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Everything posted by dodgydebt

  1. All others. My PC and FOS complaints have now been escalated like your's have been. Awaiting P&B's response, this should be interesting. Soon I will be filing to have monies already paid to me returned as without proof you own the debt then you are no better than a thug on the street. Will keep you updated. What ever happened to CV? Crawled under a rock or gotten a real job?
  2. Hi toto, Its a little more complex than what it written here. What is your situation? Feel free to PM me if you like but need to understand where you are at to help in anyway.
  3. Ozzy ozzy ozzy...the sharkies really! Coming from the "SHIRE" I still managed to avoid any affection for the sharkies! My family however.. well they're another story. Welcome back
  4. hi greeno I didnt receive an automatic response either but I do know they are well and truly on the case, just wading through all of our cases I suspect. Some others have had contact made so now its just a waiting game till they get to us too. Rest assured though, they are aware and answering all complaints in due course.
  5. Hey PD Feel free to PM me or WA newman for the details of a great legal team. Can't not believe it and can not believe Veda, we have just been through all of this with them, can not believe they have allowed another listing. So now you have the writ (me too) have they removed the default?
  6. Greeno feel free to PM one of us if you need any further help. Welcome to our club so to speak.
  7. yep CV while you're at it can you send me the CCA's, assignments etc my lawyer request 3mths ago, he hasn't gone anywhere either. I guess mail from Canada can take a while but 12 weeks is a bit slow don't you think?
  8. oh and while we are posting irrelevant websites here's one AmIAnnoying.com - 2005 - 100 Most Annoying
  9. CV, i truely hope for your sake you don't need our help and aren't in the same situation we are as you really haven't won any fans here....to which I will add today I was served (finally) and after daring openly on this forum to do so..any connection CV? Very happy to report I was as now I have a true and just platform in which to state my claim and settle this crap once and for all. Afterall I should be planning the PFF Xmas party and not pleading the bleading obvious. A little holiday to Perth coming up if any other PFFs care to join me!!
  10. yep with that response we have a winner, minion it is...hit a nerve did I?
  11. Hi all Fellow PFF here. WA newman, well what a wealth of knowledge you are. I am so sorry you were the one burdened with legal bills proving what we all know to be true. Having gone through this whilst becoming a new mother I can say which belive me is stressful enough, if you couple that with my 75 year old mother being harrassed on my behalf (even though Pie and Beer had all of my contact details and she is in another state), a black mark against my inpeccable credit rating for me and my business for the past 8mths and now having a writ and summons notation on my credit file however not being served you can rest assured I will be not only fiercly defending this claim but also counter suing for all the damages I can muster, defamation, stress, pain and suffering. I think what you have done Pie and Beer is nothing short of pure extortion. You knew these were unenforceable and in my case I had already paid off a debt you claimed to own by the same company a year ago (which I will be suing to have repaid to me) and yet you push on. Added to this I too have paid for lengthy legal advice. Serve me I dare you, I am at home most days dealing with my new child and we would all like to see you in court! You should be shut down and your directors should face the full force of the law for attempting such reprehensible actions. This has been a heartache and waste of all of our time all for a cheap money grab. I shall try and respect you when you ask me if I have my own bags when I see you next bagging my groceries at woolies. Either that or send you photo's of the outside world when you are on the inside. Seevee, we don't trust you because you're not informed enough to make comment. Anyone who has done any home work or paid others to do so know you are wrong. I hope this is not your profession as you quite clearly suck at it. If you are not directly involved and are merely 'poking a rather large bear' i would urge you to find other means of entertainment, although my fellow PFF's are enjoying shooting your arguments down. If you are a mere minion for the company in question although I respect your passion for your position, I would urge you to take note of the information presented to you and ask you to reconsider your chosen profession. There are far better and more honest ways to earn a living and believe us when we say their's is coming and you really don't want to get caught in the crossfire. Who knows maybe I will meet you in court.
  12. Wow so it has come to this huh....rather desperate move don't you think SEEVEE or whatever your sign in is. Me thinks all us PFF's are onto something, really got you pooping your pants now huh. If you aren't of senior management I would think whatever wage you are being paid your dignity isn't worth it right? Whoever you are no doubt you're temporary you all are. Nice try Pie and Beer, keep it up its highly amusing.
  13. Sound the bells again huh...another new member, very sorry to hear they are still going and getting dirtier as time goes on. Have they listed a default on your file? If they do, another nice piece of evidence for your compensation case.
  14. Hey brickie I think you have been able to be left alone credit rating wise as they are under investigation and most likely arent able to list anyone else while this is happening. All good happy that someone is having a better ride.
  15. Thanks for the responses all. has anyones 30 days from their section 80 notices expired or have you all sent of responses and are awaiting further detail?
  16. Morning all, First things first, Rolf and Peter Andre, hey you let them in you have to keep them now we are closing the doors. Thank you all so very much for your input. I have awoken to a lovely "Intent to commence legal proceedings" this morning called a Section 80 in my letterbox. This is my third, new account person to "contact immediately" also the third different person however not signed only signed with their dodgy in house legal "company" (term used very lightly) name and I that is not exaggerated someone has literally signed in pen the company name, its really weird and very funny. I do however wonder if this is a loop hole of "i never signed it" tactic, time will tell. I will now be going back through posts now and past to start my paper trail barage all thanks to you guys and my fellow PFF's, so thank you. One question I have is to what the rules may be for sending threatening mail when clearly they aren't able to bring legal action. Surely you can't threaten legal action when you can't take it??
  17. Hi all I am one of Bogit fellow Freedom Fighters here in Aus. Yes we really are "Pioneering" a new way to seek out information about Dodgy DC practices over here and are gearing up to educate. I am sure the others will be long soon. Thank you very much for your support and advice. Bodgit will no doubt continue to relay our stories, they are all the same really just some of us have had the pleasure of calls to family members regarding our alleged debts or personal visits from the muscle men crew, lovely isn't it. Will be sure to donate, have to ensure groups like yours stay live for everyone to find solace against bully boy tactics. Bodg, will be looking into the compensation part, that sounds worth a go as my listing on me, my business also now has a lovely black mark against it.
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