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Everything posted by Still_surviving

  1. Brindles My congratulations to you - i shall obviously have to follow in your footsteps If its not caught by your confidentiality clause, can I ask if any 'reprisals' taken against your card such as lowering limit, or closing?
  2. Okay, I do understand the concept of compound interest on top of the debt, but I am a little unclear as to how we are justified reclaiming 26.8% I can see that may be the going rate now, but over the timescale of my claim the rates have been considerably lower. If its a case of you claim what the rate is now, and not necessarily what you might have been charged, then im obviously cool with that.
  3. Yes I have read the tutorial slick - when I noted all the charges down I also noted the interest rate being charged by B/Card at the time. The range of APRs went from 17.9 at the start in Mar2004, rising to 18.9 Dec2004, 19.9 Dec2005 up to the oh-so generous 24.9 from April2008 onwards (silly me - there was I thinking global interest rates were at an all time low) I picked a figure at the lower-end so as to give them less room to wriggle - is that not how it works?
  4. Rest assured I wont be rushing to submit claims without all attention to detail... ....and for that reason, can I ask if theres any way for a wiser CAGer than I, to look over this first spreadsheet Ive prepared and see if it looks okay? The reason I ask is that the compound interest @ 18.9% has led to £492 of interest being added to £520 of charges (some go back to 2004). I hope no one thinks this is a cheek...I will only ask the one time I promise
  5. Wow thanks guys for the swift and helpful response - you certainly get a sense of community very quickly when you get involved here... Anyway - using the calculator here http://www.shweb.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/interestcalcs.xls Ive ended up with approximately £2150 in charges and interest to reclaim back on my 2 Barclaycards excluding the statutory 8%. Im prepared to forego that if necessary, and would use that as a bargaining tool. Everything else - i want it back ! Thanks again Im off to do my other three cards now....
  6. Ive just started 2 x CCA requests with B/Card and think I know what Im gonna receive before I even get the reply... :grin: I am also beginning charge reclaims against them, and have a question - Considering, these cards have never been paid off during the last six years (I know, I know, but a customer failing to pay some years ago put pay to that), their nice monthly compound interest has been stacking up on my £1135 of various charges. I understand the reasoning for having to use the simple interest calculator, but do ccard companies ever pay out on the claim plus compound interest? After all - thats what the balance on my cards has been inflated by.... Anyway, would appreciate any response and needless to say will keep thread updated
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