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  1. Hi, i bought a new bicycle online to the value of £1700 at evanscycles.co.uk. When i received it monday week before last, it came through with several deep chips in the paint work. the bike also didin't come with a invoice or receipt. so i rang up on tuesday and they said they could offer an exchange (they had one left apparantly), refund or compensation. and would send a receipt out asap. after looking on their site it said they were out of stock, i told them this and after actually looking there were. up to this point i have rung at least 8 times, as the guy i was dealing with seemed to always be busy (fair enough), but would never ring back as agreed. i decided to opt for compensation as this was easier (hassle wise) for my self and the company. This was agreed to £70 worth of vouchers and a part (a cassette) that had been wrongly specified. i rang back to confirm thism on friday after receiving no receipt still, the guy i was dealing with was busy so with reluctancy i was dealt with another person. who confirmed the £70 comp but couldn't confirm the cassette; i used the vouchers for a new bike rack and then asked to be put back to the original guy i was dealing with to confirm the cassette, he was unavailible and was told he would ring me back in 30 minutes. 45minutes later i rang him to confirm he was going to send teh part (cassette) out, his exact words were "ye no problem, i'll put it on prioty dispact now" we'll send it out asap on monday with the receipt. tuesday comes, and the bike rack turns up (with might i add the correct documentation as expected), no sign of the cassette or receipt for the bike. ring up again and talk to the manager, who tells me the compensation with the cassette was never agreed to. and anyway because she has riden at national level, she knows i don't need that cassette anyway. (can't belive she said that, i mean firstly it has nothing to do with here weather i need the cassette or not secondly it was agreed that they'd send one through as part of the compensation, thirdly just because she has riden at national leel deosn't make her 'better' or her point more valid) they have sent out 2 receipts already; balming teh postal strikes, however it saids on teh websites taht for any areas affected they send stuff via a courier (no excuse really), and the bike should have come with a green introduction folder with the proof of purchase in it (never seen one it my life). friday comes, the green indro pack arrives, with the bike manual, allen keys and pedal spanner (which where already provided in the box orginally) oh and the receipt....for the green folder itself at £0.00. i am totally exasperated with the situation know. i don't even care if i dib out on the £30 worth of bike part. but they seem to be incapable of sending through piece of paper. i have no proper proof of purchase for a bike i have paid £1700 for, and they won't cooperate, now saying they don't send out receipts after the product has been sent. argh i feel like banging my head agaist a brick wall. what do i do and where do i got from here?
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