you updated.Many thanks again,mollie
  8. Hello Andy I'm feeling a lot calmer about the whole thing now from the advice given on here and after reading your thread. I will continue paying BH until told otherwise by them or the courts.many thanks mollie
  9. Thanks dx will do as I do not want to stop making the payments just dont want to have any dealings with DCAs.
  10. Thanks for the advice but I am worried that if I cancel the payments to BH then I am in breach of the judgment. Is the letter that I received from DCL telling me that they now have the debt a Notice of Assignment? .It says; Please accept this letter as notification that your agreement with Black Horse Ltd has now been assigned to Hillesden Securities Ltd trading as direct legal & collections (dlc) with effect from 31st August 2011. This means that the amount still due under the agreement and any Court action is now payable to us, not to Black Horse Ltd.Our Solicitors, Messrs Aplins will be taking over conduct of the Court action, if appropiate, and we attach a formal notice to that effect with this letter.
  11. Just to add that I had a search on my Credit file from Hillesden Securities in February this year and wondered who they were as I have never had any dealings with them and definitely did not give permission for them to do a search. Is this normal practice and did Black Horse give them permission to do this?
  12. They enclosed a typed letter on plain paper of a claim for Hillesden Securities versus myself with the same court details and claim number that was originally with Black Horse. This is not the same as the original court letter and has no letterhead or court stamp.It says take notice that we Aplins are now the solicitors dealing with this claim not the original solicitors. What I dont understand is that this has already gone to court so not sure why they have included this letter with the same claim number as the original claim with Black Horse in the same county court but now dated 16th September 2011. Are they allowed to do this?
  13. No nothing since the court judgment in 2008
  14. Advice needed from any Caggers who have dealt with these two companies. Having defaulted on a loan with Black Horse in 2008 they obtained a CCJ against me. I applied for a variation on the monthly payment and have been able to make these payments for the last 3 years without fail. I have just received a letter from DCL saying that they now own the debt and that I should now make all payments to them. Black Horse have not advised me that they have assigned the debt so am I under obligation to start making these payments to DCL? Do I continue making payments to Black Horse as instructed in the court order? The letter from DCL is dated 16th September and they say they took over the debt on the 31st August so my concern is that the payment I made to Black Horse on the 01st September has disappeared and I am in default of my court arrangement. It's taking me 3 years to finally get my finances in order and I really do not want to have any more dealings with DCAs so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Hello Pat2010 Two years ago they tried to charge their own insurance even though I had my own in place and I was not aware tht they had even done this until I had received my quarterly statement. They came up with a number of excuses saying they had not received the documents from my insurers etc...... After several phonecalls with the Insurance team and sending the documents by fax the insurance charges finally were refunded on the account. I do know that this is one of their ways to artificially increase your arrears so now when it comes up for renewal I send a copy of the insurance policy addressed to their Insurance team by recorded delivery and check online that they have received it. I include in the envelope a request that they confirm in writing that they have details of my own insurance on their records which they always do. Hope this helps Mollie
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