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Everything posted by davuck

  1. Thank you Manxman , You have fully understood and I can see what you say makes perfect sense and that is exactly the position from the council and the ombudsman. I have to try though (and I will try and if I get any joy I'll come back here and post etc ) orit would bother me for the rest of my life . thank you again David
  2. Thank you Manxman that was very helpful i shall use that bit about the interests of justice. Yes you are right it would be unlikely for me to find the evidence I'm clutching at straws now to be honest. I had intended to say my telephone call was direct evidence it was just a matter whether or not it was believed or not like in that link. And if it were believed a full investigation would have taken place but what you say is better , if the reviewer was concerned enough etc , in fact I might say both . These things I think are designed to put people of , the stress was unbelievable applying under this law then that and being refused. The thing was it was obvious , I mean really obvious she needed lots of care and I thought things would be ok after we got the care company in place as it turned out I knew the career from my childhood and she was constantly telling me that the council were refusing everything they asked for. On the day she died the ambulance refused to break down the door for a time that was because they weren't sure anyone was in and the career was standing outside telling them she was in fact in. The council had refused a key safe because of cost . Im so angry with the council and I want to find out what really happened I was focusing on the conversation on the phone as direct evidence because the reviewer said that if there was proof that the funding was in fact the criteria the council used to provide care then he might have gave it to the actual ombudsman . That was the only reason I was taking about the phone conversation , just to try to use it as a reason to open this case up again etc. Thank you again Manxman what you said is very helpful
  3. Yes that's exactly what happened mans man when you ask is that what happened at the end of your second paragraph. The relevance of the telephone conversation ( and yes they are denying it took place ) is that when the person changed her mind and said to me she was going to award 2 hrs care , it was exactly when they ( the council ) received the award from the government. Realising it would cost the council nothing . Mum was assessed by them a week before and the answer was the private care of 2 hrs was enough but on receiving the award then it was upped to 4 hrs. This goes against the care act in Scotland . The care should be given on need and I'm asserting that it was driven by cost i.e. No cost at all to the council. So anyway if I can prove this I have a case , and when the ombudsman investigated at the complaints review stage he said from what I told him he was very concerned and did make enquiries but the council said that what I told the ombudsman wasn't true and the way he conveyed this to me was that " my evidence was circumstantial " fast forward to now now and I've obtained the relevant evidence from the care provider that documents exactly what I've said to be true i.e. The timeline of when they were paid and by who , when the council added the extra two hours to them ( they were subcontracting to the council as well as being paid by me ) so I've got all the evidence but the more I can say to ask for this review the better and there has to be specific reasons and I have to show that the reviewer erred to get the case opened up. If the complaints reviewer had thought that my evidence was direct evidence( which it is as I've found out and confirmed by that link Andy provided) he would have passed it to the actual ombudsman who has more powers and maybe could have demanded documents from the council etc in actual fact mums care was badly mishandled by the local council it was obvious to everyone her doctor her nurse the hospital the nexdoor neighbour that mum needed lots of care but the council witheld it because of cost and that was the cause of her death and I'm doing my best to prove that.
  4. Apologies bank fodder here's what happened. I received an an emergency phone call from my mother December 2018 she lives in Scotland I'm in england south coast I'm her only son and dad is dead. I arrived to find her at deaths door really ill she was 81 no food in house . I took her to the adult social work dept who told me to get care in place and they would be out to assess in due coarse etc. I had to return in to England two weeks later but in the meantime I had a care company in place. I was funding two hours per week it was all I could afford as I'm disabled as well and on benefits . the care assessment was done by council and came back as everything ok as my mum already had 2 hrs care. the private care company said to me she needed more care and it was obvious she did. it was dementia and mum was really bad etc I phoned the council to complain and spoke to the person who assessed her and she said to me in the phone that she would now give mum 2 hrs from the council but this was exactly at the time mums order from the government to fund 2 hrs care came through (the care company had applied for funding through the government and 2 hrs was awarded ) so this meant the council didn't have to fund anything . Remember that the first assessment was no care needed and the only thing that had changed was the funding from the government. mum was getting 4 hrs per week 2 funded by me and 2 by the government . The care company was pushing for more from the council as mum was really bad and in desperate need but she died in the April . over the next year I followed the complaints process stage 1 then stage 2 months past but the council stuck to their guns . I managed to obtain mums hospital records under the access to health record act 1990 from hospital and the only way that it perhaps would be possible to obtain mums records from the council would be under the freedom of information act or the access to health record act . A subject access request would not be appropriate etc as it's not me it's mum. the council as expected refused under both the freedom of information act And the access to health records act as they only have to answer to the courts on this so my only option to prove negligence from the council was to apply to the ombudsman to investigate. all the information records and emails were properly put to the ombudsman as were my assertions of negligence withholding needed care ( the private care company drew me aside saying I should ask for an inquest as they were constantly being refused things they asked for by the council ) the complaints reviewer from the ombudsman says under the reasons he will not refer it to the actual ombudsman is because there is no evidence , when I asked him what would be evidence he replied that he took my complaint very seriously and asked the council but they are disputing what I said , he also says my evidence was circumstantial . I can't just ask for a review because I disagree it has to be for specific reasons . For example if what I said about my telephone conversation was in fact direct evidence I could say the complaints reviewer erred on a point of law , and after reading that link Andy posted I think my evidence is in fact direct evidence. that was what I was asking just clarifying direct from circumstantial . I now plan to say he erred and my evidence is direct and had he not erred he would have referred it to the actual ombudsman . I have also obtained written evidence from the private care company which shows exactly the timeline I've said. This timeline was disputed by the council so I now have that and the direct evidence info thanks to Andy and just have to put it together formally to ask for a review and hope I get it . Generally the ombudsman looks at all requests but only opens up ones if she is persuaded to. Etc. sorry for such a long post I've been stressed out about this for such a long time and now I'm at the final hurdle
  5. Hi honey bee , I got all mums hospital records along with all the records from the care company. The timeline shows what Ive asserted to the claims reviewer i.e. That the care from the council came after the funding from the uk government . I was paying for 2 hours and the council funding 2 hrs but only after they knew it was at no cost to them. I've given all this to the ombudsman ( the bundle was about 6 inches thick by the time I got mums hospital records and yes I asked for her records from council under specific laws which I can't remember of the top of my head but they were like a subject access request ) but it was rejected by the reviewer I'm at the review stage by the actual ombudsman but there are only specific things that can get her to review it . Like errors of law and extra evidence and stuff like that. I think the reviewer has made a mistake , I think my testimony is direct evidence not circumstantial as the reviewer said but it's how to explain that is what I'm needing help with . thanks andy for that I'll look at it see if it helps
  6. Hello, I'm dealing with the public services ombudsman and I explained that I had a telephone call that I had with a councils care partnership , anyway the complaints reviewer has responded saying he would not progress things to the actual ombudsman saying that the reason is that my evidence was circumstantial so the investigation by him took the side of the care partnership. It's a long drawn out complaint to do with the council not funding care to my mother who died and only giving care after the uk government funded it so the council had no cost to them etc and anyway I had a telephone conversation with the assessor who assessed my mother in which she admitted she agreed to give 2 hours care after finding out that the Uk government would fund 2 hrs care and Ive said all this to the ombudsman but as I say the complaints reviewer says my evidence is circumstantial so a complete investigation by the actual ombudsman is not going to happen. Im going to ask for a review but I need to have an actual reason not just that I disagree with the decision . I think my evidence was was direct evidence and not circumstantial so I'm going to say that as well as other things etc but I'm unsure if it is direct evidence and I'd be grateful if anybody knows ? On the web I can find examples but it's all confusing and if I'm right and my testimony is direct evidence how can I explain that ? I'd be grateful for any help . thanks David
  7. yes it was a message my housing manager left about a neighbour from hell who lives above me. she didn't know I kept the message and for the next two years or so, totally contradicted the message in writing. Ive done a blog - frustratedtenant.tumblr.com and was thinking of adding this answerphone message because it shows that my housing association were aware of the situation in March 2014. I am a bit unsure of the legalities of doing this but on the other hand, I have suffered because of the housing association negligence and really would like to expose them.
  8. Hello, I want to post a message my landlord left on my answerphone on a blog that im doing about them. Is this ok to do ? Is it legal ? Ive searched online and can only find answers that apply to the USA and even then its not an easy answer to find , some say its ok , some say beware etc. I think the message left now belongs to me , is that correct ? If so then it should be ok to post it ? Thanks for any help. David
  9. I have involved my local environmental health and the housing ombudsman regarding an issue I have with a neighbour from hell who is severely mentally ill and lives directly above me in a flat. I am in a flat below him. The problem is that he lives in squalor etc and has also broken a few windows in his flat that are very dangerous .Also there is serious asb issues . Anyway to cut a long story short , both the ombudsman and the environmental health have written to my landlord telling them to repair these windows, but for 8 months now the landlord is still saying they cant gain access to repair these windows. By the way , I also am covered by the equalities act as I have been diagnosed with O.C.D.. and also physically disabled as well ,and these windows are causing me distress because of my O.C.D. disability. The environmental heath say as I live in a housing association property I have to make my own application for statutory nuisance under section 82 of the environmental heath act, regarding these windows that the association are not repairing ( or being unreasonably slow in doing so ) What I would like to know is , if I make my own application to the court giving the court the works order from the environmental heath and the recommendations from the housing ombudsman that both say the association should repair these windows, would that get the job done ? The tenant as I say has severe mental heath issues and refuses to allow anyone in his property, which is why the association have been refusing to deal with this in the first place. I intend to make the section 82 application against the association . Thanks for looking and any advice would be greatly received. David
  10. In Jan this year I wrote to the C.E.O. of my housing association complaining about a person in their call center who was disregarding my disabilities when dealing with my phone calls. The C.E.O appointed someone to investigate but the person did not investigate. I again wrote to the C.E.O. two months later complaining that no response from the said person had been received , not even an acknowledgement and then approx one month following this , the appointed person responded. I received apologies and compensation and was assured their system now reflected my disabilities. Now fast forward a few months when I had a water leak from my internal mains cold water stopcock under my sink , which to cut a long story short took the housing association two months to repair and involved me bending up and down to empty containers each morning. I complained again not to the C.E.O. but through their normal complaints procedure asking why so long considering I have it in writing from the C.E.O. that I am flagged as vulnerable (my spine is totally knackered and have problems walking and bending up and down etc). This complaint revealed that I wasn't flagged as a vulnerable person, despite my previous complaint to the C.E.O. and the assurance I would be flagged as being disabled, it wasn't done. In my communication with the housing association it emerged that the person I had originally complained about in Jan to the C.E.O. about was a manager and had actually written the housing associations complaints procedure ! and the person appointed to investigate worked directly under them so would be investigating their manager ! This probably explains why I had to write twice to the C.E.O. to get a response to my original complaint. But my question is - is their anything I can do about being told by the C.E.O. that their system would reflect my disabilities and it not being done as confirmed by the subsequent complaint ? Even though i received fifty pounds through the governments right to repair scheme which sets out timescales for repairs and compensation for overdue repairs etc I feel that because I complained about this manager who wrote their complaints procedure the appointed person to investigate would have been under pressure by this manager and this explains why I had to write twice to the C.E.O. etc and I feel its terrible that I was told I was flagged as vulnerable a nd It wasn't done and I would like to hit back at an uncaring housing association . Any advice much appreciated
  11. I had the very same thing. Its a dirty tricks tactic from the other side. There will be a date set by the court which will say something like "the bundle to be aggreed by such and such date" What happened to me was that the respondents solicitors were sending me various bundles with things missing etc and telling me it was "the aggreed bundle " I simply told them that the bundle wasnt aggreed. They did this months before the court date just trying to stress me out and confuse me i beleive. The important thing is the date set by the court and the court ( if the bundle is not aggreed simply tell the court) .remember the other side wont play fair !
  12. yes thats the site rachel its been a great help to me in many ways
  13. Hi , I got told the very same thing and started to google to check things out . in my case it was the respondent giving witness statements that were almost word for word the same . If you google employment law naomi cunningham you will find a very good site with tactics etc and a very good blog with lots of information. one of the blog posts addresses this matter and the reason given for being preferable to have individual statements is that it would be very rare for witnesses to see and express what they have seen in exactly the same way. whilst there is nothing wrong in this practice it suggests copying and pasting of documents etc and might be easy to show this in cross examination and therefore weaken the said statements. So although its more of a pain due to time and effort to obtain individual witness statements it will go a long way in showing the court as to whos statements are the most beleivable
  14. I think that the employment tribunal needs to know that their failure to disclose is predicucing your case ( remember the et do not know this yet ) get your solicitor to ask for a court order for them to disclose.
  15. Hey I dont recognise the wedding as well, nobody i know does as well not that i want to detract from the issues of a fee bank holiday, bring that on !!l
  16. Me id go for option 2 you have to defend your self but be nice dont mention names as to the other people who are doing similar things unless asked to, say that they are ,say you are sorry and wont do it again. If the worst happens ypu will at least have a comparitor for tribunal purposes
  17. This happened to me, small company 10 or so employees I hated it of with the tie on with the tie etc how on earth is it possible to go back to an office and work properly. On hindsight any complaints would be covered by the companies need to ask employees to diversify etc. As it happenes I got sacked for another thing ( totaly unrelated). From what I gather employment law is very complicated and the best advice I could give is Be absolutely sure you cant go on with the situation. Make your stand and stick to it. Do things be the book in writing etc
  18. Thanks papa and sarel, What a system eh, a court system without justice . Not long now though. Ill think over your advice papa and sarel Thanks again
  19. Hi everybody , Its been a while since ive posted anything but I have been reading various posts once or twice about these employers that for want of better words have" puled a dirty" on employees. ( I can totally understand how you feel ) My case will be over in may win or loose etc. My feeling is that ill win but i have a question (as always ) Suppose for what ever reason I want my satisfaction in court ( regardless of any offer that may be offered in settlement ) do I have that right ? or would any offer if made affect the way the court views me ? Its been two years of the worst stress Ive ever had and to be honest id like to win in court to " really win " . Any input as always will be gratefully received Thanks
  20. Thanks SarEL, Think im getting my head around this now . JSA gets knocked of the "gross amount of award" twice , once when doing the schedule of loss calculation and then twice by recoupment but ESA only once when doing the schedule of loss calculation ? Seems unfair to people on JSA , is that because ESA is a sickness benefit ? If so, what a stroke of luck that im unwell ! Its ironic that im unwell because of my treatment from my ex employer.
  21. wouldnt even think of not declaring it. At last some good news thanks SarEL. Was just working things out in my head its very confusing. So that means both JSA and ESA are put on the schedule of loss(depending which one the person receiving) and are deducted from any award but Paid out JSA is then recouped from the balance but ESA isnt ?
  22. hi all, Still ongoing with my tribunal , my date is next may (see my previous posts for all the info ) im fairly confident ill win but im on employment support allowance so ive been reading the recoupment of benefit rules . I can find rules that say job seekers and income support gets paid back of any award, but does employment support allowance ? I cant find info on this regarding employment support allowance and i would be gratefull if anyone knows the answer. Also ive heard that out of court settlements are not covered by these recoupment rules and wonder is that always the case?. I mean say i settled for under £6000 pounds and i have no savings at all ( being on income related esa savings under £6000 pound are ok to have without affecting this benefit) would acas or the courts or in fact another body inform the job centre and then they could take this money. If settlements are not 100% free from these recoupment rules then id probably be better to get my satisfaction through the court and let my ex employer do the worrying . As always thanks in advance for any information
  23. Hi again honeybee, Thanks for intervening and calming down the argument lol. I feel as though I dont have the willpower to fight them if they do take things to next may. Its just crazy, my employer sacks me with an unsigned undated letter, doesnt follow the three step procedure that was in force last feb when they sacked me ( I was told this was the legal minimum requirement by solicitor ) , then their representitives miss a deadline to respond. We get to the court ,the judge tells them off ,tells them that I was prevented from returning to work and the respondants representitive even admits in front of the judge my employer prevented me from returning because " I had anoyed them" and he was appologising etc. Straight after the hearing the respondants solicitor asked me about settlement, I told him what I wanted ( a quarter of my shedule of loss) and a reference and still he was unhelpfull. my parting shot was when he said he would be in touch i said "BET ITS AROUND NEXT APRIL" my understanding is that even if it was next april or may they are within their rights and if say I did settle withut going to court that settlment could not be enforced by this new fast track system which is in place to enforce employment tribunal orders it can only be used to enforce actual orders made by the tribunal. If my understanding is correct I would dearly love to force them to an early decision one way or the other.
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