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  1. i'm a bit bored of cars, houses and money. i could have money but i simply dont value it enough. real wealth is the love of my family and friends, my health and freedom. you seem to suggest that people with a lot of money deserve respect. if you want cars and houses, go ahead but try to think where it all comes from. if you think that exchanging worthless money for goods of value makes you superior then that's up to you. keep the gravy train rolling. many people with large financial wealth have had to step on quite a lot of people to get it. whilst you keep authorising it by buying, psychopathic corporations will keep plundering on your behalf. Conniff, well maybe bailiffs can still steal your stuff, but, as i've seen all to often, the value of the goods seized rarely covers the bailiff costs. hardly worth it? if you have nothing then there's nothing they can do, who pays then? even non-payment of council tax only results in jail if you have the ability to pay, but refuse. if you're someone who's slaved your whole life and needs social care in old age, they'll take your house to pay for it. very fair.
  2. a partial reply to some earlier points: danielr, this country is so rich, i'm sure it can afford a few spongers. it keeps crime lower and many people use it to get themselves out of a rut. it does keep people reliant on the system though and if it wasnt there people would find another way. anyway, it all feeds the economy that some of you love so much. why does it sound crazy to get the original birth cert? if the birth cert isnt important why do they keep it and issue certified copies at £7(last time i went)? thanks again for the detailed bike info. i only really need 50cc and was hoping nearer £200. surely i could practice off-road without a license? i'll make sure someone competant checks it over regularly, though i may not be keeping it long. i'm sure the cops will try to steal it off me. i'll be riding 20-30mph in built up areas, maybe 40-50mph on the open road. i dont see how it's much more dangerous than a bicycle. i've done 35mph and nobody legally has to check that over. copshops are like bad motels. i guarantee they wont ignore small amounts of the class b substance cannabis. if they do i'll just bring bigger bits 'til they bite. they'll probably just steal it and let me go. we'll see. it probably wont be for a month or two as i've got too much on my plate atm. regards risk, it's not that i dont believe what i'm saying, it's that the system has become so arrogant that it will act unlawfully and illegally. it may get sorted in the end but i could have suffered considerably by then. slowly, slowly catchy monkey. if we take this slow and steady we'll learn more, get less backs up with less casualties. eg. court staff and cops often seem hostile at first but when they see we're coming from a place of peace, to help everyone, they soon cheer up. everyone's so convinced by the existing system that it's a bit like turning round a big ocean liner. it cant be done like a mini. call it inertia or cognitive dissonance. it's hundreds of years in the making and it isnt going to change overnight. a frog put in boiling water will leap out. put it in cold water and gradually turn up the heat, it may boil to death. i'm only a partial arm chair activist. i do go out and do things sometimes. i've climbed a crane, been up the abbey and occasionally get arrested for holding peace signs. getting a judge on his oath means that he is duty bound to behave fairly. without it he may as well be a man down the pub. so many people are trying this now that judges must have refused to answer 100s of times already. regards a positive answer, we'll cross that bridge if/when we come to it. they're clever enough to make it seem that proceedings have been temporarily halted. what's really happening is that the judge cant remain seated and has to leave the court, every time! of course it matters what type of court it is and who runs it. would you be happy entering any court? i was going to say my court but you'd get an easy ride if you hadnt hurt anyone. i am not property so therefore unalienable. bailiffs can only take your stuff. if you've sold it to your mum for £1 and she has the receipt there's nothing they can do. we can pick and choose statutes. if i buy something from tesco that's where my obligation ends. i dont have to buy everything or keep buying. i dont have to stay there or start working there. i can have alcohol on my breath whereas an employee cant. persons are employees of uk plc. why should i contribute to a genocidal, suicidal society of which i'm not even a member (law society). i contribute to the community and would do more if i could but the system tries to permeate all areas of life.
  3. danielr, i feel your language of being my victim is disempowering to yourself and others. me forcing you to work harder and forcing you to pay more tax. i dont think so, it's the system that forces you to do that. i say live your life and be free. dont be scared of having no money or food. the universe will provide, if you believe it. there's plenty of land for us to grow all we need. we can wind down the financial systems and corporations. now we have the technology and infrastructure, why do we need them? thanks guys, you've done a great job, now we're taking it all back! i dont take from the communal pot and i do plenty of work without pay. i've never really wanted a car. sure motor vehicles are sometimes useful but mainly to lug stuff about and i'm sure there's better ways to do that. you choose to work. you know that work requires payment of tax. you think you know roughly the reasons behind taxes. it's hardly fair to blame me for a system i didnt create on my own and which makes it extremely challenging to live an alternative lifestyle. it makes you dependant and then screams at you when you ask to leave. it's good to feel grateful, but you describe a system of grateful dependance where we mustnt rock the boat else we'll fall out. what about being responsible for our own happiness, health, wealth, education, etc? a good diet, sensible lifestyle and positive attitude will prevent most illness. thankfully we can still home educate. in spain and germany it's illegal! a german family had to seek asylum in america. i suppose they couldnt come here because of eu arrest warrants. what if i were to take my kids to germany? it's true that i've benefitted from the system, but many systems would have given me the tools i needed. much of what most people learn at school is of little use to them in later life. i went to a fairly good school and they gave me little practical knowledge of food, farming, money, banking, law, survival, spirituality, meditation, dance, arts. in fact the head master left amidst allegations of fraud. the head of my next school left amidst allegations of plagiarism. i've seen many others abusing positions of authority. maybe you can start to see why i have a healthy distrust of authority. we need to watch and question those who seek or have power over others. i dont need or want roads. cars need roads. drivers want to park their large metal boxes all over the place, when they're not in use. drivers even want part of the pavements now. you've got to admit that generally, driving is a pretty selfish activity, especially in cities. given that single occupancy is so high, why do you need all that space? have you any idea how invasive cars are? horn honking, fumes, dirt, depleting resources which could have lasted centuries, death, injury, war, crime. as for money and taxes, it's an illusion to keep the poor under control. lugging huge bags of metal around is impractical, however gold is so expensive now, most people wouldnt have much. an ounce of silver at £15 is ridiculously cheap. promisary notes seem like a good idea, a bit like a gold account where you dont hold the physical gold. however what we have now is fractional-reserve banking where they only need to keep a fraction of the deposits. they dont have your money. it's all worthless debt-notes, and mostly electronic. i ask again, how you can castigate those at the bottom when those at the top cream off billions? the tax system is so efficient that they have to blow money on useless computer systems (from the likes of 'fujitsu icl siemens nixdorf' who get a big slice of public and private sector contracts, even though they keep messing up) and pointless construction projects which nobody wants. i heard a few years back that vat only pays for it's own admin. ie. they use it to monitor what's going on and that costs a lot. as for admiralty, britain used to rule the waves and nothing much has changed. it's now done from beneath the surface and the sea has come inland. we are seen as ships sailing the seas of commerce. pass-port you pass through a port as a ship. trans-port - moving between ports. air-port, there's so much more and the sound of words is more important than the spelling. eg. birth, berth why is it that i cant leave the country without a passport? i think blair said people wouldnt have to hold an id card they just wouldnt be able to leave. i challenge you to find anyone who isnt suffering some form of mental disorder due to our unnatural lives. in some ways it's so safe that we look for danger, and in other ways it's so stressful that it's killing us. look around you, especially in cities, observe how unnatural everything is. ask yourself is it all necessary or sensible. how does the earth breath and is it what we really want? or is it that we cant see a way out, therefore we must protect the system which feeds, clothes and shelters us like an abusive parent or dog owner? i have another crazy theory: nature doesnt really do straight lines. does looking at so many lines make our eyesight bad or is it the close proximity of everything? does the eye benefit from looking into infinity? the more time i spend in the countryside, the more my eyesight improves. it's noticeable when i come back to the city. then it starts to fade again. computer screens are full of lines. it's possible to retrain your eyes with exercises. i know a lady who wore thick glasses and retrained her eyes so she barely needs them.
  4. i dont trust fiat money. i see it as less than worthless debt-notes. i dont really want to work for money, although i'm happy to work for something of real value. it often doesnt feel right exchanging it for things of value. and i often tell people 'thanks for giving me this thing of value for some worthless debt notes or monopoly money'. they seem happy, ignorance is bliss i suppose. many people know the money has no value but they continue to slave for it. they see no other options.
  5. just so you know what sort of man the judge griffith williams is. a child abuser, craig sweeney, who was released early after assaulting another child, went on to kidnap, sexually assault a 3 yr old girl and nearly killed he in a car crash. he was sentanced to life with a minimum of 5 years. chambers, a 17 yr old who killed a father confronting a gang, was given a minimum 2 years. i dont think prison works, but where you've got that system and people who are a danger to others, shouldnt it be used to keep them off the streets? if i defrauded, stole or printed a few thousand pounds i'd probably get longer. judges are notoriously lenient on sex crimes and violence. is it because there's relatively few of these people and they're needed on the streets to keep people scared enough so they'll accept all sorts of measures to 'keep them safe'?
  6. oh dear, it's descended into childish insults again. and you're right it's pretty boring. i'll try to answer some of the previous points. then i'll have to bow out as little to nothing is being achieved. keep flying, consuming and conforming. it's your duty and it's really helping everyone live a happier life. keep paying those taxes, the gov really need them so they help people especially the kids. it's for the kids, not the banks, definitely not the banks, anything but the banks. this system is so precarious because it's built on lies. we're on a knife edge and which ever way you look you could fall off at any time. pride comes before a fall. are you proud of yourselves?
  7. these people are my friends and people i often talk with for some time whilst going about my lawful business. including quite a few cops. most only want to keep the peace. they dont want to be enforcing policy.
  8. i saw plenty in the fees office and the amount of people in the building and some highly paid. the average prisoner costs £25k/year. thank goodness the new gov say they want to reduce it. i'm surprised to say i agree with ken 'bilderberg steering group' clarke. i shouldnt judge but i wonder what the real motives are. is that less jailed for council tax non-payment and other victimless crimes or less violent crooks?
  9. i've asked hundreds of people what they think a person is and they all say that they and me are persons. i say i'm a human being. i tell them that a person is like a bank account set up in their name with their birth cert. i must sound quite convincing as it often doesnt surprise them. i met a truly freewoman on the land. unfortunately she didnt like not having a birth cert or passport. the system has somehow removed them from her. i'll try to get to the bottom of it.
  10. like the vatican aint a place of love and compassion, so the high court aint a place of justice, it's a place of business. the amount of money that flows through that place is astounding.
  11. there was plenty of activity around the admiralty offices today.
  12. i dont think it's been on-topic for some time and i'm hardly the only offender. there's something about off-road vehicles still on the cards. the world is mainly peaceful. corporations breach the peace and humans pick up the pieces. everyone now believes they're a corporation (person) and so it's normally 'what's in it for me?' instead of 'what can i do to help?' believe it or not, my primary aim now is to aid the evolvement of humanity by any means i can think of. to assist people in empowering themselves and creating harmony in their lives and therefore the wider world. we're all on a spiritual path whether we know it or like it or not. some have embraced that fact and are doing what they believe to be the right thing. many people believe they're doing the right thing whilst constrained by a multitude of perceived obligations and almost unquestioning submission to a system of rules they know little about. things are often not what they seem. once your peel back the veneer you often find chipboard. ever lasting lightbulbs and free energy has been around for decades. diamonds are crushed to keep the prices up. perfect diamonds can now be manufactured. why dont we all have diamonds? bit of a tangent at the end there but i'm tired.
  13. so at least it does exist. i was beginning to think i was going mad for a moment;). along with liens and a few other bits and pieces. what you're suggesting is that a few people are taking real bits and pieces and constructing some far flung fantasy? some for profit and some through madness. every system is reliant on the members believing in it. people are losing belief. they're looking for new simpler, comunity based systems. increasing numbers are fed up with the system but dont know which way to turn. some have been fed up for years. they want change but it never comes. numbers of malcontents have rocketed since the latest economic slump. many are hoping it's a temporary thing. however terminal economic decline is on the cards. cuts and more cuts. little or nothing to do with me and my mates. more the bankers, politicians and their mates. you cant blame a cog for the engine design. when people see how rotten the system is, it eats away at them. i spoke to a legal secretary today who couldnt wait to get out but couldnt see how. she felt like it would happen this year. it's true that i rely on the system a fair amount. however i'm working on it. like a divorcee who's been dependant on their richer spouse, a settlement is in order. if people use the dole to create a better life for themselves either working for themselves with working tax credits or trying to live more humbly, then all power to them. it was a little scarey at firts but i feel much freer now i dont sign on.
  14. i will honour your words with a fuller reply later. however, i'm rather tired as i've been working at the high court today. hollie greig & co were in the family court and we were outside to support them. then we were running round the building trying to lodge an appeal. it's a mad house. on my travels i saw numerous 'admiralty' offices. i have the feeling i'll be seeing behind the doors soon. a few quick points: nobody forces anyone to work. i dont trust the system so i dont want to contribute to it through income tax and national insurance. i do contribute in plenty of other ways. i always try to help people and brighten their day. i cycle most places so that helps everyone. i campaign for various issues in the belief that it is helping people. i could go on but it's rather boring and pointless. i dont have to justify my existence. the infrastructure is overly bureaucratic and hugely inefficient. it spends it's time in fighting things rather than focussing on positive solutions. it is reactionary instead of proactive. the roads are pretty bad and i wouldnt be pleased if i was paying for them. most everything is private or essentially private. we live in relative luxury because so many live in poverty. ask yourself how much the people who made your stuff got paid? then ask yourself who the real slaves are.
  15. i'm going to the high court today in support of hollie greig who has had had to flee to the uk to escape a murderous child abuse network in scotland that appears to reach into the upper echelons. United For Hollie Greig Consider the following as it pertains to Hollie Greig, Anne Greig and Robert Green: • The fact Hollie was paid £13,500 by CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority). • Neither Robert Green nor Anne Greig have been sued for slander by those they have named and shamed. Clear evidence of guilt on the part of the accused. • Letter to Robert Green from the Crown Office stating that only 2 people have ever been questioned, Denis Mackie & Greg Mackie (2 years later). • Sectioning of Anne and "missing" paperwork. • 12 year delay in releasing Roy's autopsy. originally ruled suicide, now accepted as murder. • Robert’s unlawful arrests and imprisonments • Robert's cases being held "in camera" (Outside of public view) • Robert's punitive bail conditions not supposed to mention case or use internet • Interdict issued by Graham Buchanan to gag Robert • No coverage in mainstream media - 2 Facebook groups "vanishing", first one with 10K members, next with 27K. BBC Panorama told to 'drop it'. • Ongoing harassment of Anne by Social Services • Attack on Palestine Telegraph website after they published the story • Refusal by Angiolini to answer questions in FOI request from "The Drum" • Failure of any MP's/MSP's to mention case in public (all Scottish parliamentarians plus UK party leaders plus various English MP's are aware) • No search warrant for entry into Robert's house in February And the recent "Raid" on Anne's home where computers and other items were confiscated (then returned). Followed by the posting of photos that were taken in the raid, appearing on Greg-L "Rat-brain's" site.
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