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  1. I'm really sorry to hear you've been caught as I was with Yes Loans. They took £79.95 from me without consent. I have just been contacted by another company called No Worries loans and went through the whole procedure again. When he asked for the security code on the back of my card I refused to give it to him because I know that they need that to take a payment. The guy insisted over and over again that he promised he would take no payment from me. I asked for his name and the address of where he works. I looked up the address on the internet while I was on the phone to me and he was still swearing that he wouldn't take any money from my card. Surprise surprise No Worries loans are in the same building as Yes Loans. He said he had never heard of Yes loans although reading further up this thread I can see they are told to say that. He said he had no idea who they are although he's probably sitting next to someone working for Yes Loans. He kept repeating that he wouldn't take my money. Even gave me his name...Shaun Jenkins if anyone is interested but I refused to give him the number. He said he needed it to be able to complete the application. I didn't give it to him and am now hoping that the information I did give isn't enough to take a payment. I have had a couple of payday loans to whom I gave the information but they take the money out of your bank account when it is due and so don't ask for the security code. Also you have to sign an agreement online with those it's not done over the phone. Beware of these companies. I'm now going to try and get my money back from Yes loans as I have read that other people have tried to do so. It's very easy to be persuaded by these call centre people that they are trustworthy and trying to help you. They are not! They will do or say anything to get your card details and to be able to take the payment. I imagine they are only paid commission on the payments they take. I'm sure they are not salaried.
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