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barry white

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  1. seriously tho wher do i go from hear !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  2. can i just ask why the £1 postal order? im trying to deal with triton on my own at the moment, and i dont know where to turn for help.. luckly tho by trying to fine an actual web site for them i cam accross this site, and after reading different posts, i can see now that its everyone who is getting harrassed by theese people not just me. but again why the £1 thing? that makes no sence to me
  3. that exactly what they told me to do.. i dont get how they can suggest that, there ment to be helping ppl get out of debt (well in a way) but all they ar eactualy dooing is charging us more and more. and i'v borrowed enough from my family already, and i cant ask them for any more, especialy at the moment. so if they want there money, why the hell cant they just wait for it, or accept what we offer to repay them......
  4. does anyone have an Email address for TRITON CREDIT SERVICES??? i only ask because #1 why should i call them on there 0845 number only to cost me more, amd #2 every letter i send to them i get no reply, and only letters from them telling me to contact them asap . please someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. i am in the same situation, so now i just wait for them to call me:D. easiest thing to do is just continue paying your bills as you normaly would, and if the call you just tell them straight, even if it means you have to get a little angry with them, i did and now they accept what i said in the first place.
  6. hay guys, i seem to be in the same situation, . a few years ago i took out a over draft and a credit card, witch mounted up to a total bebt of nearly 3K. now without warning my debt were passes to TRITON CREDIT SERVICES. now they are demanding that i make a full repayment, and also threatening me with legal action. yeah i work full time and i do earn money, but i also have other debts such as mobile phone and mobile brordband contract bills to pay. witch are on a standing order with my bank and after all bills have been payed im left with bearly nothing for the rest of the month. now triton continusly call demending money from me, money i dont have..... what can i do ?? ive offered them £20 £30 each month, but they wont accept it, i cant even get in to see some one at the CAB due to the long hours i work as a chef. and worst of all was that i wasnt even given any warning from the bank to say that they where passing my debts on to dredit agencys. please help.............
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