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  1. I've just won a car on ebay. It didn't state on the auction whether it had a v5 or not (i know i should have asked first). The guy is saying that he recently brought it cheap for the tow bar because it wouldn't start, he said the immobilizer wasn't working, but he has now changed this and put a new battery and is saying it's all working now ans nothing wrong with the car. Only problem is he hasn't received the V5 yet and only has the green slip, he says he will give us the green slip because the car needs to be taxed. I've done a paid check on this car and it's all clear. Not stolen, written off, financed, etc. I will also write a receipt with his details, my details, purchase price and car details, etc and ask him to sign it. Can i tax the car with the green slip in someone Else's name and insurance documents on my name? If not should i tell the guy i will come collect and pay when he get's the v5, he says he should get it any day now, he should be ok with this right?
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