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Meerkat One

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Everything posted by Meerkat One

  1. Hi Chillinlong They have 40 days to respond to a SAR. If you have no response then you can report them to the Information Commissioner's Office. I have also just read the article in the Mail - it seems they make the rules up as they go along.
  2. Hi Chillinlong To date I have not received anything back from WS both they and Nutrade are very reluctant to give any information at all. WS just keep issuing threats and sending Section 8 notices to my tenants but as they are paying their rent a Section 8 notice is invalid.
  3. Don't despair Ladyluck27 - I think we are all wondering how we got here! But there are ways of fighting back. As I have discovered it do not believe these organisations have a clue what they are doing - they do not! They try to confuse and give misleading information and LIE. Until I was in this situation I could not believe they would do this but MEX legal department are as clueless as the rest of credit control and lending complaints. They all hope we will feel overwhelmed and give in. Collectively we can make them accountable. WS have a legal duty to ensure you do not suffer financially. It is their duty to ensure the property is let and income is coming in. If you Subject Access MEX you will find their note taking and recording illuminating. Have they notified you of any sale? Regards Meerkat One
  4. Hi Ladyluck As you can see you are not alone. We are dealing with both MEX and WS. As Diddled has said you need to do a Subject Access Request to both stating that you require ALL notes, letters, records both digital and paper. Send by Special Delivery. They have 40 days to reply. Do not allow them to delay. I suggest you call after 2 days to ensure your request has been received. Have you had any dealings with a company called Nutrade? They may have contacted your tenants. Regards Meerkat One
  5. From my experience with Mortgage Express that is exactly what they are trying to do. I have been waiting a year for all the letter, reports etc under a sar. They have also neglected to credit monthly payments to my accounts - sometimes this has taken up to 9 months. This then distorts the arrears amount which they keep artificially high to claim arrears are excessive. After over a year I am still waiting for them to adjust the payments - put them in when they were paid and therefore adjust the interest. M/Ex try to ignore this as however, I keep at it everyday.
  6. Like you I will be writing to ARLA. The tactics used by WS are not acceptable. Perhaps if everyone writes then ARLA, RICS will realise there is a problem
  7. A good result. If Landlord and Tenant have a good relationship and can maintain their trust it lays bare the lies and underhand tricks the LPA receivers and Lenders use to deceive everyone. Regards Meerkat
  8. Hi Scared Tenant I have advised my tenants to ignore the LPA Receiver. They use all manner of threatening behaviour - claiming they can forcefully enter, change locks etc. They can't. My tenants continue to pay me. I ensure the lender is paid. I also ensure gas checks etc are all carried out. Keep renewing your tenancy agreement and do not allow it to lapse on to a periodic tenancy where each party only has to give a months' notice. My aim is to look after my tenants as I have always done. I do not want the receiver's making their lives a misery. Meerkat One
  9. Thank you PL It is good to know we can share our information. Currently waiting for M/Ex to send further info under SAR - taken a year up to now! Will keep you posted
  10. Thank you Diddled and Chillinlong for your replies. I haven't done a SAR with WS but will do this. I am still trying to get everything from M/Ex. There are obviously notes, telephone calls they do not want me to see. I have also requested copies of all invoices they are paying WS on my behalf. I will keep you updated.
  11. Hi I have just discovered you all and it has taken some reading to catch up! We too are having problems with Mortgage Express and Walker Singleton. Mortgage Express instructed WS even though we had kept to an unreasonable arrangement. They only gave us a month and then claimed we had not kept arrangement and instructed WS. I refuse to help WS and have complained to FOS re M/Ex. Like Mungo's Mum we did a subject access order and eventually - after nearly a year received half the required docs. A further few months of hassle and we received the other half. Makes interesting reading with wrong dates, conversations etc. etc. Again after a year of asking and M/Ex giving every conceivable excuse we received a disc recording a specific telephone conversation. This is unreadable. Would be happy to share our experience but it would take up so much time to relate here but very similar to all of you. We are very willing to join any group to highlight the appalling tactics of Mortgage Express and Walker Singleton
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