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Everything posted by Marivanna

  1. Cancelling direct debit will remove 6% discount. Fuel Direct Deductions are usually made from a persons Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance - income based. fuel - A weekly deduction of £3.25 per fuel debt can be made up to a maximum of £6.50. For ongoing costs it will be the estimated amount of current consumption. £3.25 is better than whatever they try to bully you into, is it not? Plus winter is almost over, your consumption will fall. Request e.On Economy 10 brochure [i have not seen it yet myself - it is on its way] or change to Economy 7 and adopt a vampire life stile - cook and wash, etc. between hours of 00:30 and 07:30 am [+1 during BST] that is 4p kWt. Copies to Ombudsman not to really get you any action, but will put little more stress on e.On and DCA. Looks like we have exhausted all the advice, it is up to you start acting on it. Or not.
  2. Send them a token payment of £5 and inform them CAB is assisting you in preparing the offer - in writing, copy to e.On and copy to Energy Ombudsman with explanation of your current circumstances.
  3. Looks like thing started moving in the right direction. Back to the estimates and complaint. You may even say that they have unfair policy of deliberately charging you lower estimates to keep you happy and never think of changing a supplier and when you are in considerable debt you will have to pay it and will not be able to change a supplier until you have paid it. Entrapment. May be not true - but how can they proof otherwise? Have they sent you any offers on better tariffs with them? Have they provided you with information about all of their tariffs? I know the answer - they did not. I've just checked their website, they still do not. E.g. you will not find Economy 7 alongside with standard. Plus, some providers have trust funds to help people with fuel debts. Too bad e.On does not, so much for care and skill. Look here Good luck.
  4. Does anyone know which providers offer economy 10 tariff? Thanks Economy 10 Tariffs offer 10 hours of off-peak electricity, which suppliers charge at a discounted rate. This tariff best suits households with modern heating alternatives such as EHC Electric Combination Radiators. If you are on Economy 7 and you are running out of hot water or if your storage heaters are cooling off by the evening then the EHC Combination Radiators and Economy 10 could be an excellent solution for you. To be on an Economy 10 tariff you must have an Economy 10 meter. These differ from standard meters as they have additional capability, which enables them to measure the consumption of electricity between the set Economy 10 hours specified by the supplier. The structure of the ten off peak hours is three hours in the afternoon; two hours in the evening; and five hours over night. The time of the designated hours can vary so it’s best to ask your proposed supplier directly for precise times.
  5. Hi Jopea, I am with e.On as well and in a newbuilt and all electric. And have high bills. Here what I have found/done so far: 1. I live in mass production Barratts house - they skimmed it to very bare minimum, I am not even sure if they comply with standards, our floor at subzero temperature would not go above 12 degrees Celsius no matter how many and how long for the heater were on, so called u-value, represents overall thermal conductance from the outside to inside covering all modes of heat transfer, must be ~0.25. Calculations take into consideration temperature difference in and out, 12 degrees make more like 2.5 - very rough estimate, but if you are an owner you better look into it. 2. Register with e.On online, choose some saving tariff with online discounts, they give 15% for fixed plus 6% for Direct Debit. You will be able to monitor your consumption on site, entering your meter readings monthly. 3. Negotiate with them payment plan. Do not be discouraged, they will not agree at first, second and God knows how many attempts it will take you. But eventually you'll get there. Keep in contact and make them feel that you want to pay but cannot, at present. When you keep to yourself, they take it like you do not want to pay. 4. Lodge a complaint, insist on a complaint number, with e.On for failing to provide you with reasonable care and skill for incorrectly estimating your consumption. Say they knew it was new property, should have encouraged you / hinted to you they need more accurate readings. 5. Recalculate all you previous bills yourself, what tariff you were on, what discounts were applicable - I did and got £90 credited back into my account - if find any irregularities include it into your complaint. 6. Go to CAB, they will produce a Financial Statement for you to justify you repayment offer. If you qualify for Legal Aid, they will negotiate with e.On for you. FS will show that even if e.On passes your debt to a collection agent/go to court, they would not get any more ££ from you than you offer. 7. Make sure your benefits are paid into an account with a bank/building society where you have no debts or Direct Debits set up. Cheers.
  6. A little update or part-success story In response to the letter highlighting the contradiction they offered me a £5 monthly discount. I insisted that even with a discount I was still not able to use the BB, it coincided with BB Storm being discontinued and replaced with BB Storm 2. They did not want to replace my Storm with Storm 2 on the same plan of £35 600 minutes and discount and offered me Curve or Tattoo that came with £25 plan. I pointed it out to them and got my plan reduced to £25 300 minutes and swapped Storm for Tattoo, postage paid by Vodafone. They also credited me with pro rata ££ for all 3 weeks' duration of our negotiations. All within the same contract dates, i.e they did not start new contract with new phone.
  7. This must be absolutely devastating for everyone with suspended claims. They've won on a sort of a technicality - definition of 'fair' price of core product. It always seemed to me a weak argument and I watched in amusement the row of wins by Consumer Group. Mind, I did not want banks to win. They say there are other avenues. So here is one idea. I worked for the bank, not any more. When approached by a customer with questions about their charges, it was fairly easy to explain 'why'. However, I struggled to explain 'why this much' In almost third of the cases the amounts were not in accordance with the rules in customers' T&C. In banks favour. Example from memory. The T&C said that bank would not charge more than the actual unauthorised OD was. If the charge was, say £25, and UOD £14.30 - guess how much would appear on the account? It got more complicated in there were couple of small UOD one after another. I sought help from superiors and superiors of superiors, training officers just to get myself a bad image and total despair of hysterical snigger when I discovered they did not know the difference between round-up and round-down. My advise - the major battle is lost, you cannot loose any more so go for it and request recalculation - and them sue for the breach of contract/fraud/whatever.
  8. Hi Nileejenngra Thanks for the tel No! I was about to give them a call as they never responded to my letter. Next step to complain to Financial Ombudsman, wanna join in? Funnily enough, it was the same ££ in my case.
  9. Guess if there would be a way out, they would be out of business. Thanks anyway.
  10. Hi, I have got similar issues with Vodafone's Blackberry Storm, this BB has a sort of battery that needs little of extra care, it would not give you all advertised hours unless you perform certain rituals. But before I learnt that, I bought some extra batteries, it did not help, so I got HTC on another contract and gave up on BB. Now I am 5 month into contract term of 18, had numerous rows with Vodafone, who said > On the other hand > Isn't there a bit of contradiction? And what about saying at this point that I do not like the coverage? Will it still work? Or they just accept the phone and come after me for £400+ [remaining 13 month of contract]? Thanks.
  11. Hi Blueda, no, it was not me before. I was just looking if anyone enquired about this company. Not to start new thread. I also found a case on FOS news site, where DMC had to refund all ££: 75/02 debt-management company’s poor administration creates further difficulties for consumers seeking help with existing debts - issue 75 - consumer credit complaints I thought, maybe, you could point me to a sample letter quoting DMGuidance from OFT and, possibly, something re distance selling - service was sold on the cold call over the telephone. Until I study all regulatory documents, my time window might close, if there is any. Anyway, thank you for support and encouraging. I will start communication with DMC, see what they say. I'll keep this thread updated, whatever the outcome.
  12. Hi Blueda, should not then DMC advise their client to write such letters? Is there a way to cancel the contract with DMC and get fees and monthly payments back if they never agreed with, let alone forwarded the monies to, the creditors? They never sent a statement either. Thanks.
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