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  1. no just letter from a solicitor saying that they are going to take legal action now. they written to me before but never said everything about court before?
  2. hi everyone, its been a while ok my story about 6 years i had 2 accounts with natwest with both of them having overdrafts, 1 being £150 and the over £350. one year we went on hoilday and dipped into both overdraft and took them the edge , but never went over. ever since i have been paying over drafts back. I even cleared the £150 one, and i was down to 290 on the other when natwest took my overdraft down to £300. then i made my normal payments but didnt realise that my overdrat changes took my over at some point and ocurred more changers. This made me mad and refused to pay anymore money into this account. anyway 2 years on they are taking me to court for a £1100, how unfair is that. also 6 months ago i had a payment from tax credit put into over account of £700 and i didnt know because natwest shut my accounts but tax credits told me that they didnt send it back and it had gone into the account. i`m lost people in what to do, its seems like the bank can do what they want and get away with it, please could someone give me some advise.
  3. hi there its been i while since ive been on here, basically my overdraft limit is £350 and i pay £10 into the acount for a long time now. but what happened one month i missed a payment and went over my overdraft and since then i rufused to pay any money into the acount or have any contact with natwest. the charges are outrangeous. then today i get a letter from fredrickson international ltd looking for 1199.00 threating court action. could someone please advise info on how to answer back to these blood suckers
  4. update recieved another letter from capquest 24hrs after they sent the first letter with the only difference being they changed the date to get in contact with them to the 31st of dec.
  5. update recieved another letter from capquest 24hrs after they sent the first letter with the only difference being they changed the date to get in contact with them to the 31st of dec.
  6. sent a letter back to moorcroft saying that the copy of the agreement in question was a poor black and white photocopy and was not readable and to me was not deemed legible. then backed it up with the legal terms and giving them 14 days to send me a better copy. got a letter back from moorcroft saying that they will not be dealing with this matter no more and passed my account back to halifax. the same day i also recieved a letter from capquest stating that they are taking over the account and i must contact them by the 28 of dec. please advise my next steps?
  7. sent a letter back to moorcroft saying that the copy of the agreement in question was a poor black and white photocopy and was not readable and to me was not deemed legible. Then backed it up with the legal terms and giving them 14 days to get me a better copy. got a letter back from moorcroft saying that they will not be dealing with this matter no more and passed my account back to halifax. The same day i also recieved a letter from capquest stating that they are taking over the account and i must contact them by the 28 of dec. please advise my next steps?
  8. update sent of the new account in dispute letter back to the dca and now ive recieved a letter from argos saying they have now sold the account to another dca. the same day got a letter from buchananclark+wells saying the same **** as the last dca said. could some please advise me on my next step because it seems that i`m going around in circles?
  9. this would be the first time that i would be going to court (if it gets there)and i was wondering what the cpr meant and what kind of flaw would i be looking out for?
  10. so guys from what ive read from the above section about multiple agreements. the two boxes above listed in the agreement one being the signing of the credit card and the other being the signing of the card protection. then the statement listed in the card protection section that the terms are included in the sections 1 to 4 which also includes the credit card should have it own terms and conditions away from the credit card. would this seem right and need to have it own terms and conditions seperate away from the credit card?
  11. thanks guys for all you help. it seems like ive got long hog in store for me
  12. it only says in the second box that i have ticked and signed for a credit card protection plan. but no where on the agreement is there any mention of the amount they are going to take and at what rate. it only says if i`m correct is this i understand i am purchasing the product ticked above the credit provided by you that the terms relating to the cedit for the products can be found on conditions 1 to 4 in the agreement. but it only talks about the credit card not the card protection?
  13. whats happened this account has been passed from debt agency to debt agency. in which ive responded to each one with a letter of dispute, which they have responded with a letter to say they have return the account back to halifax and also some have said they will close the acount till the information comes avaiable, but this agreement was sent by moorcroft a new dca dealing with the account with a statement saying that will put the account on hold for 14 days waiting a response.
  14. ok just to sum up, to test the water to see there reaction and if there is not a better copy of the agreement then i could have a case to challenge them on the grounds listed above. but im i only buying time here or have you seen or heard or had a similar case of you own? also is the legible of the contract looking at it a bit weak to build a case on. i dont know i`m only asking because its the first time ive come across this argument?
  15. ok thanks vjohn 82 i get what your saying now. the copy ive got is a bit more readable, but there are some sections that are not readable. would this be enough to deem it challengable. if so do you have a template i could use?
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