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Gerald Gardner

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Everything posted by Gerald Gardner

  1. Thanks, ccj's can indeed be included in a bankruptcy. Trying to get someone to make you bankrupt these days seems to be getting harder and harder, i have offered to give her the £700 petition deposit but she insists she wants Bryan to do it, the W O E is not going to help
  2. Thank you for your help. Has anyone had any experience of Bryan enforcing his ccj's
  3. Has anyone got any info on how far Bryan will go once he has his ccj's registered, clearly it's going to cost him more money to have them enforced or does just get enjoyment out of potentially further screwing up someone's credit file.The hope is that he will ultimately petition for bankruptcy but i have already told her that the chances of the t urd doing that are minimal.
  4. Thanks, i think he can tag on what he likes as it won't get paid as she is going to petition for bankruptcy.
  5. I guess claims against humanity would be a start but would nice if it just got entered by default as he did not deal with it.
  6. Uncle Bryan loves to issue ccj's, a friend of mine has two from him, she is not bothered and did not even reply to the claim forms. Has anyone got any info on how far Bryan will go once he has his ccj's registered, clearly it's going to cost him more money to have them enforced or does just get enjoyment out of potentially further screwing up someone's credit file.The hope is that he will ultimately petition for bankruptcy but i have already told her that the chances of the t urd doing that are minimal. She also want to issue a mol claim to uncle Bryan to see if he responds and maybe get it by default if he does not.Has anyone ever tried turning the tables on him?
  7. What is the difference if any? i want information from my employer which one do i use to request it? thanks
  8. dj1971, I have no advise to give you other than just to say i wish you all the luck in the world, i really hope you win and look forward to coming back to this fred and reading that you have whipped their arses
  9. Bang on the door when i answer man with clip board asking for Mr Gardner, depends who you are and what you want i said,(he was wearing a tee-shirt with the logo on so that was a bit of a give away), im Stuart xxxx and i need to speak to Mr Gardner regarding a personal matter,do you have id i ask.yes and he holds up a badge from around his neck, can i have it i need to go and check, he gives it to me i close door and come inside and scan it to my pc, grab a copy of the i don't accept personal callers template wait a few minutes go back and open the door with my mobile ready to take a photo, i need to take a photo of you and before he had a chance to react i snapped him, handed him his id and letter and said he don't want to talk to you now go away your on private property, closed door, he puts a little card through the door asking me to call this number. I really didn't give him a chance to say much but of what he did say he was not rude or aggressive in anyway and he took my stance against him well, i was going to post his id and picture on here and all over the internet but the softer side of me says that although he works for a rancid company he's only doing a job and he never acted like a bozo so i shall give him the benefit of the doubt.
  10. Have a look at my thread about this lowlife http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?344903-The-highly-professional-outfit-impact-collections-on-on-behalf-of-vanquis!(2-Viewing)-nbsp
  11. Good on you fred, like you iv'e been able to turn the tables on these turds, in fact i decided that i would have some fun with them this week.First one was a woman trying to talk in a really soft gentle caring voice asking for me by first name,have you suffered speech difficulties in the past i asked? i can help i know a good speech therapist,anyway i said why do you always ask for me by my first name? only my mates and my parents do that and you are neither, she said because of the data protection act,at this point i fell off my chair laughing, i said you really can't help being clueless can you, she said this is a serious offence,really i said what you going to do send round Scotland yard to interrogate me? you've been watch to much tv luv.No we will send out a field agent to your address, i said you can send out a 5ucking secret agent for all i care it still don't change the fact that because you are a bunch tossers, you are never getting any money from me,oh and i have recorded this call, (they don't like it when you say that and don't give them a chance to respond) end of call. Then just the very next day i had one with a cockney accent asked for me. Hello can i speak to Gerald, no you can't, you have got no chance of getting hold of him,why he replied,he pi55ed off when he won the lottery, oh right he said, yep he got 3 numbers up and he was out of the door quicker than usain bolt,i don't even know where he is and im he's 5ucking boyfriend,he must of been even more clueless than the woman the day before if that is possible, anyway he said ok, i said don't go i need to bump up revenue im going on holiday in a few weeks, he put the phone down. I urge anyone that is having trouble with these lowlife to get control, don't be afraid they are clueless,improve you life now, your not a criminal, it's not easy for some i know but you can do it,and for all those that can do it, a big
  12. Good idea Grumps, im on holiday in a couple of weeks, they can call themselves on one of their 0800 numbers for a week. Great stuff Fred, cr@pquest are total morons, you took control and kept your sanity, anyone if your feeling weak reads freds thread and see how you can fight back when you take control, don't let filth ruin your life,last time i checked being in debt was not a criminal offence.
  13. Anyone who has had dealings with this shower of 5hit will know all about the ethics that they stand for. Being harassed by the vermin at impact is an absolute joy now,for those that don't know they use something called Intelligent Call Diversion Concept icd for short which enables them to use hundreds of different CLI's when they call you since they are now no longer allowed to call without leaving a number, this is the way they get around the fact that they know many people have caller display will see the number and not answer,these are just some of the numbers i have collected im sure they have hundreds more and all divert to the main number of vanquis /impact. 01133453256 02895438102 01214395279 01752651087 01225920251 01634816300 02921156491 01612227943 01612226216 01603920183 01614449222 08000192516 02381780024 02477676018 08002888640 08000191554 08000190537 01412371498 01513458383 01173294446 01133453256 02895438102 01273945017 01752651087 01225920251 01634816300 02921156491 01612227943 01513450916 08000192672 01277500081 01792447095 02393077257 01172398914 01422647382 02895086027 02034179161 02035382699 01316290069 01513451792 01274966163 01214390347 01614443026 01172399005 01133188657 01634780015 01908415451 02477673401 01253423398 01482908271 01158370836 01412372053 01752656101 01913400132 02034179149 01133180412 01225920251 01273945017 01412371287 01412371498 01412371532 01513450916 01513450947 01513458383 01603920183 01612226216 01612227943 01614449222 01634816300 01752651087 01913400235 02080450488 02381780024 02477676018 02895438102 02921156491 08000190537 08000191554 08000191556 08000192516 08000192516 08002888640 01914478686 01614440635 08000191556 08702407150 What i did to remove the stress and anxiety that they were insisting on giving me was to get myself a personal number, i use flextel, you can get one free of charge and you can redirect it to any number you want free of charge and do lots of advanced features temp bar call , analyse etc etc, at no cost to you,even record a conversation and have it sent to you as a wave file for a small fee, it costs the caller about 60 pence a minute to call and so when you consider that i get around 6 or more calls a day from them it would cost them a good sum of money if thousands of people did the same. Here is the cherry on the cake, calls to these numbers are "end-user" revenue share so every time these mugs call you can earn up to 3 pence per minute, thats right they will be paying you. In order to set this up once you have your personal number you do have to talk to them which i know lots of people don't like doing, you could write i suppose but it's essential as you need to give them your new personal number. In the meantime i changed my landline number and got a pay as you go mobile sim and redirected my personal number to that new mobile number and i am now in total control of every call they make to me and as you know once they have latched on to you their auto dial equipment goes into overdrive. You can use this method for any of these parasites that populate in call centres around the country and what it does is it's puts you in control. Take control people. I was also a little devil when i first setup, i redirected to one of their own numbers,so they actually ended up phoning themselves up Don't let these **** intrude on your life
  14. When writing to rob sands what address is best to use? is it best to email if so whats the email adress? many thanks
  15. your right it's pretty much unlawful but they are a law unto himself,these searches should be on table 2 which are not seen by anyone else,brig has tried his best to get to the bottom of it,if you fancy talking to cra about it and you enjoy banging your head against a brick wall go for it. table 1 searches are ment to be for applications for credit
  16. You could not be more wrong.table 1 searches are used as a tool by dca to screw your rating as many on here will tell you, they are there for 2 years and yes the good old outstanding debt search is hard if not impossible to get removed.
  17. Make sure you report them to trading standards and have a good read at this fred http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?263069-Vexatious-unauthorised-searches-by-Mackenzie-hall-amp-Lowell
  18. These two searches are they in table 1 and outstanding debt of your credit report? if so they are as bad as a default and will be showing for 2 years, you must report them.
  19. Muck hall do love this little trick,some have got them removed and got compo, you also need to write to the trading standard, have a look at this fred there is lots of info on whats best to do. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?263069-Vexatious-unauthorised-searches-by-Mackenzie-hall-amp-Lowell
  20. He should not be making visits to filth like this. http://www.mackenziehall.co.uk/client-site/alex-salmond-visits-mackenzie-hall.html
  21. I take issue with you dx.Barry was a fantastic commentator for the bbc,match of the day is not the same without him.
  22. Martin sums up this filth Paula, i was 100% certain that my 2 debts were sb and as such decided that i was going to ignore the sd's, i know that some will say that it is no a good idea to do so but i did not want to get into any dialogue with them and as i had ignored them and such like for 8 years i felt that was the best way to carry on as i did not want them to some way try to get the clock running again knowing how this lot are. 10. Does a statutory demand expire? There is no expiry period for a statutory demand. However, under the Limitation Act 1980, a debt must not be more than 6 years old or based on a default judgment more than 6 years old. This period can start to run again from any date the debtor agrees the debt exists and may be extended more than once They never employ a process server for service which shows they are just trying to flush you out, they would have to prove service if they moved to present a bankruptcy pettion. have a read through these. http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/pdfs/guidanceleafletspdf/statdemand.pdf http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/business_leaflets/consumer_credit/oft664.pdf
  23. Have you had threatograms from this filth regarding this debt or is this sd the first? have you ever had a debt assignment for this.where are they getting jul 10 from then?
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