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Everything posted by PlumFairy

  1. Merry Christmas I understand what you are saying and I stand corrected over PTP and DD Anyone can open a basic bank account no matter what their credit rating/history is. Maybe PTP are different (although my dealings with them suggest not). I had repayment plans set up with two of these 'companies', who went against the plan and decided to wipe out my bank account. The same has also happened to others on the forum, so please forgive us if at times we are rather 'cynical' over what they will and won't do
  2. I agree, the problem is that they do. Many of these loans don't set up DDs, but do everything by debit card details and the banking rules for these are slightly different. Trust me..... I've been stung once.
  3. From what I can gather, Payday UK are quite good at setting up a payment plan with. From rhe ones you have, QQ don't pester much by 'phone, but constantly hit template e-mail responses. Wonga I have found to be awkward. I sent a very strong letter off to them and not heard anything at all for about 2 months... They will probably all invite you to 'roll over' your loan - don't! Stick to your guns, you'll get there
  4. From what I can gather, Payday UK are quite good at setting up a payment plan with. From rhe ones you have, QQ don't pester much by 'phone, but constantly hit template e-mail responses. Wonga I have found to be awkward. I sent a very strong letter off to them and not heard anything at all for about 2 months... They will probably all invite you to 'roll over' your loan - don't! Stick to your guns, you'll get there
  5. I tried very hard to get a payment plan with these!!!! But with no luck... Not heard anything for a few weeks ..... bet it's on it's way to a DCA....
  6. You'd be very lucky to get their back details. In fact I don't know of anyone that has managed to
  7. You will get a letter in the post too Clarity I have to say were really easy to negotiate with. Payment plan set up for 3 months, to be reviewed but if my payments are not missed, will be continued. I am able to pay by SO and on a day that I want.
  8. I would try logging onto moneyclaim online and try entering the details you have been given. It will soon tell you if it's genuine or not. After you've discovered that you can then decide what to do next..
  9. I currently have a claim form in front of me that I am helping a friend deal with. There is a section that asks about the status of your bank account - overdrawn etc, but nowhere does it ask for your account number etc...
  10. Firstly just because you get a claim form it doesn't automatically mean a CCJ! Secondly this site is non judgemental, whether the OP intended to come to an arrangement with CG or not, they are just as intitled to ask for help as anyone else
  11. Hi there. Report your card stolen/lost. Make sure that you cancel direct debits etc. If possible change your bank account, but if it is too late to do it for this month then in writing instruct yiur bank that they are not to accept payments from these people. Contact the companies, explain tuat you are unable to pay, work out what you can reasonabl afford each month and pay them that amount. Finally, remember you are not alone
  12. Firstly stop panicing - I know easier said than done, but your health is more important than anything You've made a good start by opening a new account. Keep an eye on you're old one for DD being set up - Uncle Buck especially do this. I would contact them all before you default as at least you are then showing that you are looking to get out of the debt. Work out what you can reasonably afford and make an offer to each. You could snowball as you suggest and pay the smaller ones off first. No answering the 'phone insist on everything in writing. Good luck
  13. Good luck Can't imagine that a judge would look too kindly on a company that issues papers less than 2 weeks after you defaulted ;-)
  14. I've used these and defaulted. They will not really bother you. Offered a payment plan, not accepted. Default notice issed - which is laughable tbh. No real harrassmrnt. Just waiting for it to go to DCA. Plum
  15. I've just finished paying these on a three month plan I agree - they are one of the better ones.......
  16. Firstly, do nothng by 'phone. Make sure everything is in wtiting. They won't like it, but tough. Stick to your guns. Offer to set up a payment plan of what you can afford. If possible change the debit card as it would seem that they like to just take what they want regardless of whether you can afford it or not. As for what they will accept.... unlike other more traditional lending companies they are very unpredicatable. It seems to depend on the person at that second. Some have found them easy to deal with, others not. I'm currently in a right old battle with them. Good luck
  17. Hi Good e-mail. As to whether they will respond - yes they will but how, you can't be sure. unlike more conventional lenders PDL do not seem to have any pattern at all to their responses. It seems more and more dependent upon the mood of the person at the other end of the computer at the time. I am currently having a nightmare with them. I would always recommend changing your bamk account, or at least your card details. Good luck
  18. Marley Some of them you can open on-line? That may be an option.
  19. Noticed on my Credit File today that Wonga have registered a miss payment.
  20. I'll see if I can get mine scanned up tomorrow I don't think it's their agreements that are the problem usually, it's the way that they go about trying to get the debt. Plus their inconsistency in how they deal with people. At least with DCAs CC copmanies etc you can see other posts from people who are dealing with the same people and most of the time it's like a mirror image. With this lot it depends what side of the bed they get out of I think their rules must be - there are no rules..................
  21. I'm no legal bod, but I guess it may have something to do with the way they do the pay day loans, was it a cheque one?
  22. Marley That is a standard template e-mail. You will recieve a few of them. Keep going, your doing well
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