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  1. am i ok to have salary paid in to this new account or does it need to go in to one the OR can access?
  2. Hi all Bit of advice needed, when I spoke to CCCS I am sure they said tyhat if I open a new account, co-op for example, after the Bankrutcy hearing then it doesn't need to be declared as it is not part of the bankruptcy, is that correct or am I making it up? I owe money to my current bank, Barclays, on my personal account but also have a joint account that is just ok, which is the one my salary goes in to currently, am I likely to have to give up both accounts and take out a co-op one, and if so should I do that before or after the hearing. Looking to go to court 1st Oct and don't get paid until 28th Oct so have a few weeks in terms of sorting somewhere for the salary to go etc... Advice please! Thanks
  3. Over the last 15 years I have managed to accumulate a large amount of persoanl debt through loans / credit cards etc... Approx £31K. In October 07 I was married and my wife is in the UK on a Spousal visa for 2 years, due to renew April 2010 for indefinite leave. It has always been difficult to pay the debts but this year has been the worst, I started the year with full time and part time job, I lost the full time job in March, started another end of April, lost the part time in May and the new full time in June, I have just started another full time role, but so far this year I have had 3 months with no income and am behind on all sorts of payments. CCCS have advised Bankcrupcy as I am only earning £21K now. If I apply for Bankcrupcy now, will this effect the Visa application? If all is finalised this year then we would be able to demonstrate regular income etc and bank statements showing regular payments etc for 3 - 4 months next year... My wife work also but is only earning £11K a year. Advice please! Want to go to court 1st October if it is not going to caouse a problem with the Visa next year!
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