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  1. The bank have refunded the money. I'm very happy with how they have handled this case. The police have also been notified but they say we need to take the statements from the bank before they get to work on the case. The phone company in question is Vodafone. I am shocked and dismayed with them. it's obvious to me that someone working in the call centre is either selling details to criminals or using them themselves. I just cannot believe all it took was someone to pretend they were from the police in order to get the call centre worker to cough up all the private details. What makes it worse is that the same call centre worker gave out our details TWICE! Heads should definitely roll.
  2. Yesterday my mother and sister were both victims of identity fraud. My mother had 1300 pounds taken from her account after a phonecall in which she was duped into giving details. The guys making the call claimed to be from her bank. The details she gave were her last direct debit transactions. She didn’t give her account number or sort code. These criminals then obviously used this information to extract the money from her account. It became pretty obvious that the criminals must have already had the account number and sort code and needed further details in order to steal the money. We then went to the bank. At one point the woman who was dealing with the case then showed my mother her details and asked if her mobile number was correct. It wasn’t. It was her old number that was there. My mother and sister had their numbers changed a few weeks ago and hadn’t informed either the bank or any other companies that they have direct debits with. It then became quite obvious that my mother and sisters details had obviously been extracted from their mobile phone company. We contacted the mobile phone company and they informed us that they themselves had been contacted by men claiming to be from the ‘fraud squad’. These guys had somehow managed to extract PRIVATE information from the call centre. I cannot for the life of me believe that the mobile phone company gave these details out to someone over the phone. This criminal provided no identification or warrant. The mobile phone company then went on to say that the guy who gave our details actually done so TWICE in one day. I am gobsmacked. The matter is now in the hands of the police however I would like to know where we stand with regards to the mobile phone company giving out these details and what course of action we can take. Thanks for any help. Will be much appreciated.
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